Back to Basics With Industrial Oils – The Next Generation Show

Back to Basics With Industrial Oils – The Next Generation Show

February 9, 2021 Shows The Next Generation 0

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0 (12s):
Broadcasting Network. We have to hit the reset button to create a true culture of preparedness, starting at a very young age and so training all the way up.

0 (49s):

1 (1m 10s):
Hello everyone. And welcome to The. Next Generation. Show where we delve deeper into the little things in life. Here, we explore the lost art of fatherhood Parenthood, and fundamental preparedness for the world today. I’m your host, Ryan Buford, along with my co-host young master calling. And today we’re broadcasting from the heart of the Pacific Northwest. We thank you for joining us, and there’s not a moment to lose. So let’s dig right in first off, a couple of quick announcements, for those of you listening to the podcast. Thank you for that support. If you’d like, come on over and join us during the live streaming of these podcasts, by going over to Prepper Broadcasting dot com. There, you can listen to the player. You can also check us out on speaker and there’s an option for you to join the live chat.

1 (1m 55s):
By going over to, get yourself signed up, let us know what your signing name is. And we will invite you to our encrypted chat room. It’s a great opportunity to meet like minded folks, talk about stuff. And especially for a Show like today, you have access to all of the links that we’re going to be dropping in. Today’s going to be a very link, heavy show. We’ve got a lot of information to share, and we’re looking forward to getting into this a, the show for tonight. So when you’re, if you’re just sitting that feel free to join us in the live chat, if you’ve missed a live chat, you can always reach out to us directly. That’s one opportunity for, for, for you to get a hold of us. If you’re interested in saying, you know, finding out more about our shows or ask questions or anything like that, check us out on the Prepper Broadcasting dot com website under the next generation Show page.

1 (2m 43s):
And the last weekend, we just revamped our show page completely. And we included an entire comprehensive archive, which is up to date through last week. So we should be able to across our fingers and make sure that we keep that archive up-to-date so, and check it out, give us some feedback. There’s an opportunity for you to leave comments and, and start your own little back end conversation. Reach out to us directly. Our social media contact information is included in there,

2 (3m 12s):
Along with

1 (3m 14s):
What is there other stuff that’s there just general contact information. If you want to reach out to us directly, if you’d like, you can reach us by email at Prepper or check us out on some of those social media sites, but having fun over on Prepper and working on trying to figure out how to handle gab and a couple of other places. So looking forward to that, we did also sign up for rumbles. So we’ve got a rumble account now, and we should be able to start pumping some video videos in that direction. Once I test the waters a little bit first and see what’s, what’s going to be a, what’s going to work best for us as a special, thanks to the folks out in Los Angeles, California, as the top of listeners in one location this week.

1 (3m 59s):
So thanks for you over there down South looks like the escape from LA, or it might be a live-action reality. Show in the near future, maybe who knows, but either way, we’d love to see it. Thanks for joining us in downloading the episodes, listening to our live streams, and also thanks to, to the listeners across the pond and around the world. A, you know, it’s a pretty awesome, we got some new listeners in hungry and Hungary and Poland. So wherever you are, keep it up because we are all on this journey together. A quick plug for the changing earth podcast, I’ve been doing some audio voiceover work for Sarah Hathaway over there. Her audio drama series at the changing earth podcast is taking hold.

1 (4m 41s):
I think there we’re going to be doing the third Show. This is going to be released this Thursday. And if you want to hear some of my voiceover work over there and go check her Show out, you’ll hear me kind of speckled in here. And they’re handling some of the foreign accents like there’s some Russian and Hispanic, and apparently now I’ve, I’ve got to figure out how to do a German accent. So, so a game on we’re gonna, we’re gonna make it happen and see what we can do to help her out and bringing a little life into that show a tactical update. There is a new swag section that we’ve added. So feel free to check that out. Call on also added some swag for The Next Generation Show so sweaters, t-shirts that kind of stuff.

1 (5m 27s):
Let us know what you like, what you don’t like, whatever you buy, we’ll try and improve and go in that direction. So you guys, you’re going to be The the drivers for a while,

2 (5m 34s):
Whether or not We

1 (5m 38s):
Keep a product on the website or not. So we’ll keep changing that out. Keep checking back if you’d like it, grab it while you can. More product reviews on the way, got confirmation at the missing mission. Darkness bags are a go. So we are looking forward to testing those out. And I think we’re going to also be doing some fire edge work and some of the, maybe call them this week. And we could do some the, the easy clip footage this weekend. So lots of stuff in the works over a tactical So if you’re not following us over there and feel free to check us out and hit up the website, it’s a pretty easy tactical So for today’s show, we are doing the second in a short series.

1 (6m 20s):
That’s tailored specifically to Oils and last week we talked all about cooking Oils we had a great special guest on a chef out of Florida who contributed a significant amount of a fun stuff, conversations, facts, and information. When it comes to the types of oils that you want to use when you’re cooking, why you use certain ones in certain instances and how you use them, essentially, how they can be stored and how some of them may or may not be S need to be stored to make sure that they survive in whatever environment you’re in. But today we’re shifting gears, we’re going to the other side of the spectrum.

1 (7m 0s):
We’re, we’re going to be talking more on the non-edible kind of Oils the, the Industrial Oils and the whole reason behind the show. And I was going to kind of let it go and not do it too much on Oils. And I didn’t think it was going to be that big of a, of a deal. And I even, you know, when I, when my wife asked me, you know, Hey, what’s the show going to be about tonight? And I told her about, you know, motor oils and stuff like that. She wasn’t exactly thrilled with the idea of, you know, it didn’t, it didn’t exactly, you know, make her jump for joy that I was covering a topic as simple as motor Oils, things like that. And she was like, Oh, that’s, that’s gonna be exciting.

1 (7m 43s):
You know, with, with all of the sarcasm, you could think possible with that phrase. But there is something to be said about the importance of understanding, how, how much of an impact Industrial oil has on our lives. There was in fact, just this last week, there’s a coworker that I work with and he kind of works down the hall for me. And here we’ve actually lucked out in our region. We we’ve had some really decent weather all winter long. I think we’re, you know, up, we’re still getting a fair amount of moisture, but instead of, you know, heavy snow file, that moisture is coming in the form of rain.

