Raising chickens?

Raising chickens?

July 18, 2018 chickens Food 0

Should I be raising chickens?
Lynna “A Preppers Path ” Audio player below!

raising chickensChickens, the egg before the hen or the hen before the egg? An age ole question and at this stage of the game does it matter? Chickens lay eggs and eggs turn into chickens, both are good tasting and nutritious and are the key to the show “Chickens to be or not to be” on the Other Side of a Preppers Path. In a short series of shows we will travel down the path of raising chickens. Our first installment is aptly titled “ To be or not to be, should I be raising chickens?”

Listen to this broadcast or download “Should I be raising chickens?” in this player!

raising chickensIn this episode Lynna hopes to prepare you to answer this question, there are key questions that if answered honestly can prepare you for a fun and rewarding experience or save you from a big, really big mistake for you and the hens. The benefits are easily seen, home grown meat and eggs nutritious and safe, defense against insects, abundant high quality organic fertilizer and companionship and laughs. It’s all true but yes, there can be a downside and if not prepared or at least a little knowledgeable both you and the hens can suffer. They don’t have chicken rescues for nothing.

raising chickens 150x113 struttin-my-stuff-23441280235340QOumDo I hear a snicker? In fact there are Chicken Rescue Organizations or branches of other Animal Rescue Organizations that have developed out of need, when once highly sought after birds are set free to fend by themselves when things don’t quite work out right. And since Easter is around the corner, a cute little chick or bunny may seem ideal to put in the Easter basket for that youngster, but too often these animals suffer from abuse and abandonment.. Tune in to our first episode “To be or not to be, should I raise chickens?” on the Other Side of a Preppers Path Saturday.

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