Patriot Power Hour (Episode 106)

Patriot Power Hour (Episode 106)

July 29, 2020 Finance Patriot Power Hour Shows 0

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0 (1s):
What do you want statement of purpose? Should I email you? Should I put this on your action item list? You decide your level of involvement. We all the prep broadcasting network, you are now listening to the Patriot power hour.

0 (1m 2s):
The newest show of the prepper broadcasting network. This live episode features the situational awareness. You need to practice self reliance and independence. Introducing your host, Ben, the breaker of bankster and future Dan, the editor of future Hey folks, we’re alive. We are back Patriot power hour. Your host Ben, the breaker of banksters with my cohost feature dad, a future

0 (1m 33s):
It’s July 28th, 2020 106th episode of Patriot power hour. Yes, 106 episodes starting right now. How are you doing there? Future Dan? Good. Do you think the writing is as bad as it’s being made out to be right now? I guess the question would be is previous riots, whether it’s like Rodney King or in the sixties and stuff, if there was social media and all these cable news, what would that have looked like? What it looked crazier than it is now, or, or, cause it is looking really bad right now, but a lot of that’s magnified my media, you know, maybe a lot of it was that crazy back then, but it look a little rough.

0 (2m 9s):
I mean, they’re definitely trying to magnify it for lots of reasons. We have Portland and Seattle going on and on, but where else is it really people shooting themselves and shooting and fellow protestors and shooting in a sense in cars as well? Well, I’m not sure how to carry this throughout the summer because mostly United States is perfectly safe right now. True. It’s a political football, like no other. And I guess we’re just watching to see if he gets back to the way it was the end of may when the Minneapolis situation broke out.

0 (2m 47s):
And it has, it’s kind of quieted down as you said, Portland and a couple of hotspots in different areas, for sure. But it’s not the, it is. And the, I mean, this is the last episode of July and we know this is an election year. Everyone talks about the hot summer.

1 (3m 0s):
That’s the riots, all that. If we’ve already seen it, you know where I’m not saying it wasn’t, it wasn’t a bad situation, but it wasn’t, you know, and all be all. So I asked the question about the civil unrest what’s coming next.

2 (3m 15s):
A lot of injuries going on, you know, like lasers in the eyes of federal officers. Obviously we talked about, you know, previously that, you know, federal forces are getting involved, you know, dozens and dozens of troops have now gone or agents should have now gone to cities, custom and border in particular that agency. And you know, there’s reports of them getting injured by lasers. So wild stuff going on in the streets, but it’s not spreading and it’s not resulting in fatalities.

2 (3m 48s):
And we don’t see blocks burning right now. So it is sort of,

1 (3m 53s):
Oh yeah, it’s not close to what it was when we sat here two months, six weeks ago, right. Where we thought maybe would explode to that next level. That doesn’t mean it’s not right to happen. And we’ve definitely seen a huge organization and push behind a lot of these organizations, BLM and otherwise grant gathering their funds, trying to enlist their cohorts, kind of their own a red brigade in a way. So I don’t know.

1 (4m 24s):
I mean, interesting to start off on, I mean, I’m not, I’m not too phased by it. I’m way more concerned about the socioec, more of the economic side of the socioeconomics. And this is a small portion of people and protestors, but it is important. And we’ve seen the violence escalate though. Like I said, we saw innocent people getting shot up and ironically, I’m not really laughing at it per se, but we saw, you know, these a strong militia coming in to defend and they ended up in multiple cases, multiple sites, shooting, negligent discharges and shooting themselves or others.

1 (4m 60s):
It’s like, you know, I’m all about the second amendment, but you know, whatever. What do you think about that? I mean, I’m sure you, I know you support the second amendment, but what do you think about maybe some of these arm ones, if these, these, these Antifa and BLM and other groups start becoming much more armed and that’s their right under America or is it not, it’s not really, well-regulated they say the same about the right wing all the time. So now it’s almost time to look at them.

2 (5m 27s):
No armed citizens protesting is it is what it is. It’s allowed the United States and it’s going to happen. And I I’m just feeling like the riots, civil unrest, the arm citizens protesting these, these streams of news this summer, it future dangers, a news radar. So playing off the metaphor, something’s jamming the radar right now because it’s really hard to get concrete news. That’s not completely politicized and spun in ways that don’t belong a future danger.

2 (6m 3s):
Now, if you get fatalities and cities, AP and Reuters will, will, will say that. And those are factual based headlines that you’re going to see on future danger. It’s been troublesome for me since the writing really came off of the, the black on red number, you know, top level grade to cover this news. Maybe, maybe it should be doing more to, you know, report the 37th or 57th, whatever day it is of, of, of riots in the streets of Portland.