1 (8m 26s):
Cause we’re up above freezing. Temperatures were in the upper thirties, mid forties, which is extremely rare most, most often in this time of year, a lot, we’re looking at feet of snow. Umm, you know, measuring it in, in the form of, you know, how, how do we get the grater out to clear the roads so that we can actually get ambulances down? You know, it’s a little bit different than what than the norm, but so that’s kind of one fortunate thing, but there’s one worker.

3 (8m 56s):
He, he actually has a heating oil as his, one of his main sources of heat. It’s not as only source of heat, but it, it it’s the main source of heat in his house. And for whatever reason, he didn’t get into the most recent delivery of oil. Now, for those of you who aren’t familiar with using oil for heat, it’s actually something that is more common in the Northeast than it is anywhere in the country. However, there are people speckled around here and there who do use a heating oil to heat their homes. They use it for the same, same things as like a heating water using that for heating, you know, radiant heaters, et cetera, et cetera on down the line.

3 (9m 41s):
And in some cases I actually have stoves that run on oil. He because he missed his delivery or didn’t get his delivery. He was kind of without, well then all of a sudden a a day goes by and then another day two or three days go by and then no sign of Oils no sign of a delivery. Eight days go by and he’s been completely without heating oil. And he’s been using alternative forms of heat, like small space heaters and a, you know, a small wood stove and trying to avoid using electric heat when he can.

2 (10m 19s):
But essentially

3 (10m 22s):
The main source of heat that he goes with for his, his home heating his home has been completely removed stripped and his inability to access that resource, put them in a bind and it could have put them in an even deeper bind. If for example, we were out of power and the a, the winter was much more harsh than it is this year. And you know, here, we’re calling and I, we spent the last weekend, excuse me, cleaning up the shop. And one of the things that I’ve been doing recently is stockpiling my old oil that I’ve been using for oil changes, excuse me, that I’ve been draining from my oil changes.

3 (11m 5s):
So now I’m up to about eight gallons of used motor oil. And I’ve started to look into some alternatives for this oil because you can only turn it in so much at a time and it’s just a hassle to go and recycle it at the, the local auto parts place or a dump or whatever. The only takes so much. So I’ve been helped hanging on to it because it’s either too much of a hassle for me to drop it off or, you know, I’ve just kind of it it’s out of sight out of mind, but now I’m starting to look at this oil a little bit differently with a different mindset. Like what can I do with this oil aside from letting it pile up in my shop?

2 (11m 45s):
Well, you know, the, the,

3 (11m 47s):
The thing is, is when it comes to Oils a few of us recognize how significant Industrial oil is in our lives and with a lot of the changes that we are only now hearing about with regard to a, you know, pipeline, executive orders, fracking, executive orders, the, our ability to be independent when it comes to the oil industry being taken away, we are going to start seeing some significant changes in oil oil prices, the fight for oil, oil regulations, a, you know, different, a new Oils there going, I’m going to hit the market, stuff like that.

3 (12m 29s):
And I have a feeling, a lot of this is going to change very quickly and it’s gonna catch a lot of people off guard. So when it comes to all of these kinds of Oils, what does it have to do with prepping? Well, last weekend, like I mentioned, we talked about the cooking Oils, but you know, now that we are looking at this Industrial side, when it comes to maintaining your equipment or things like your heating options or your various needs for different forms of maintenance, we’re going to explore some of the reasons that you should have enough of the right stuff on hand now and how to make sure that you get enough of what you need and, and making the right decisions along the way.

3 (13m 15s):
But first, before we get on with today’s show Colin, would you like to share your fun fact of the week?

4 (13m 22s):
What to do? Everybody, you might have a colon I’m the co-host here at The Next Generation Show at Prepper Broadcasting Network dot com you know, pretty much year to, you know, share on my phone. In fact of the week I finished dead sentences and making the announcement, as dad mentioned earlier about the new, you know, t-shirts and sweaters on the tactical torture So if we want you to check those out, by the way, also at Teespring,

3 (13m 51s):
I take no credit for the, the ones that call and created, he come up with all of those on his own. So shout out to Colin for developing those The Next Generation, Show a swag t-shirts and sweaters and stuff.

4 (14m 8s):
Yeah. So, and one thing, one thing I also wanted to mention that I didn’t catch you say the first time was that there’s a, there’s also an option at tactical torture to make a special request. So if you see any of the designs you like, or if you have an idea in mind, we know, and you know, all of these, they say, they all say like, you know, things like preparedness or self reliance, or next generation kind of a sort of what makes it a related to us. So if you see a new design, you like, but you want it on a particular piece of apparel, just, I guess your dad and email, I have never actually even clicked on that link. So that’s just a little link that’s as a special request.

4 (14m 47s):
Anyway, without any further ado, today’s graphic on a fun fact of the week is when oil was first drilled on an industrial scale for commercial use, it was refined into kerosene and replaced. There are a traditional traditional whale oil found in household lamps at the time. So kerosene it was the first, first replacement for traditional whale oil.

3 (15m 9s):
Nice. Yeah. And actually, I think I heard a story about kerosene, where it was a byproduct of diesel production or or something. And then once they developed and are like, Oh, we have, we have all this great diesel fuel, except for we have the strange byproduct. What did we do with this? You know, leftover, because whenever you have a chemical reaction, you, you have usually more than one component at the end. You’re either offgassing or you’re producing some other chemical or whatever. And Kiersten was a byproduct of that oil refining, and they were able to find a way to use it.

3 (15m 50s):
And you say to implement it in all of these lanterns and stuff around the country, it became the first horns. Yeah. It became one of the, yeah. Lighthouses. I forgot about that. And that’s why they had like the housekeepers as well. You know, it’s so Oils, is it pretty critical? You know, it’s, it’s been around for ages and we kind of mentioned this on the previous show, but, you know, thanks buddy. I appreciate that. Its kind of fun to keep those facts coming. In fact, there was a guy you don’t know if you have that message in front of you, I should give him a shout out. There was a guy on a watch and I could read or write now. Yeah, go ahead and read it. There’s a guy who, who was kind of shout out Colin for, for the Show go ahead buddy.

3 (16m 36s):
Alright. The guy says the name. You can say his first name though.

