Prepper Debate – Round 2! – The Next Generation Show

Prepper Debate – Round 2! – The Next Generation Show

October 7, 2020 Shows The Next Generation 0

0 (14s):
The broadcasting network we have to hit the reset button, create a true culture, preparedness, starting at a very young age all the way up.

0 (50s):

1 (1m 13s):
Hello everyone. And welcome to the next Generation show where we delve deeper into the little things in life. Here, we explore the lost art of fatherhood Parenthood and fundamental preparedness for the world today. I’m your host, Ryan Buford. And along with my cohost young master Colin, and we are broadcasting live from the Pacific Northwest with you for joining us tonight. And there’s not a moment to lose. So let’s dig right in first off, a couple of quick announcements, lets see, for those of you listening to the podcast, we do thank you for that support.

1 (1m 46s):
If you’d like to join us during the live stream, check us out by going over to the element side of things, join us in the chat room or tonight’s going to be a special night because we’ve got live questions coming in from the chat room and Colin and I are going to be debating on some of these critical components of preparedness. Some of the things that pit people against each other, you know, last week during the Show we had a couple of questions pop up that were provided ahead of time regarding, you know, whether we prefer cast iron or stainless steel and why, or is it better to be feared, loved or respected?

1 (2m 27s):
And why? The idea of these questions is to really delve into the things that ah, that we deal with in the preparedness world and preparedness community and find ways to really flush them out, determine what is the right thing to do and where do you really stand? So if you wanna get in on some of this action, you got to join us and chat tonight. We’re going to be taking a few extra questions from the chat room. It looks like we’ve got a lively group of folks tonight and my a gray welcome volcanic. Welcome. And for those of you, there was another gentleman then in chat.

1 (2m 59s):
Let me see if I can catch his name real quick. Give him a shout out for showing up Eric Swanson. Welcome. Glad to have you. So a, if you guys have any of the, those polarizing Prepper questions, please do. Oo, that’s a good one. Yeah. They’re dropping in the chat now. So we’re going to have to drop in here with guns blazing, so to speak for the next few minutes. But anyways, off topic, we are getting a little sidetrack here. If you would like to join us a go to the D a Prepper website checkout on the chat room option there.

1 (3m 36s):
If you’re over there, give us a shout out. We can do what we can to bring you into the element app. And at that point, we’ll check you out in the live show, a chat room. So there’s, This an invite process. It has to happen there. But when you do that, your part of the gang, you get to check out some of these things and really follow along behind the scenes. There’s some great stuff that happens behind the scenes and in that chat room that you don’t necessarily here on the livestream. So it was like a great little way to do that.

1 (4m 7s):
So a special thanks to the folks across the pond and around the world who a tuned in and listened to this podcast. We do appreciate that support. I didn’t get a chance to check out who the, the, a number one listeners were for this area or for this, for this week. But whoever you are wherever you are, we appreciate your time. And we appreciate you. Haven’t you having the forethought to check in, to preparedness and check out Prepper broadcasting.

1 (4m 39s):
If you are a floating around the internet and decided you want to land to on the Prepper website, check out our portal over on the PBN site. This is our special member Porter That portal That is an opportunity for you to check out added content, different types of podcasts and things that are offered specifically for a patron’s and listeners. I like who you want to have a little bit of extra content on the side. So if you’re not getting enough on the day to day podcasts, the daily audio caches and all of the miscellaneous other things that we do, there’s more available.

1 (5m 16s):
So check it out over on the PBN website and sign up for a membership to get out, get your hands on some of that added content. If you’d like to reach out to us directly here at The Next Generation Show, there’s a couple of ways you can do that. You can check us out on social media. All of our contact information is listed on The Next Generation Show page there. You’re going to find our S a handle’s for Twitter, Instagram, me We parlor, Facebook, all that good stuff. And if you ever have a question or if you’d like to drop a Show idea or suggestion, or if you wanted to get some of our show notes, drop me a line

1 (5m 58s):
So let’s see, I think last week, I can’t remember if I mentioned this or not. I’m going to drop a link in chat in case anybody missed it. I actually read a small section of a book that I was incorporated into a room for a short story that I contributed with two, this a it’s a Prepper compilation, basically winter in the apocalypse. It’s a, a book that’s pudding. That’s been put out by D Cooper with the angry Eagle publishing group. And I had a short story in there.

1 (6m 31s):
I can’t remember what I called it. Even at this point, it’s been so long ago, but you can check it out last week. Show I read a little snippet of it. And for those of you are interested in its kind of a, a spin on some of the Debate of how to handle things, how to handle people as you’re being approached alone in the woods. Some of the things that connect humans as people and, you know, its kind of interesting. We’re looking over the, a, the history of the last couple of weeks and it seems like we only have a, a 24 hour news cycle.

1 (7m 9s):
And yet over the last two weeks we’ve had so many things happen that it’s, it’s almost at breakneck speed. You know, you can’t hardly buy the time you can’t get caught up on one issue. They’re three or four or there other issues that, or, you know, immediately resurfacing of course its kind of to be expected this close to an election year and the election cycles and all the other things that are happening. And one of the main things that we’ve been interested in over the last couple of weeks here have been centered around the Debate, which was actually for those of you who caught at last week during the live show a it was a major disappointment for a lot of people, a on both sides, reali and what it boiled down to.

