Preps for almost any situation and concentrating on the certain needs of women!

Preps for almost any situation and concentrating on the certain needs of women!

December 28, 2012 Common Sense Prepping Family Newbies Preppers Sanitation Survival Tips 0

Common Sense Prepping 125A Prepper is a name for people who always plan for the unexpected.  Tonight we will discuss ways to stay calm, clean, and prepared in a SHTF situation.  Join Deb on “Common Sense Prepping” this week as she talks about what Preps are needed for almost any situation and others things that good people are sometimes too shy to discuss.  Women especially have certain needs that are sometimes over looked when storing Preps.  Half the show will be devoted to New Preppers, and will discuss what is in a regular six month storage plan. The second half of the show will be about the personal things women specifically need.  Deb’s guest at 6:30 will be, CommonSenseGrandma, who is known on You Tube.  She is another common sense gal who is prepping, and is also frequent to this chat room on  Join them as they talk about things women need to talk about.

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