4 (16m 40s):
No, no, no, no, no. You don’t know basically what it was this on. When you say that it was on some, some cupboard, I thought it was on Prepper station community. A, the first part of the threats has a, do you do The Next Generation Show podcasts love that. Show that responds. I do. Thanks for the kind words. I’ll pass it along to Colin. What’s the favorite part of the show? He responds columns have a fun fact of the week plus the great info. You shared a herd you’re from Prepper or going to Prepper camp this year. So again, I think that’s still up in the air, but a huge shout out to that guy, Charles, Charles,

3 (17m 19s):
From who knows where, but Charles, thanks for the shout out or sink through the, the kind words where you do. You appreciate that. And if you a, if you find us on social media, let us know that you heard the shell and then we’ll shout you out on the live air as well. So that’s awesome. So cool deal. Well lets, lets get into the show. We burned up enough time dinking around. So back to basics when it comes to non-edible oils. So why non edible oils? Why are these important things like equipment maintenance, vehicles, engines, and even firearms. They all rely heavily on Oils and many cases. They have to be specific kinds of oils. And we’ll get into that in a second.

3 (17m 59s):
Another component when it comes to non-edible Oils or some of the other things that you want to maintain, things like clothing, gear, maintenance, stuff like that, leather, a leather holsters, leather boots, leather belts, leather hats, and also canvas a waterproofing, certain components can be done easily when it come, you know, as long as you have the right kind of Oils and what do you use for that type of thing? We’re also covering a little bit of the other components of oil, like Colin mentioned with the carrier scene heating and light things like a small cookstoves oil furnaces and heaters and oil lamps. So these are just a snapshot of some of the things that, that oil that is important to have the right kind of Oils around.

3 (18m 44s):
So like for you, and I didn’t even write this below, but just off the top of my head, I keep it a lot of lamp oil around. And just in case I keep an extra stash of Tiki torch oil around, which turns out, happens to work as lamp Oils. So if I, if I run out of lamp oil, which I have used on occasion to just have light around my house, when the power goes out, until I find other sources of light or even till the power comes back on in some cases, then I have a little bit of a back-up, you know, and it’s something that can be done in a gray man style where you are able to store three or four gallons of lamp oil out with your Tiki torches.

3 (19m 24s):
And it doesn’t, it doesn’t set off any red flags. And yet that three or four gallons of lamp oil for Tiki torches, it could very easily keep you in the light, even in a dark sun scenario, let’s let’s get started with some, some of the oil ratings will start with a passenger vehicle Oils so essentially passenger vehicle Oils are rated based on a specific form of demarcation. And in his basically a donut is what they call know the donut it’s API or in the United States and the eight CEA in Europe.

3 (20m 4s):
Now basically what this is, is it’s a designation when it comes to motor oils and the API stands for, I don’t know what that stands for. It stands for something interesting.

1 (20m 18s):
That is I can’t find it.

3 (20m 23s):
I don’t have it at the top. Oh, there is the American petroleum Institute. Essentially. This is a program that, that identifies as the quality of Oils and how they’re supposed to be used, what types of vehicles they can be used on. And that sort of thing, essentially what that does is its it’s a stamp on the back of every oil container that you have and you match that up to whatever component you’re going to be putting that in and important. Why is that important? Well, essentially when you have the right kind of Oils, you can prolong the life of your machinery of your equipment, of your small engines of your big engines, all that, you know, you’re you’re whether it’s diesel or gasoline and what the right viscosity is that you need to use.

3 (21m 7s):
A lot of those are gonna be available in your normal, what do you call it? Like user manuals and stuff, but there might be times when you, maybe you go to a yard cell and pick up some piece of equipment that you don’t know what kind of oil it goes into it. You might have to do some digging and find out what kind of oil is in it. Or there might be a sign on or a sticker or something saying, you know, you use synthetic oil only, or do not use synthetic Oils or only use five weight 30 Oils five w 30. So when it comes to making sure you have the right kinds of oil and making sure you maintain your equipment properly, a you know, doing so allows you to prolong the life of the vehicle.

3 (21m 52s):
And call-in a, one of the reasons when we started talking about, Oh, let’s maybe we should do a show on Oils a, one of the first things he, he piped up with was, Oh, you know, that would be a good one because of what happened with my brother. So do you want to, do you want to share a little bit of what, what that was all about?

4 (22m 12s):
Yeah. So I’m without getting into too many details of the boar. You guys, basically dad brought up the idea of potentially doing a show or a couple Shows on the different Oils and the importance of them and, and, and, and why they’re different, you know, why, Oh, the Oils aren’t the same. And immediately I thought he was talking about motor oil because that was, you know, just the, the most obvious connection. I wasn’t thinking like, you know, I don’t know any other will, you can get a hydraulic oil, a gun oil, you know, edible oil. So I, my mind immediately went to a motor oils and I made the connection that recently my brother has, I, you know, he he’s he’s had issues with his car and it, it it’s just due to poor maintenance and it ended up costing him a, a very pretty penny that is going to require him to take out a loan basically because he wasn’t able to show his maintenance records and he was taking poor care of his car.

4 (23m 29s):
And I, I guess that’s the gist of it.

3 (23m 35s):
Well, a lot of people don’t realize that, you know, two or $3 per core of motor oil, it can save you from catastrophic in most cases. And in an, in other cases, you know, even in a financial situation, when it comes to a service, you know, how would you call it a service coverage or something like that? If you haven’t been maintaining your equipment properly, your warranty is shot. You know, they won’t, they won’t honor any of the things that, that you would have normally been covered under. So making sure that you maintain your stuff is one part of it, making sure that you do it properly is another, there’s some great information that we identified on different types of Oils and different specs running the right kind of oil.

3 (24m 26s):
Let me see if I can go back. I’m trying to go back and forth between the chat room and these links, but essentially making sure that you have the right form of oil is critical for the vehicle that you’re using. What are the ones that I just dropped in chat has an, an extensive breakdown of what kind of Oils are acceptable to use and in what kind of engines, whether it’s a diesel engine or a gas engine, but also it’s important to recognize that some oils have become obsolete. Some oils that have specific ratings will only work for models that are like 1993 and older or 1971 and older, or, you know, model a or model T.

3 (25m 21s):
And it’s important to recognize that, and you know, not all forms of oil are equivalent. So make sure that you’re using the right kind of oil. And if you’re using an, an oil that’s not acceptable for your own vehicle, you know, maybe you find it an old shed that has older, old oil from that was used to change out a 1988 Bronco or something like that. And you put it in your 2018, a Camaro. You’re probably going to have some challenges with that oil and the engine’s performance. So keep that in mind. It’s a, this is a great breakdown that we found from a Oils, a super resource for those of you who are interested in, make sure you like Locanda says, make sure you keep in read your maintenance manuals.