1 (7m 54s):
And I didn’t, we were doing our live show at the time. So we never really, you know, we never really had an opportunity to check it out and see what was going on. So I caught the headlines after the fact and it pretty much sounds like the Debate wasn’t really a Debate at all. If anything, the debates that we had here on the Prepper Broadcasting Network were more lively and realistically, you know, the sort of thing that you would expect in an Debate some deep thought and you know, considerations on either side, there wasn’t any name calling or swearing or cussing at each other.

1 (8m 29s):
And really it was a matter of context, what we’re doing, what side we’re on. And after that episode last week, I came to realize that the idea of Debate pits you against yourself in a lot of ways, it makes you question the idea of what you are, what your ideal is. You know, there’s some Debate questions that are coming in a, like crazy from the folks in chat.

1 (9m 3s):
And I really appreciate that. We will hopefully we’ll get to the majority of these. So I’ll quit yapping here in a second. We’ll get into some of those,

2 (9m 11s):
But the idea of

1 (9m 13s):
Debate and putting a critical thought at the forefront of your speech and your actions and your beliefs. When you come to a Debate you look at both sides of these things and a, what we did last week is the same thing we’re going to do this week. We’re going to, this is going to be Round to basically have a Lincoln Douglas, somewhat sort of STYLE of Debate where we each have Colin and I each have two minutes to discuss a topic, whatever the topic is, and whoever gets asked the question, winds up, they, they can choose a side, whatever that site is in that position.

1 (9m 54s):
And whoever has to respond must respond in the opposite. There’s a term for it. And I’m totally drawing a blank now in the affirmative, but the opposite. So essentially you have two, you have to Debate the opposite. So whether or not you agree, you still have to find the reasons for making the viable point had the room. You have to make that, Oh, what had Collins? Collins said it perfectly last week, re rebuttal, you know, regardless of how you feel about that particular topic.

1 (10m 31s):
So what we’re talking about tonight, whether or not we feel one way or another about a certain topic, we’re forced to take the opposite of each other. So that’s kind of what we’re doing here. Umm, and you might, you know, be wondering what does any of this have to do with prepping? Well, there are some really polarizing OPIC topics in preparedness. Some of the things that are coming across in Debate like even, you know, Longbow versus compound Bo or revolver versus semi-automatic.

1 (11m 3s):
These are some significant Debate questions and positions that people have held for long periods of time. That in many ways are polarizing. You know, a lot of times you’ll see these top 10 methods for X or a top 10 firearms for this or why you should never have a revolver. Why you, you should always have this. Well, those are easy for someone who’s never been in the preparedness community to just glom onto you and take that as full direction. But it’s also dangerous.

1 (11m 34s):
And when you don’t consider other opposing views, you could inadvertently be putting yourself at risk. So the whole idea of these debates is to help you work through methods of understanding, both sides have a situation, whatever it might be, something as simple of whether or not you choose a long bow or a compound bow. And the whole idea of that is too to have that exercise and make it real and tangible and see where you really exist within that scheme of things.

1 (12m 16s):
But first, before we get on with today’s Debate Colin, would you like to share your fun factor of the week?

3 (12m 23s):
Well, what do you do everybody? My name is Colin and I am the cohost here at The Next Generation Show and I’m today, like dad said, we’re going to be doing some, a similar debate. STYLE a podcast, but you know, before we dive into it, there’s going to be different questions in whatever, but a real quick, I’m going to cover the Kraft. You go on fun factor of the week. Umm, as you could probably infer, that’s just a tidbit of information that I share every week with all the listeners today you scratched on one factor of the week is a fossils place.

3 (13m 3s):
The earliest penguin relative at some 60 million years ago, meeting an ancestor of the bird we see today survived the mass extinction of dinosaurs, dinosaurs. And that’s from mental no way. So that’s insane. Yeah.

1 (13m 19s):
England survived. The mass extinction that killed off all the dinosaurs, a bird that doesn’t fly.

3 (13m 26s):
Yup. Well, I mean they might’ve flown back then. Like I remember I did affect saying that they adapted from flying to swimming, but yeah, they never know a 60 million years. That’s how that’s a lot of time to change and adapt.

1 (13m 38s):
Wow. That’s crazy. That’s interesting too. I mean it kind of makes you wonder if you know, whatever it did cause the extinction did it affect certain animals because of certain things, you know,

3 (13m 50s):
That’s cool. You right? Yeah. Yeah. That’s pretty cool thing. Ones are awesome.

1 (13m 56s):
Nice. So wow. On that note, let’s get, let’s get right into this. So a we’ve got two minutes per question. And what we’ll do is let’s just go back and forth. So Colin, you’ve had a few minutes to go ahead and pitch or watched some of these awesome Debate questions filter in through chat. Why don’t you go ahead and pick one and then will give me a time to read through some of these and, and I’ll pick one Next will just kind of go back and forth. If you guys are in chat and you see anything, or if you want to contribute to this, either side of the bait, Debate on the questions that we choose.

1 (14m 34s):
Please feel free to chime in and maybe will give you a quick shout out and make it a little bit more of a community event instead of a me and Collin up here, shouting at each other. So go ahead, buddy. What do you got?

3 (14m 48s):
You know, so yeah, definitely in, if you guys want your question to be read the question I’m going to pick for this one is from Volcana and chat. She says, or she, the debate is the situation is a neighbor. Your neighbor runs out a food and whatever, you know, scenario they might be in and asks, if you have anything, what do you say on one side you say, I have food.

3 (15m 18s):
The other side says you don’t have food, but you actually have food. And so are you gonna be like deceiving, right? You going to lie about it? Are you going to be generous? Are you going to be Curt?