3 (26m 6s):
And when we went through the shop, we were cleaning it out. I set up a whole file cabinet and one drawer has dedicated to shop manuals. So all the old stuff that I forget about, or maybe I kept it in a bag somewhere, it’s really easy to just save it up and to make that happen. I was like, I’ve got a call coming up on Skype, someone just trying to reach me, not sure who it is. Sorry if I, sorry, if I just hung up on you on Skype, but anyhow, odd with a Show. So what happens if you put the wrong kind of oil in your car or your vehicle or your equipment? Well, in cases, wait, wait. Oh, go ahead.

3 (26m 46s):
Can I guess, yeah, it will explode. Yeah. That’s I mean, it it’s possible if you use the wrong kind of very interesting. Yeah. You know, you could have potential explosions, especially if the oil is not the right kind. If it doesn’t have the right lubricity or maybe it’s too thick, you could have issues with oil that is not able to get where it needs to go or oil that is too fine and is not able to work with the way it’s supposed to. If you don’t use the right oil, you can get oil leaks, reduce mileage engine noise, that’s a irregular, umm, sometimes you can have a cold start issues or you could even burn oil or just like overall damage your engine.

3 (27m 39s):
So make sure that you were using the right kind of oil and understand the difference between synthetic and regular Oils. We’ve been talking about more Oils extensively in This this portion of the Show. And some of the things that I do that have helped me out, especially with my own oil management. Cause I change on my own. Oils changed, changed my oil. My Self, what I generally do will is go, especially if there’s a sale, I might get, you know, three or four gallons at a time and set them aside. And while I’m getting the oil, I’ll get an oil filter or to, and what that does is it allows me to change my oil when I want to and not wind up going to the store and getting stuck without not being able to find the right kind of oil or not being able to find the right kind of filter because they’re out.

3 (28m 41s):
And there’s a potential that we could start seeing some extreme fluctuations in oil pricing. So if you’re able to get on it now, a store up, you know, what kind of Oils you typically use in a safe location. You won’t have, you’ll be able to ride out any some or any of these fluctuations in time. So yeah. Let’s see what else we are. Oh, used oil and, and disposal. So what do you do with it? Well, especially your motor oil, once it’s gone bad, once you’ve filtered it out or a filter now, but drained it out of the vehicle, a lot of your lawnmower or whatever. What do you do with it? Well, in most cases you can, you could just run it all and just keep running it.

3 (29m 23s):
It’s just an oil change to change the filter. That’s all. No, no, no, no, no. You want to change it up? Well, because it, it just felt are all the bad oil. Yeah. Is it? It does go bad over time. It breaks down they’re the properties that it had won and it was off the shelf can be degraded for the same that it was used for before. However, that oil is still effective for other things. So, you know, you can recycle it for free. If you don’t want to deal with it, you just want to take it and hand it off. And most cases they’ll accept it like your auto parts, places and stuff like that. But there are alternatives and it was mentioned in chat, a waste oil burners.

3 (30m 2s):
And I’ve been looking around online to find a really good resource for this to try and see someone who’s actually done it. I’ve heard some really good feedback and waste oil burners are a great way for you to be able to heat a space, especially like a shop or a garage or an outbuilding, something like that. Using a, an assembly of old components, parts and pieces that essentially just allows, allows you to use a drip feed Oils system for burning. And what happens is as that oil burns to completion, you get heat out of a component and in doing so you can heat spaces out of it. So an oil burner, a used oil burners were a great don’t know much about the efficiency of that or the legality.

3 (30m 48s):
You’ll have to check your own the regions where you live, because you might have to add some special emissions things. If you want to try and put it out, oil waste oil burner in your shop or garage or a new one, the backyard or whatever the playground. And you know, then there is an alternative for Redefining and filtering Oils. So you can actually use refined oil or filtered or oil to some extent in diesel engines. And I’m not gonna get too much into this because we’ll get into this in a later series that we do. I want to be able to refine my own oil and try it myself before I preach this. So we’re going to hold off, but I will share this resource that I found from our buddies down under I’m from the Australian government.

3 (31m 35s):
There’s a, an extremely useful fact sheet when it comes to use motor oil and being able to use that as a valuable resource, they go into the details of, you know, how you can filter and change out the oil for a different purpose. Basically use it for heating and use it for a other forms of fuel or a lamp oil’s and things like that. So thanks to those guys for, for putting that together. Maybe one of these days in the United States we’ll get on board with that. But in the meantime, we’re just going to have to be mindful of what we do with our youth oil. You know, another option. I mean, I don’t advise it, but it can be done for weed control a, you know, dust control.

3 (32m 20s):
That’s the kind of thing, especially if you live on back country roads, but you didn’t hear that from me. So on to some other Oils let’s let’s boy. Okay. So I’ve got three other kinds of, I want to cover a four other kinds. Wow. Running a little bit a no three. Okay. So we are going to cover

5 (32m 41s):
Oils and lubes for like a gun and oil and clothing and gear and then heating and light. So let’s take a quick break. And when we come back, we’ll dive right back into this a This oil pot. So hold on everybody. And we’ll be right back.

6 (33m 4s):
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6 (33m 45s):
The ultimate in vehicular preparedness, visit fire Can you use promo code 2021? The situation around Syracuse is one of utter devastation, just like the other cities. The danger area of highest contamination extends out 20 miles from the blessed. So all of the communities immediately around the city have major problems. There is a mandatory evacuation order for the city itself and some of the immediate surrounding areas. They are testing the water air and soil constantly for contamination. This excerpt is from the book titled the Prepper part one, the collapse by Carl Ady Brown, go to today and explore one family’s journey through the collapse.

6 (34m 38s):
Again, the Prepper by Carl Ady Brown, Or are you prepared to be the family doctor in a disaster or emergency? This is the Intrepid commander and I’m a holding the Prepper’s medical handbook by William w 4g MD. In this grade book, you’ll learn how to prepare for medical care off the grid. You’ll learn about assessment and stabilization you’ll even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation, and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home. The 2020 taught it’s a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in America.

6 (35m 19s):
Get the Prepper’s medical handbook Again, that’s the preppers medical handbook by William w 40

5 (35m 29s):

0 (35m 38s):

1 (35m 55s):
And we’re back ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, friends, and family from around the globe. Thanks for joining us. Thanks for staying tuned. And don’t forget to keep our show sponsors and other show hosts in mind on your path toward preparedness. We’ve been asked to a, to help James out with something specific. James is the, the Intrepid commander. In other words, James Walton, over at the I M Liberty Show and he, he sent us some marching orders and ask that we read these on the show as kind of like, how do you say a full on Testament of where we are as people as a country, as a nation, and rather than play the audio.

1 (36m 45s):
I figured I’d read it myself at least the first time around so that I can be part of this committee. So these are the marching orders that we’ve received. The people demand that the federal government protect and adhere to the bill of rights, email your Congressman and ask them what the people should do when they see their bill of rights being dissolved before their very eyes. Now, more than ever. It’s important that we recognize the importance of getting involved when it comes to political activity from the ground up from your own community, all the way up through to a, you know, a regional and state elections, whatever it might be, get involved, but make sure that you take the time to recognize when the bill of rights is facing the potential erosion from overreach or whatever it might be.

1 (37m 44s):
It’s our duty as quote unquote, governed by choice individuals, to make sure that we uphold the, the choices that we have and the rights that we have a manifesto is, as Volcana says in chat. Beautiful. Shows you’re going to continue this week with James over at the, I am Liberty Show Wednesday nights, Dane D governmental armory on Thursdays, that day of the NBC guy on Fridays, Jeffery on Saturdays, Stephen Ben King on Sundays. Monday’s excellent. Prepper round table last night, if you didn’t catch it, it was the last night, you know, it was the last night, go back and check it out.

1 (38m 25s):
Steve and Matt King and Michael Klein go to Michael Klein was back on board, Dave and Jordan James, a whole group. It was, it was a great conversation be had. So

3 (38m 36s):
If you haven’t already heard it, go check it out, go download that episode and then coming full circle to Tuesday’s kicking off double play or a Tuesday With the Patriot power hour and a yours truly here at The Next Generation Show. So we’ve been talking Oils and we’ve got a couple more things we want to cover. Let’s dig right back into what we were talking about before, before we get into the Next individual types. I figured a call-in we check in with, you see if there’s anything that you want, or to start off with some of the stuff that you found.

4 (39m 14s):
Sure. So we have, we covered any Oils specifically, I, when we were talking about obviously old or motor oil, but yeah,

3 (39m 21s):
Yeah, it was just a motor oil. So you can, you can tackle some of the other one’s if you are.

4 (39m 26s):
All right. So, so this is, this is not the first one, but also probably the most interesting that I was looking into. Yeah. Either that or the lamp oil, but it’s a firearm oil or, or gun oil, I guess you can call it it’s the same wheel that you might find in The pretty much any, any full set of gun cleaning tools, like a, like a gun cleaning kit. Yeah. Typically if you get a decent one, it will probably come a gun oil. ’cause that’s a pretty critical part of maintaining your firearms.

4 (40m 7s):
Oh yeah. Yeah. And, and although a fairly consistent with gun kids, the actual Oils themselves based upon brands are, are never the same because the firearm oil is made of a compound of minerals and it’s typically lightweight. And obviously it’s designed for a, you know, lubrication and preservation of your firearm and specifically metal to keep it right, to keep the metal moving components of the gun. Cool. And, you know, and it prevents, prevents it from breaking and overall just allows the gun to stay in better shape and function properly.

4 (40m 49s):
But this, this is what I found interesting is that some people, a, a, a large majority, or I guess not a majority, but a large number of people find This the skeptical. Like they don’t necessarily believe gun oil is the best oil to use on your gun because it evaporates quickly because it’s a lightweight or lightweight oil. And it, if you have, or if you, if you put an oil on your gun, when you clean it, if you store it away, especially if it’s in the summer months, it’s likely to evaporate. And then the next time use it, it completely eliminates the whole point of oil it to begin with.

4 (41m 29s):
So obviously if you’re going to use a radio that you want me to go to oil it regularly, and I, before you use it, but I mean, at least We, I know, I know We oil, our guns before or after we shoot when we clean them, you know? So you don’t mix up the oil and all of the other dirty parts of the gun, but instead it’s better to use, or I guess you could use firearm model or a gun. Well, as, you know, oil and other things indoor course where it’s less likely to evaporate like a, like a sewing machine. Oh yeah,

1 (42m 3s):
There you go. Well, actually we used to use, when I played the trumpet, we used Hoppe’s number nine oil, essentially for the slide. Cause there’s certain components in there and we just, I mean, I use it all the time and it was, I mean, it worked great for me, so

4 (42m 23s):
Right. It was a metal on metal. So it serves its purpose, I guess. Yeah. It will be up. And, but because, Oh, go ahead.

7 (42m 31s):
No, go ahead.

4 (42m 37s):
The same people who are, you know, are, are, or aren’t necessarily pro a gun, Oils say that motor oil is either best or a good alternative to gun oil because, you know, to use on your guns because it it’s, it’s designed. I mean, it it’s a petroleum and a couple other minerals, but it’s based to be good against all elements. So it was not going to evaporate a, you know, it, it would get dirty, but it’s more likely to be long lasting and more effective. So motor oil is, is, is, is, I mean, you can say it the better. Oh yeah.

1 (43m 16s):
Well, and that’s kind of the thing, I mean, so the same Motorola that we were just talking about for your vehicle in a pinch can be used as a substitute on a firearm. And why would that be important? Well, if you’re in a situation where you need to lubricate a firearm, for whatever reason, and you don’t happen to have your cleaning kit and all your Oils and brushes and stuff handy, you got to figure out a way to keep that gun from binding up. If it overheats and the metal expands, you’re going to have all sorts of failures. So making sure that you have an effective oil on hand for that in a pinch, you know, you, you could do that. There are also some other alternatives.

1 (43m 57s):
I dropped a couple of links into chat room, a general all around maintenance, gun lube and grease article from field and stream, and also an article on the best gun Oils substitutes. And within that substitution ranking is a low viscosity oil, like a five or 30 oil or something like that. That can be used in a bind. Now, what are the cool things that I found was cause I was like, well, you know, what kind of alternatives could you use in a pinch? What did they use before they had motor oils when they’re, when they were firing guns on horseback? Right. Well, it turns out they use tallow. If you remember the last episode that we did, we talked about tallow a as a potential cooking oil, that cooking oil, which has rendered animal fat, mostly from wild game or a large animals like cow L things like that.