1 (15m 29s):
Yeah. Well obviously this is a scenario that’s going to be played out in several different ways over time. And I think it’s important to recognize the significance of neighbors when it comes to need, if a neighbor round of food and asked for food to survive, I think I would give it to them. And here’s why. So I live in a, in an area where my neighbor and I, we watch each other’s back and I say neighbor in Cingular because we are in it for each other, a in a, within a one mile radius.

1 (16m 9s):
And while that is a on, on one hand, that is dangerous to my own food stores. But on the other hand, it is something that I see as an advantage. It allows me to be able to provide in some way in exchange for the potential of something else down the road. Now, given I, one thing is with this question is, do you give them the food? And the thing is, is I would consider that to be an exchange.

1 (16m 44s):
I would provide them with food in exchange for a promise, whether that promise is work or whether that promise is protection or whether that promise is making sure that he takes a night shift. If we have to defend, you know, our homes together or a, you know, a, there are, have been situations where he’s been able to pull me out of a ditch because of the, a, the snow or the, the drifts. The thing is, is when you open yourself up two people in need and you do it in a fashion that allows them to provide for themselves and for their family.

1 (17m 24s):
There’s a lot of, there’s a lot of good that can come out of that. And I think if you, ah, if you deny them the food, especially in my particular situation, there’s a potential for an animosity to grow they’re. And I know, ah, some of the weaponry that my neighbor has, and personally, I don’t want to have my own neighbor a, to be an enemy in situation where we’re struggling to get food. If anything, I’m going to read all the allies that I can get.

1 (17m 57s):
So I would definitely give them the food.

3 (18m 0s):
I just got to make me look like the bad guy. Now

1 (18m 3s):
We call it the bad guy, right?

3 (18m 7s):
So that, you know, it was definitely valid in that. That was where my brain was originally at. But you know, my famous saying on the flip side, it, it depends on the scenario being that I have to answer in denying them food. This will be my reason. I either a don’t have enough food to supply for them.

3 (18m 37s):
You know, it’s only, it’s only me and whoever else on it is that I need to supply or two, I do have enough, but you know, it’s like a, a matter of I’m struggling to justify this, but it’s a matter of every, every man for himself, because I mean, we even, we even talked about it on our, a show with Joshua Guy, you know, in an end of the world situation or when it comes to survival, it is every man for himself, him or herself.

3 (19m 15s):
And I’m creating allies. You know, it comes with an exchange. If you give them something, they give you something back. But you know, Independence is, and always a bad thing in those situations because you know, what you have for yourself is enough to keep you and yourself alive and, you know, survive, you know, and that’s, I guess that’s the, The the long answer of MI trying to be the good guy in that situation.

1 (19m 52s):
Every man for himself. I see, I see how this is going to go. This has gotta be an interesting night, right?

3 (19m 58s):
Holding, holding a grudge though, on with your neighbor like that. I don’t know. That’d be difficult. Yeah,

1 (20m 3s):
It would be. And that’s the thing, it’s, you know, you got a lot more neighbors than I do. You know, if you deny food to one neighbor that might actually be an advantage to your point, because you don’t want all the neighbor’s to be talking or you know that, Hey, you know, this guy has got you. I mean, there’s, there’s a difference there, you know, there’s a difference between living in an urban environment and denying food and living in a rural area where you’ve only got one neighbor and denying food.

3 (20m 29s):
Yeah. It’s like pulling, its like pulling out a pack of gum in class. Like you get one too, you get out, you have one away and then the whole class want’s and then you walk out of the closet with one piece left or right.

1 (20m 40s):
All right. My turn. So this question comes from emigre and chat. Thanks for the contribution. Do you, since you were talking about food storage and running out a food storage, do you eat out of your stash or go shopping when things are starting to go downhill?

3 (21m 3s):
If things are starting to go downhill, then you know, I think it’s safer to eat out of your stash because you add to your stash when things are at all right terms. But once things start, you know, like at the beginning of the pandemic, when everyone was skeptical, we had, or food saved up and you know, we definitely limited our trips. Like we, we only went for dairy products or meat products and E and we started to sort of lean towards only going into that stuff if it was necessary or if it was really bad in our area.

3 (21m 47s):
But for the most part, as things started to go downhill, we were eating out of our stash. So I w I would say, eat out of your stash because that’s why it’s there. It’s things are really bad. You have that to fall back on. So, yeah.

1 (22m 2s):
Okay. So I would have to say that eating out of your stash, when things start to go downhill is probably the worst possible thing that you could do because when things start to go downhill, if you’re eating out of your stash, then when things get really bad, there’s a good chance that you won’t have anything left in your stash. So what I would say is that it’s critical to not eat out of your stash when things start to go downhill, because what you would need to do is instead add things to your stash.

1 (22m 42s):
When things, when you see signs that things are starting to go downhill. So for example, when, ah, the Corona virus started hitting our area and we started saying, dogfood going like crazy. You know, you couldn’t get a bag of flour off the shelf meat with starting to disappear. I was grabbing the same things that everybody else was grabbing. Not because I needed it because I was, you know, I had, excuse me, some of the set aside, but the thing is, is once there’s runs out, I’ll know that at least I have the same amount set aside on top of my regular stash so that I can wait out no long, you know, no, not only whatever is happening it for everybody else.

1 (23m 29s):
Who’s not prepared. But beyond that, if I start eating my stash at the moment, the shelves start clearing out, then you start having problems. You start having issues with, you know, your own stash, getting depleted when you neglecting the opportunity to take advantage of stashes that you can build upon and things like that. Like they say, in chat, you know, Sam B eight out of her stash when the grocery stores were fine, what if that pandemic got worse?

1 (24m 1s):
And she would be months behind when it turned really bad. That’s exactly what I mean. You never want to eat out of your stash until the point when your stash becomes your only resource for food, with the exception, the one exception would be rotating out your stash to make sure that it doesn’t go bad.

3 (24m 22s):
Alrighty. All right.

1 (24m 26s):
You don’t have to kick up your game, Mister Colin. You can.

3 (24m 31s):
Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Alright. Alright. Alright. See, I think, I think I thought there was an another food. No, that was, that was the second food question. All right. Let’s shift gears a little bit. Okay. Umm, just a very simple Longbow or a compound. And then as the second volcanic added, that was Eric Swanson. That a lawnmower compound and then volcanic added aluminum, aluminum, arrows, or a carpenter.

1 (24m 59s):
Ooh. Okay. So this is a double edged sword here. A little bit of arrows are a carbon fiber and Longbow versus compound bow. Now I would have to say that me personally, I would rather have a compound bow and I would rather use aluminum arrows. Now the reason for a compound bow and the reasons why a compound bow is far superior to a Longbow and why aluminum arrows are far superior to carbon.

1 (25m 32s):
Fiber is very simple. It, it has to do with safety in longevity. So I know that a compound bow is something that I can pull back with, you know, 40 to 60 pounds of draw and I can hold steady for as long as I need to because once those cams reach a certain point, I can hold it all day long. The tension is relieved by the cams in the long bow, which would allow me to remain in a, a fixed position for longer, which for anyone who’s ever had to hunt elk or a large game, knows that your ability to maintain a stable, steady composure is critical on whether or not you’re able to actually make the kill.

1 (26m 23s):
On top of that. I would have to side with aluminum arrows over a carbon fiber arrows for a very specific reason. I’ve actually seen what happens when carbon fiber arrows explode. And oftentimes if the front of the carbon fiber arrow a doesn’t fly, right, or if it’s deteriorated from exposure to the sun or gone in a small crack in it or something like that, carbon fiber arrows have a tendency to explode and send shards of carbon fiber forward using the force of the draw right into the hand of the that’s actually holding the bow now while they might be lighter and faster than aluminum in a survival scenario with the last thing I want is a hand that’s completely immobilized and full of a carbon fiber needles, basically that I have to go around the woods and, or, you know, even the flatlands and try and survive an infection or whatever else as a result.

1 (27m 29s):
So absolutely against the idea of a Longbow and carbon fiber Aeros in all regards get a hand full Canada’s sharing for calling Boohoo.

3 (27m 43s):
Oh, rip

1 (27m 45s):
I haven’t okay. So I got to say, so Eric Swanson says in chat sissy bow, but you know what I’m, I’m not, I’m barely a buck 51 I’m wet. So I kinda got to go with a little, a little bit more leverage than in my regard. So I’ll take that one as a hit.

3 (28m 4s):
All right. So I think obviously I wouldn’t want my hand completely immobilized, but you said for longevity as in like both the Aero and the bow will last longer, like it won’t wear down longer or were you talking more just how you’re able to hold it longer?

1 (28m 29s):
Both. So a aluminum fiber or aluminum is just a aluminum tube basically with a head on the front. And you know, the fletching on the back carbon fiber is a different style of a, a material. So it’s actually, it’s a composite material. That’s spun kind of like fiberglass, but a carbon instead. So it’s not a solid issue or anything. It’s all just kind of woven together.

3 (28m 57s):
Well I’m, as you said before, carbon fiber is lighter than aluminum and a long bow is also lighter than an more slender than a, a compound bill. So if I was in like a really like, I guess like bushcraft sort of situation where I was running round in like hunting with my bare feet, I’m like some stuff from hatchet.

3 (29m 28s):
I w w I would go with the Longbow and the carbon Viveros because they are light. And I think it would, you know, it would make you mower like a, like a, a compound bow is more modern. I feel like it’s, it’s more modern day hunting STYLE of bow hunting. But when you look at a long bow, its like, you know, that goes back to the roots of what a bow is and how it’s been so effective for so long.

3 (30m 6s):
Now, obviously I’m not like Jack, so I don’t know how long I could actually hold back a long bow. I don’t know if I’ve ever actually, you know, taking the one out and used it. But I do know that I, I, they’re not too difficult to use. So I think, I think those are both the solid points and to the carbon fiber it’s light. And it’s quick as his, the rest of the setup. I think those pair together perfectly well.

3 (30m 40s):
Okay. So let’s see whose turn was it? Was it yours or mine? That was yours. Yeah, you answered first. So I’m going to go a little dangerous on you over here to see how well you know and how, what you would prefer. Cause I saw this early on in. Go ahead and if I can find it, I wanna, I think it’s actually a worth it.

3 (31m 11s):
I’d lie. Be curious to see what your position is on This the question is if I can find it, hold on. I’m not seeing it. So let’s go with, and I’m just gonna make it up because I saw was, it was the way it was the revolver won.

3 (31m 41s):
So it said a revolver, a semiautomatic revolver, or a semiautomatic that simple or a revolver or a semiautomatic, the Debate of the century, take your position calling revolt. So the revolver is solely pistol, right? I mean there are older rifle revolvers, but they’re pretty rare. Right. But semiautomatic, it could be either a rifle or a yes, correct.