1 (44m 54s):
Tolo can be used as a gun Oils substitute if no gun oil is available. So worth noting in a pitch, that could be something that you could use, not as common anymore because of the, the advancements in oil technology, but a good little piece of information to keep in the back of your mind. So awesome contribution with that one call. And I would like to give a shout out to Dane D with a gun metal armory on Thursday nights. If you wanna get more information specifically about firearms, he is a gunsmith and would be able to give you a good, a, a better direction than just us talking, hear on the podcast.

1 (45m 39s):
He’s, he’s pretty much the mouthpiece when it comes to firearms and intelligent conversations in that regard. So if you’ve got a specific question and feel free to reach out to Dane, he’s an excellent resource here at Prepper Broadcasting.

8 (45m 54s):

1 (45m 54s):
We are, you know, there’s a, some, some things to keep in mind with that limitations to extreme weathers when it comes to using motor oil. For example, if you’re in extreme cold situations, like as pointed out in chat from Kellogg, a motor oil, it doesn’t work very well when temperatures in a negative 32 degrees Fahrenheit. So keep that in mind for those of us up North, not all oils are equal. The next one I wanted to talk about, and I can be somewhat brief on this is a clothing in gear and clothing and gear oil is something that a lot of people tend to neglect.

1 (46m 37s):
And we’ve talked about before. Oops. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry, washing over a comment and chat. So we’ve talked a little bit before about shoes and footwear. And one of the things that we came we talked about specifically was a leather boots. Now leather boots need to be maintained in an extremely generous way compared to your typical, you know, polyester, rubber soled sneakers, or, you know, a man-made materials, that kind of thing. And the reason is because leather has a tendency to fail over time if it’s not been properly taken care of it.

8 (47m 23s):
And I

1 (47m 23s):
Remember so when I was a kid, I played baseball and I remembered my brother played a little bit more than I did. So he continued on through high school and college where I kind of sloughed off after about middle school. I was tired of getting beyond a doubt all the time to, you know, take one for the team and get a free walk. Right. That’s when they would throw me in. Anyway, I do remember the significance of making sure that you have a properly oiled glove and why that’s important. I mean, if you go to the store and you pick up a baseball Mitt and you handle it off of the shelf, it’s so rigid and it is so strong informed.

1 (48m 10s):
And if you know how to play ball properly, you can’t play with a baseball Mitt that has been so that that’s basically brand new off the shelf. You have to be able to properly. I dunno if the term has been a season, the glove essentially where you oil it properly put a ball in usually a rapid belt around the outside of it. Let us set for a little bit, test it out, try it again. And what happens is over time, those Oils we’ll help the actual The the leather itself. And a couple of ways. Now, when you’re playing baseball, for example, you’re constantly in the dust, dirt, et cetera, you have the potential to expose it to rain, different types of weather.

1 (48m 55s):
Plus you’re you have the potential to expose it to different abrasive surfaces. Whether you’re talking, you know, what do you call it? The, the basis of themselves or, or, you know, the bottom line of your gear bag or whatever it might be at the end of the day, the guys who had well-oiled gloves outperformed, the guys who showed up with a brand new glove. The difference is because that Oils glove did a much better job of making the, the, the task at hand, literally easier, making sure that the leather was malleable, that it could form to the baseball of it.

1 (49m 36s):
It could form to the glove that same mentality applies to boots. It applies to holsters. It applies to belts, to hats, to any sort of leather component The you might have not drill leather, not artificial man-made letter, leather, but actual leather. And making sure that you are able to preserve that glove for decades. On the other hand, if you don’t oil a glove, if you don’t oil your boots, if you don’t oil, your belts, they deteriorate. They, they go, I don’t know what the term is really, but they essentially kind of, I don’t know, they fray, they, they just fall apart.

1 (50m 22s):
In some cases you can repair that, but in most cases, what’s the niches that point it’s, it’s pretty much a lost cause.

3 (50m 29s):
Go ahead.

4 (50m 30s):
That’s the kind of the kinda become like, it was always a little bit of like rubber. It, it starts to become brittle and dry and, and,

3 (50m 40s):
You know, it’s useless. I mean, you can’t and the feet apart with your hands,

4 (50m 44s):
Right? If you, and if you think of like leather for like sharpening, I mean, you could use a leather belt to sharpen things, but if it’s still functional as a belt, but you want to use it for a sharpening as well, it’s important to keep it on a healthy and hydrated too.

3 (50m 59s):
That’s right. So you dropped a couple of different links into the chat and I have, I’ve spoken to highly of some of these Liberty leather goods has a, a, a, a very nice leather oil on some of the ones that I’ve used personally are open offs, natural preserving oils. These types of oils can be used on your, your leather goods. And they’re extremely useful to keep on hand, keep a little extra on hand, because if you run out of your leather or leather or Oils, excuse me, you’re going to have to find an a, a substitute, you know, some kind of a, a wax or, umm, you know, some sort of a fat material that you can use as a substitute for a maintaining your oil, your, your leather goods.

3 (51m 43s):
Now oil jackets are something that are kind of a different thing to me, a little bit new. I’m going to be doing some experimentation on these. I I’m getting a barber style jacket. It’s a, that’s actually Barb. I don’t know if it’s a barber or Barbara B a R B O U R. They’re generally a, a European form of oiled jacket. That’s essentially oiled cotton. That’s woven very tightly and it essentially provides a waterproof wind resistant cover. And they look like leather, but it’s not leather. It’s actually Oils canvass or Oils cotton. Essentially Oils clothing can serve a significant purpose, especially in extreme environments or even just, you know, drizzly, rainy, wet environments.

3 (52m 30s):
Having a shield from wind and water can be a universal, a, you know, you know, benefit, essentially making sure that you are able to do that. But even that kinda stuff, you have to make sure you maintain it. So make sure that you have the right kind of a Oils on hand for that application. In some cases you can actually create your own waxed or oiled clothing. And there’s a company here in the Northwest called Otter wax. I’ll drop those in the chat. I’m not, you know, none of these people support me. I just I’ve used their products before our, our is another option.

3 (53m 10s):
They, they provide wax bars that can be used to turn any, essentially any cotton garment into a waterproof and partially windproof a material and I’ve used it before on hats. And I think I’ve got an old BDU coat that I’ve used it on. So definitely some, some options with using Oils for your clothing and your, your get around gear, that sort of thing. Do you want to chime in anything at this point, buddy, before we get into the last one?