3 (32m 13s):
Let’s say for the sake of a pistol semiautomatic pistol or semiautomatic revolver, we say send a revolver. What a while? What am I thinking? A semiautomatic pistol or a revolver. There we go. All right, well, I’m going to, I’m going to take the easy route here. Well, no, actually, man, this is tough. I think I’m going to have to go with, I think I’m going to have to go with just The the semiautomatic pistol because they hold more rounds.

3 (32m 50s):
The chances are they’re lighter and more effective and you know, you’re not gonna spend a whole lot of time emptying and reloading them cause it, it may it man, other than reloading, it does the emptying of on its own. A, the sides are probably better. I’ve I’ve shot in a row. I shot a revolver before and it was accurate. Don’t get me wrong. But I know sights on a lot of the modern date pistols or handguns are, you know, they are pretty fancy.

3 (33m 21s):
So I think that’s, that’s, that’s where I’m gonna have to go with plus I mean, a lot of them are more concealed. There are really small revolvers, but semiautomatic pistols like a three eighties. They’re pretty small.

1 (33m 39s):
Yeah. Some of them can be pretty. I agree there are some issues or some, some forms of a firearms that are extremely low profile and That can, you know, have a, they have a success rate based on the type of sights you might have on them. But the thing is you really can never truly rely on a semiautomatic pistol. At the end of the day, you’re going to have all sorts of parts and pieces and spring’s and components and garbage that in a real survival scenario you could potentially lose.

1 (34m 19s):
I mean, I don’t know how many times I’ve disassembled a semiautomatic pistol, similar to a Glock or a, a Walther or something like that, where the top slide comes off and a spring goes flying somewhere. Well, how are you going to be able to find that spring if you’ve got, you know, a bunch of fall leaves floating around or a pile of snow somewhere, or you know, maybe you’re firing over a body of water. Nope, absolutely not. The absolute, the best form of firearms for protection has to be the revolver because it’s simple because it’s something that has never really changed over time.

1 (35m 6s):
The idea of revolver is something that has, has been once it was invented what’s it was, you know, determined to be effective is something that never has changed. You know, the idea of a semiautomatic pistol, you can add rounds, but that just means that you’re firing off because you can’t hit something. Anybody who’s ever run a, a, a revolver learns very fast, how valuable those rounds R and when you send a around down range or to your target, you know, that that bullet was spent for the reason that you spent it.

1 (35m 52s):
It’s not a matter of just pulling the trigger until the clip runs out or the magazine runs out. Excuse me. When you’re limited to rounds, you have a higher level of a value associated with each Round on top of that. You can make sure two, you know, you can clean the weapon easier. There were fewer equipment or a fewer things required to keep that firearm working. Ah, it works every time. It’s a simple lever that allows the, a, a, the firing pin to connect to the end of the Round the primer.

1 (36m 29s):
And, you know, at the end of The at the end of the firing session or whatever, even if you’re out of ammo, you still have every casing at your disposal. So you have the potential to actually reload your rounds if it comes down to it. So in a survival scenario, I would never rely on a semiautomatic pistol to get me through the night.

3 (36m 56s):
My guy, have you seen that seen in Hitman where you just breaks through the revolver?

1 (37m 1s):
Like looking for that?

3 (37m 3s):
Oh, at least at least the parts have a semiautomatic handgun or a supposed to come apart.

1 (37m 10s):
Yeah. So Friday and pay for any of you who have not seen it, man. It’s one of our favorite Kung Fu movies. Go check it out. There’s this? I think it’s the first one. It man, the first man or a man and two, I think that’s what it is, but ah, there’s a scene in there where he a, he disables a revolver with a simple hand gesture. It’s pretty cool. So I will take that one as solid hit from Colin, but a that’s the way it rolls, I guess sometimes, right?

3 (37m 40s):
Yeah, I definitely, yeah, yeah,

1 (37m 43s):
Yeah. So, alright, cool deal. Well, let’s, we’re God, you know, what should we let’s get a quick sound often chat. Should we continue on with these for a few more minutes to wear at the top of the hour? Or should we, should we see what we can do to drop in a commercial here? And roll will give you a quick, quick, quick moment here to check it out. And then I think it’s a it’s Colin’s turn. So

3 (38m 12s):
Let’s give this just a second. See, otherwise they’re a while they’re answering, I’m going to, I’m going to scroll up. There’s definitely a lot of questions and there’s also a lot of just general messages coming in to chance. So anybody in Chad, who we might of missed, we apologize a lot of times, two times also, you know, moving against us. So always time’s

1 (38m 36s):
Always going against us. So. All right, well let’s just kick it on. We’ll skip a commercial will go right to the top of the hour with you folks. We appreciate you sticking around and hopefully we can kick off on another one calling why don’t you go ahead and pick another question and we’ll see if you can knock me down a notch here or there.

3 (38m 57s):
All right. Well, let me, let me, let me look through it. Let me, let me just see what’s going on. Oh man. Oh man. Trying to find like a very two-sided one here, but I think, I think this is a good one by volcano. I’m I’m trying to get other peoples to, I know, I think we’ve done mr. M I graze one of his, perhaps not

1 (39m 30s):
That’s if we got a lot of remember when he, when you Kellogg to drop one in there.

3 (39m 35s):
Yeah. Okay. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. We’ve gotten some bikes or am I great? All right, so I’m going to do another one by Volcana. It says a you’ve bugged out with your group. One member has snapped and gotten violent with another member. Do you kick them out of the group as he is not safe? Or do you imprison him a job in prison? Them as it is not safe to let him go do to a operational security.

1 (40m 5s):
Wow. That’s deep. OK. So a member of my group or a clan or a community has snapped and gone nutso crazy. Do we contain him? Or the alternative would be to let him just run free and be dangerous? Is that correct?

3 (40m 27s):
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

1 (40m 29s):
So mental health is extremely dangerous or snuff him out as Eric Swanson says in chapter, the thing is, is mental health comes and goes. I’ve been in environments where people have snapped either on me or on my family. And it’s really important to, to keep, keep sanity in mind. So in some cases you might have people that, you know, especially in a grid down scenario, if you’ve got an environment are a community, you are going to have one guy down the end of the road.

1 (41m 4s):
Who’s a little bit nutso, you know, and if he’s not getting his meds from the VA or the hospital or wherever else, there’s a good chance that he could snap. And you don’t know what kind of training he’s got. You don’t know what kind of personality he has. I’ve been in him in situations where I’ve had these people in my house where they’re having an episode. The thing is, is these are real people. They can’t just snuff them out. If they’re having an episode, the best thing to do is detain them at least long enough to wear. You can get ’em back to some source sort of stability.

1 (41m 38s):
In some cases it might be drug driven, you know, where they need medications or another’s, it might be drugs different in That, you know, they need drugs and they have to be, you know, what do you call it? D do you toxified

3 (41m 58s):
Either way they’re still humans,

1 (42m 1s):
They’re friends or neighbors or family. You can’t just snuff him out. You know, I’m not gonna go knock off of my neighbors, wife, or they’re like, you know, their kid’s friend’s mom or something because she snaps and decides to go crazy, but I will detain her. And I would S make sure that there’s a, an effective method in place for holding off on people at least long enough, basically. And adult time out and making sure that they’re, they are safe in their, kept safe from themselves and from the people within the group.

3 (42m 42s):
All right. All right. Cool. Cool, cool. So it’s definitely, I definitely agree. And it’s, it’s hard because it depends on what drove the person to snap, whether or not it was a mental problem or a drug problem. That’s something that we see a lot and care for a lot in today’s world, in a society, or I guess, a fallen society or a, or an end of the world type situation where you have to move out in groups and you know, like That, you know, maybe working through problems is, you know, gosh, I don’t want to, I don’t, I’m trying not to be the guy who’s getting rid of the guy.

3 (43m 30s):
You’re like being all nice trying to do it.

1 (43m 32s):
You know, bad guy, you got to be the bad guy on the spot,

3 (43m 36s):
Prove your point. But I, I, I don’t feel like with, with it being that if it was a mental problem, yes, they are people. And in a situation where it’s not something that can be dealt with, if there isn’t medication that can help, or we don’t have access to medication that can help, you know, you don’t want that around. You don’t want, you don’t want to have that energy.

3 (44m 9s):
You don’t wanna risk the people you work with. And it’s just like having a mole or a, not like a mole on your face or whatever. It’s like having a mole in an industry. Or like, like it’s a, it’s a, it’s damaging to the group of people you’re working with and it brings them down. And I feel like they need to be dealt with in a way that’s going to, I don’t recall the exact options I was given.

3 (44m 41s):
Is it just to keep them out just entirely

1 (44m 43s):
You either kick ’em out or you, you read, detain them until they can be cared for?

3 (44m 48s):
Well, yeah. I think, I think the best for everyone who is willing to, or, or is stable and working and good for the group, its best for the group to just kick them out and let them do them. Because if they’re harming the group, then it’s not helping anybody. And they are there.

3 (45m 21s):
They’re not contributing the way that the other members would be. And it’s also hard citing this way to, because if, if it was something like food that driven that drove them to snap and food was a, a type of situation, then, you know, that’s something that everyone is on the verge of, you know, going crazy if they don’t have food. Right. So it’s unfortunate, I guess. That I got a guy got to choose this one. Yeah.

1 (45m 50s):
He or she cut, but you got to it. You got to hold it. You got to own it, buddy. You gotta, you gotta be all for it. So yeah. Get rid of them. Yeah. Get rid of them. S Canam. Okay. So, so my turn, so DB quote, Debate question from MIT, I gray hygiene question, is that better to be clean shaven or Kerry, a contractor beard,

3 (46m 27s):
Other ways to, Oh man, that’s just one way or another, I guess, you know, there are definitely upsides to a beer because six months out of the year, it’s cold and it’s better to be warm and it’s better to keep your face warm. And those cold years than it is to have to deal with a little bit of sweat, but you can those a day, you know, having knock, if you didn’t keep your, I am saying a beard is the better way to go. If you don’t keep your face clean and you know, it can lead to problems, but skin problems, aren’t really something that is of your top priority or concern.

3 (47m 6s):
So I think if you were clean shaven in the middle of winter, wherever you are, I mean, I guess it’s different if you’re in like Calley and it’s not all that cold, but if your up in the mountains or, you know, actually anywhere with the mountains, yeah. It’s better to have warmth as better to keep your face warm and not have to worry that side of things because chances are, you’ll be more efficient and you’re able to work longer hours for longer period is, and I did just, it it’s it’s, I think it’s more beneficial to have a full face of hair and a full head of hair in that sort of situation.