4 (53m 44s):
Yeah. I mean, I’m going to how a, head’s up to you as a one oil that as far as function goes that I, I didn’t, I learned a bit of a little bit about what I’m going to do it. My research was a, the hydraulic oil. I mean, I knew, I felt like oil had basic has basic functions. We talked about it before for a few breaks, a, you know, the garbage truck to, you can see on there, big old, I mean, it depends on where you are, but the, the automatic garbage trucks that pull up to the side of their, can it just lift it into the thing, you can see that they have exposed hydraulic systems, a little, a hydraulic arms and presses for things like hydraulic presses or log splitters.

4 (54m 28s):
But what, I didn’t know, it was that they use a hydraulic systems on aircraft aircraft flight control, like the, the, the wing panel things. I had no idea. And it was just, that’s pretty cool. Yeah.

3 (54m 45s):
Yeah. Well, you know, it it’s it’s, I thought it was the one that I kind of neglected on here. What we should mention a hydraulic Oils because hydraulic oils are different than your typical, you know, motor oils. And you might not think that a hydraulic oil or having hydraulic oil on hand or be that important, except for when you need to go and lift a vehicle. If you’ve got a, a Jack that is failing or that might have some issues, you know, a little bit of hydraulic oil might be the difference between whether or not you are able to lift a car up to change a tire or fix something underneath it, or, you know, whatever I’ll use a hydraulic oil or a hydraulic Jack for lifting other stuff.

3 (55m 31s):
You know, maybe you need to, to use a pump Jack or a bottle Jack, for example, to, to the shore up a floor at a house or something, or if you don’t have, you know, if, if it’s leaked hydraulic oil, if the hydraulic oil is failed and you didn’t have any on hand and the hydraulic jacks, just so you know, basically a very heavy paperweight or a doorstop or something, you know, it’s pretty much useless. So a hydraulic oil is definitely another one worth keeping on hand. Now we’ll, let’s talk a little bit about the heating and Lite and jump in to the pint sized Prepper project. I don’t wanna spend a ton of time talking about heating oil and, and different forms of light Oils since we’ve touched on some of these already, but I will give you a couple of links and drop those into chat.

3 (56m 17s):
So just a quick, quick snapshot heating oil is used in about five and a half a million homes in the United States. Don’t know about our friends up North. It’s probably somewhere about the same. I would think most of these are in the South, or excuse me, the north-east of the United States. And in most cases, they’re kind of discovered at a scattered out here and there, including my name, my a coworker who just happens to use heating oil. When you are out of heating oil, there is a potential that you can use diesel fuel for heating oil. And I left a, a, a link in chat on how to substitute diesel fuel for heating oil in general.

3 (56m 59s):
And it takes a little bit of a process, but it’s not impossible. And it’s something that could be a potential alternative, especially if you have a diesel vehicle and you’re running a heating oil on your house and have you run a heat oil on your house and you don’t have a diesel vehicle. You might want to look into that. The potential of that ’cause the 10 or 15 or 30 gallons that you have on your vehicle might be enough to get you through a couple of days, at least until you could go and get a, get a refill or whatever, it might be a carrier seen a, I dropped it a little bit of information in there. This was from the national Institute of health.

3 (57m 40s):
And I have a lot, that’s basically a, a breakdown specifically of kerosene, what it can be used for how and when to use that for heating and lamp oil. And then lastly, I had another comment or at least a, some information from happy Prepper. So these guys follow me on Twitter, Twitter, a shout out to those guys, but they have an alternative oil lamp, kind of a website that is specific to oil lamps, and what a, what types are available, what types of oil you can use in them. And some of the alternatives, things like using wine glasses and a WIC to be able to generate as a, a, a kind of a makeshift oil lamp.

3 (58m 24s):
So with that, let’s, let’s jump in to the pint size Prepper projects. Since this kind of ties into what we’re working on today, the pint-sized Prepper project of the week is brought to you by a power of film. Solar. Remember, you can go over to the, to the tactical, check out a power from solar on our vendor page, or just go over to the power of film, and use the promo code PBN tent to get 10% off of your Next light saber product. So a call-in, why don’t you go ahead and explain a The project this week, the way that it requires to build it and, and we’ll go from there.

4 (59m 4s):
Yes. So power from solar Ray products, great people. Well, you can’t really speak to, Oh, you know, who the people are. You know what I’m saying? Five out of 10, three is a winner. Okay. So tell me a fan of a project is going to be a, a, just a basic oil lamp and a lot of the ones online, or do you use it? You use a vegetable oil and we’ll get into that momentarily. But for this project, what you will need is a, a Mason jar or a glass jar of some sort and all of a pickle jar, or a, a, if you eat sauerkraut that typically comes in glass jars as well, a any sort of a glass jar, really a cork, some paper towels, a paper towel, or an old sock.

4 (59m 52s):
That’s a a hundred percent cotton canola oil kerosene TKI, or a lamp oil. Whenever you choose, you can use vegetable, even as I just mentioned. But what I noticed is a vegetable oil is a lot less flammable kerosine,

9 (1h 0m 8s):
And a canola

4 (1h 0m 10s):
Oil are, are both good substitutes and Tiki oil. If you have it, because obviously that’s going to work for an odorless. So it lists flame, which is the idea behind the lamp oil, right? And then the next one you will need to is a scissors and or a knife and a drill of which is also optional. So I want to do this project is I’m going to start off by puncturing a hole in the middle of the lid, or if you have for a few using a Mason jar, it will just be in the middle of a little metal disc that you are using a, you just want to make it a little hole in the, the middle that’s. I don’t know, you probably make it an eighth and eighth inch thick, not too big, but you want it to be able to fit a decent size to work through their, and you’re going to start by making your WIC.

4 (1h 0m 57s):
If you’re using the sock by stripping the sock into a quarter inch pieces and soaking it, you know, you just want to see single strips. You don’t want to like have the socket. Double-dip you, you make single strips that are roughly a quarter inch thick, and then you’re going to soak it in water with some salt. And then once you’re done soaking it for 10 to 15 minutes, you’ll let it sit out to dry. If you’re in the sun, that’s preferable, but, you know, just to let it air dry, and then you want to feed your wick of choice sock or a paper towel twisted up through the hole in the lid. And then you’re going to make a hole in the cork with a drill or a knife. If you are careful and then feed the opposite and that you didn’t put through the lid into that cork and cork a, the hole on the cork, obviously it has to be big enough to fit that Wiccan through the idea behind it is, is just a sort of a way to a w w a S a way to weigh it down at the bottom of the jar, as well as absorb some of the oil.