1 (47m 53s):
Hmm. Okay. Well, I’d have to disagree with you a hundred percent on that. I think that a clean shaven face is probably one of the best things that you can do in a grid down scenario. And while it might be difficult, the whole idea of having a clean shaven face we’ll actually protect you or rather than harm you, ah, you know, in the case of winter or a cold weather, it’s a very easy to put some form of cloth or, or, you know, some sort of barrier on your face, you know, even face coverings, buffs, and, you know, BA balaclavas and things of that nature have been designed to be able to keep you warm.

1 (48m 40s):
The thing is, if you have a beard, if you have a goatee, if you have a mustache, every single one of those will interfere with a face to face piece seal on a respirator. So many of us who are actually, you know, trained in the use of using a respirator, understand that if something were to go down and you had to put on a mask for dust control, or for any other reason, you have to make sure to keep your face clean, clean shaven.

1 (49m 16s):
And if you have a full on beard, not many people are going to stop what they’re doing too. You know, we shave and put on their respirator by the time you do that, it’s already too late, unfortunately because of the chemical warfare potential and the idea of, ah, you know, LSD Laden, water bottles thrown by Antifa and whoever else you have the potential to have exposures far and above what the cold weather might bring forth.

1 (49m 48s):
So I think it’s really important to make sure that you always keep a closely shaven face in a survival scenario, as difficult as it might be. So, so yeah, absolutely. No doubt about it. You gotta have a clean shaven face.

3 (50m 5s):
Well, I can’t really argue with that logic, but on a non logistical side beards look cool. And I just have to stand by that. So.

1 (50m 19s):
All right. Cool deal. Or your turn buddy.

3 (50m 23s):
All right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. For sure. So how much longer do you to let’s?

1 (50m 28s):
Let’s do one more and then we’ll probably have to call it quits for the night. Right?

3 (50m 33s):
All right. I’m working on it. Let’s see here.

1 (50m 36s):
A James dropped one in chat would probably have to do this one. Do you see it? 1858,

3 (50m 44s):
15. Oh wait. Oh, geez. That’s way out there. Yup. That’s a, that’s a timestamp.

1 (50m 53s):
Yup. You might’ve dropped off. The cuff went in. So it says James is the Intrepid commander of The Prepper Broadcasting Network we add a slide, this went in there. Right.

3 (51m 5s):
Okay. Okay. What’s his, what’s his username. I think it’s a shepherd commander. Oh, Oh yeah. Hey, okay. Okay. It says the suburban one. Yup. Yeah. The suburban or rural home-based go. Okay. Right.

1 (51m 24s):
So I am, I used to be a fan of the suburban home base, but I have to say that the rural home base has probably the best way to go. Mmm it’s a far and above any sort of, you know, city living, ah, and a lot of ways, even better than suburban living. Because even though I don’t have that many neighbors, I generally have less of an impact when things are affecting the larger cities.

1 (52m 1s):
When food stores tire tend to run low, because they’re only on a three day cycle. I don’t have as much of an impact here. When a, when I have issues with, you know, satellite internet or things of that nature, I can always drive into town and get what I need as far as information, but day to day living and all in survival, if the Internet’s down, if a power goes out, I still have access to everything I need here.

1 (52m 32s):
I have access to food. I have access to water and I have access too, you know, just life in general. And I’m not impacted by the masses of people. Then the idea of, you know, a one person being smart, but people being dumb and the whole mob mentality and how that can affect even a suburban environment. So I think safety wise and longevity wise, living in a rural environment is the way to go.

1 (53m 3s):

3 (53m 5s):
All right. Well, I’m going to gladly choose a suburban, just so that I’m a, in the middle of all sorts of like a war zone pretty much, but here’s my reasoning. All right. I’ve got a couple of ’em in a suburban house. Does that, it sound like a household. Is that what have say suburban house home base? I think it is easier obviously to go the scavenging route, if you are alone, or if you are with a couple of other people being in a suburban environment or living anywhere near you’re a suburban, a home base would make it 10 times easier to scavenge, you know, depending on how much home-based you actually have, you can do farming of your own, but obviously that’s limited when it comes to other people.

3 (54m 15s):
I think it’s easy enough to take precautions and protect yourself and you know, the people you’re with and your findings, because there’s so much material around you and it’s, it’s all at your disposal. And I think it’s just, it’s almost like everything is handed to you. And to be honest, I feel like there’s a, going to be a lot less crazy as in the apocalypse, after things to start to settle down, then we think there is.

3 (54m 49s):
And I don’t know if this is going to be a goofy, like a comparison, but I don’t know if any of you guys have seen the walking dead, but I mean, they’re, they had a pretty good thing going in. ’em one of like a, it was just like a small homeowners association that they repurposed with walls all around it. And I think that’s an awesome way to do things, especially if you incorporate scavenging with eventually adapting to, you know, like self-sustainability being in a rural environment, I think is just dangerous to say the least

1 (55m 33s):
Good call. Yeah. You know, That is you make some good points there, especially when it comes down to a, you know, communities coming together and even the potential for you to be able to reclaim space. That’s not effectively being used to survive. I mean, even if you were in an urban environment, you could take over a target store or something if you had to. And it’s basically a castle with one way in and rooftop access. And, you know, a, in some cases you’ll have space all around you on all sides to be able to defend.

1 (56m 10s):
So in some cases, a rural environment might not be the best way to go as far as defense goes and having enough people to defend you or defend with you. I mean, if, if I’m sitting out here with one neighbor, there’s only so many times a guy take the night shift, you know, so yeah. No, that makes sense. Well, cool deal. Cool. I think a, rather than a S keep people on for too much longer, that’s probably gonna be it for tonight. Ladies and gentlemen, I think for the final takeaway of the questions keep coming.

1 (56m 45s):
And I think it’s important for you to recognize that the questions are out there and it’s not so much, you know, what we’ve say, or what we feel that makes a difference as much as what you feel, you know, in your environment and your situation, what is going to make things work for you? You know, you can draw a Longbow and hold it in a scenario where you need it or be able to pack it long enough. Disregard what I’ve said.

1 (57m 17s):
If you, if you are a staunch revolver holder and a have absolutely no intention of kicking off the next Round from a semiautomatic, you might be losing out on something. You know, the ability to a, to fire off multiple rounds, especially if you’re not as accurate or as good as you used to be. There are some significant changes with several pieces of equipment, depending on what you’re using. So you really need to make the determination yourself. And it’s not so much about what we tell you and how we feel that means you need to make a decision based on that.

1 (57m 57s):
A lot of this work that we’ve done over the last couple of Shows has been in contrast with the presidential debates, because a lot of times, you know, you’re forced to choose a side, but essentially that decision isn’t up to the personal on the podium, it’s up to you. And where do you fit? Yeah, go ahead, buddy. Chime in here.

3 (58m 24s):
I think, I think also what I’ve, I’ve realized over, I guess the past two weeks, but also in the past two episodes that we’ve done is a just simple evaluation. I kinda mentioned it last episode about understanding both sides of an argument, but this is a little bit more fast paced for sake of the Show kind of a shotgun, you know, not having time to think about it.

3 (58m 54s):
Right. But I think it proves that when one person has one side of the argument, when I say something and then dad comes back with reasons why the other side is, is beneficial, or he’s able to prove why it’s better in any way, then, you know, is obviously two sides to an argument. So, you know, as just evaluate what, what, what your situations might be, what they might look like and a, if you can avoid being rushed.

1 (59m 36s):
Yeah. Take a moment to actually make some critical thought, you know, include that within your daily or weekly or monthly routines. You know, you don’t have to make decisions on the fly like we are tonight and you don’t have to pick sides necessarily, but we’ll, you really should do is think critically about what these things are in your life. You know, if you can’t hardly draw a bow, you really shouldn’t even be looking into one, regardless of what someone else tells you to do.

3 (1h 0m 12s):
I, I can’t even, I mean, I could probably go back through and count, but it’s probably more than the amount of fingers on my hands that I’ve said. It depends because it depends on the situation you’re in and a dependence on a person you are because like, he’s like dad said, you, like you said, just like two seconds ago. It, you know, it depends on like, if you’re big and you can hold the long bolt or if a cop compound pose is better.

3 (1h 0m 43s):
So it definitely, it just depends.

1 (1h 0m 47s):
Yeah. So, and some of the commentary coming in and chat, I love it. So Vulcanis says you want to be flexible, not rigid as things are changing all the time. And Eric Swanson also the times in, you know, two sides of an argument doesn’t necessarily mean good versus bad. And a and other comment and chat Kellogg was mentioning, definitely look at both sides of every issue, making intelligent decision instead of, of, of an emotional one. And the thing is, is if you don’t have the ability to think critically than you will make emotional decisions based on fear, based on chaos, based on anxiety.

1 (1h 1m 33s):
So you really need to be able to take a step back. Sometimes take the time to think about this stuff before you have to think about it. You know, it’s just like first aid training, learn it before you have to use it. Lastly, in case you’ve missed it on last week’s show, we did the Prepper debates. Round won a where we kind of introduce this little segment and a, you know, you can check it out from last Tuesday night. If you’d like, you can check those out on our previous Shows either through speaker or your favorite, a service streaming service or whatever it may be while you’re there.

1 (1h 2m 6s):
Be sure to leave as a five star review here at Prepper Broadcasting it does help to boost our presence and allow us to share this message with other people. We had a great episode last night, kind of a Prepper round table with Hathaway. Oh my God. I’m totally drawing a blank on her name, Sarah Hathaway. And we have a Jordan on a Dave Jones and James Walton to myself. It was a good time, lots of good conversation. So I’m definitely worth checking out.

1 (1h 2m 37s):
You guys enjoy the Shows that you’re listening to here on. Prepper Broadcasting please do take a moment to leave one of those five star reviews. It only takes a few seconds on your part, but it means a lot us, and it does make a difference. So a hopefully we can share preparedness even more and then weeks and months to come, you, you know, we are going to need it. So you always, always thinking in inspiration from a podcast. What if we like, like read the reviews that they could do that we might be able to do that.

1 (1h 3m 13s):
So if you, if you read a review, as long as the next Generation Show yeah. Will, will read it on air we’ll scan through and read. Those will do that as part of our weekly mission. So a good color. It will be years. It could be around a read out loud too. The audience yeah. Will read it out loud. So awesome. So there’s your challenge, folks. Read them out loud mentioned The Next Generation Show and we’ll read them out loud on the Show. Well, that’s it for today. Everyone. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome. Thank you. Thank you. And welcome. Welcome. And thank you for joining us on the next Generation show.

1 (1h 3m 44s):
And don’t forget to tune in next time, or we cover another aspect of the little things in life that make all the difference in the world. This is your host, Ryan Buford, and your cohost call in Buford, reminding you to stay informed, get involved and be prepared. Have a great night everybody and make it a great week.

1 (1h 4m 40s):
Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network where we promote self-reliance Independence tuning in tomorrow for another great show and visit


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