4 (1h 1m 58s):
And so you just to speed it through it, pay it off with a non on the other end of the cork. Then you want to fill the jar about a quarter, the way full with a quarter of the way full with oil of your choice. And then you add the wick and lid to the jar. Then you want to let it sit for about 10 to 15 minutes to soak up all the oil. If it doesn’t work right away, you might add a small amount of oil to the exposed work at the top, after you were attached to the lid, to the jar, and you essentially have an oil lamp, the flame is exposed. So it can be used as, you know, sort of like a candle style lamp or a, a, like a, like a burner.

4 (1h 2m 38s):
You can make us stand and then, and burn. So the cook stuff, if, if you’re so willing, but it is unfortunate that it’s exposed. If you could fashion some sort of an enclosed version, which there are out there, but they require a little, a little extra give, you know, you have to put in a little bit extra effort in order to make those enclosed, but it it’s ideal because it’s a, it’s not like a flame. That’s gonna just going to blow out like a candle. It’s a, it’s a lamp. So it’s going to burn, it’s going to take a little bit more to blow it out, but do you keep that in mind that it is an exposed flame and you want to be careful, but I’ve got a couple different uses uses, I guess.

3 (1h 3m 22s):
Yeah. So if a guy didn’t have a S you know, an actual oil lamp, he could go out to scrounge up a couple of pieces of equipment to take up an old sock and put a little oil in there. A little bit of flame next to you. You know, you got light. Even if the power goes out a volcano, it says in chat that, ah, you know, she lost power a lot in and the Eastern provinces of our Canada up North. And they use it a lot of Carson heaters. And it’s, it’s definitely something worth noting. I mean, the, the value that we place on oil is not nearly as high as the uses that, you know, w where it’s present in our lives.

3 (1h 4m 5s):
We hope to keep these food, these projects coming and not to use food. I’m looking at the, apparently I’m thinking of dinner. And, you know, there’s, there’s a lot of skills that are learning curves, courage through projects like this, like being resourceful, you know, using the materials you have on hand, finding alternative uses for things. And just generally making sure that you have alternative sources of light and or heat when you need them. We do want to keep these projects coming to you. So if you’d like to support our work directly here at The, Next, Generation, Show head on over to Amazon and type in my name or Colin’s name or pint-sized Prepper project. And our books will pop right up it’s over at Barnes and noble as well.

3 (1h 4m 47s):
If you’d like to order hard copies. And of course there’s links to that on our show page. So feel free to do what you got to do, download a copy of the day to get 28 more projects like this one that you can do with your family. We’ll work on getting a volume two out here and the near future. Now that I finally got the archive dialed in, but I think for the final takeaway today, once again, Oils or essential, we mentioned last week, how important Oils were, and when it comes to food, how important they are to us as human beings, as part of our diet, but how much are we really paying attention to how essential oils are outside of our diet, outside of what we do.

3 (1h 5m 32s):
If you had no oil, you couldn’t physically go to, to start your car and drive down the road, you might be able to, until the oil, it was in, it ran out or dry it up or deteriorate you did, but then what your motor would only be worth about two or 3000 miles beyond the oil change duration, maybe 10,000, if you stretched it. But the thing is, you know, how much of what we do relies upon oil when you break it down and you realize, well, you know, when it’s used as a preservative for oil, it’s, you know, well, a preservative for leather it’s used as a preservative for my firearm.

3 (1h 6m 19s):
It’s used as a preservative for a while. A vehicle it’s used as a source of heat, that’s uses a source of light. The idea of oil is almost as essential as water. So how much stock are you putting into your Oils stores, specifically? Your non-edible Oils stores till the last couple of years, I’ll admit I’d never stored motor oil in my garage. I just went to the motor there, not the motor. I went to the auto parts place and picked it up right when I needed it, or I pulled him to the jail. If you lose, or, you know, Joe blow lube and you know, and you did the keys over and let them do their thing.

3 (1h 7m 3s):
Next thing I know I’m driving away in a freshly oiled car, right? That level of neglect and, and lack of care at the time, it didn’t seem to matter. But now it’s something that we as preppers really need to pay attention to and recognize that if you can’t, you go to the store and pick up a specific kind of oil, then you better be able to have some of that fun on hand. So do an inventory. But this time, when you do your inventory checkoffs, one of the boxes on where Oils are actually used in your own life, your leather boots, when’s the last time you dressed him up, your vehicle was the last time you got an oil change, or are you overdo?

3 (1h 7m 55s):
Do you have enough for not only the next oil change, but the one after that, thinking ahead, you said in this regard can be extremely useful when it comes to making sure that you have the best use of your space, the best of the severe time and the best of luck of your money. It really to make sure that you preserve what you have. So take the time and check it out. And don’t forget the importance of Industrial Oils in our everyday lives, especially when it comes to prepare this last week and last week Show we did the first part in this series, specifically talking about cooking Oils and the importance of having the right kind of cooking oils for the right types of cooking, that you are doing the right temperatures, the right smoke points, and all of that with our special guest, a chef Joseph out of Florida.

3 (1h 8m 56s):
So if you’ve missed it, or remember, you can check it out on our, on your favorite streaming service on the previous show page, or you can go to our new archives page over at The Next Generation Show Show page. And that’s posted on tactical So feel free to check it out. If you go to download the show, or if you go to a download the The episode or whatever, be sure to leave us a five star review, and it does help to boost our presence and allows us to share this message with others. Next week, we are going to continue with our Oils series. For those of you who haven’t been completely bored out of your minds, and we’re doing our best, I think, to rally some support around essential oils.

3 (1h 9m 39s):
And we’re hoping to get a, a special guest on, to talk specifically about essential oils and the different types and forms and how you can use essential oils in your Prepper pantry and a and medical cabinet. So stay tuned for that should be a good one next week. Be feared, be sure to join us. And, you know, I think that’s going to be it for today. Everyone, thanks for joining us on the next generation show. And don’t forget to tune in next time where we explore another aspect of the little things in life to make all the difference in the world. This is your host, Ryan Buford, and your cohost Colin Buford, reminding you to stay informed, get involved and be prepared, have a great night everybody and make it a great week.

0 (1h 10m 32s):
thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting. Network where we promote self reliance and Independence tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at Prepper Broadcasting dot com.

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