2 (6m 39s):
And I don’t think it’s tens of thousands protesting anymore so that indicator’s not heating up. No, but obviously something’s going on. I just don’t feel like on future dangers necessarily reflected that. Well, and part of it is there’s a real tedium, these headlines, and obviously it’s an election year. So it’s worse where, you know, every news source is putting out something about the protest, peaceful protest, violent protest riots, you know, the whole spectrum of what, how you’d call it.

2 (7m 10s):
But I just don’t think they’re widespread enough. Right?

1 (7m 13s):
Wow. So look, this is the way danger, not a danger, not in the way of future dangerous and people. It’s hard to even, I, that I’ve done 106 episodes with you now forget that future dangers about dangers. It’s not just about current events or news or what’s going on it’s is it dangerous? And yeah, this stuff is dangerous, but they’re going to be doing that stuff in Portland. Okay. That’s a totally communists occupied city. So it was Seattle. So are most of the major cities. That’s not where most Americans live now, most awake people hopefully are trying to get out of there.

1 (7m 44s):
I think that’s a big part of it. I way, we’re way more worried about the national debt hit in 27 trillion. I’m a lot more worried about our military rotting from within potentially

2 (7m 59s):
Falling off a cliff. Yeah.

1 (8m 2s):
Yeah. And that’s the thing is that will precipitate way more intense and destructive writing civil unrest and all protests, et cetera. So what we have now is status. So we want to go up to the symptom or the cause there’s a lot of causes, but the symptom now, and I’ll also say that you probably gotta be not even desensitized, but just kind of overwhelmed or just like all you see is this news. I’m sure. I definitely don’t view as much news as you every week.

1 (8m 35s):
And really like most of my news is from future We’re going to hit the news blitz and a little bit, by the way, Hey, I don’t see this every single day from multiple sources riot. This protest is like, I try to tune out a little bit. So I’m not as driven as crazy, maybe

2 (8m 49s):
Little feature on future danger. And I’ve received tips several times since launching in 2000 of news that we weren’t tracking yet. We didn’t have up on the website. It w w you know, things are not a hundred percent and they’re like, you gotta be on this issue on the writing, on the mass protests, on the civil unrest and all that comes with it. By the way, repos is one, I got a tip too.

2 (9m 19s):
And they was like, you gotta be big. Yeah. It led to a lot. If you see anything out there, this is the listeners and you want to hit the click and hit a tip, find the indicator riots, Hey, we’re not tracking anything newsworthy right now use this article and chances are, we’re going to put it in.

1 (9m 36s):
Awesome. Yeah. Nazi future danger is a way beyond just the news site, way beyond just headlines. So again, we’re going to hit that in a sec book. We want to really talk about Patriot broadcasting or excuse me, prepper broadcasting network, those guys, those guys. I always say, cause where the Patriot power hour with the prepper broadcasting network, the continuity had its first meeting last night. I was not able to join. Didn’t see the note until a little too late and I was busy.

1 (10m 6s):
Anyway. However, I’m planning to join that soon. What is the continuity? Well, without getting too detailed from a high level, it’s part of the membership here at PBN. You want to support us best way to do so financially $60 a year, or there’s a six month or a one month package for $60 a year. You get transcripts of every single episode on PBN. That’s 10 plus episodes per week. So it’s like 500 episodes of all different topics from firearms to canning food, to financial advising, et cetera, et cetera, 500 episodes a year transcribed, hit the key words, right?

1 (10m 49s):
You want to find out about Bitcoin. You want to hit AK 47, whatever, make for a good library. That’s fricking that one year worth is like, that’s a doomsday prep right there. Like that’s all you would probably need and you’d have massive amounts of information. So anyway, continuity, there’s also meetings and you can stay anonymous so you don’t have to join that stuff. You know, I know a lot of folks want to keep the privacy so long story short, that’s my prep or prep. My a plug for prepper broadcasting network, go to prepper,

1 (11m 19s):
You can check out the membership opportunities or if you are interested, but you’re not quite sure yet. Maybe you only listen to Patriot power hour, go check out the other shows the site’s got a nice revamp, so you can easily find all the shows, check a few out. If you like them definitely worth supporting us. We are definitely not owned by a globalist mega corporations. So your donations do count and a hundred percent goes to the effort. So awesome. The continuity, the continuity part, a prepper broadcasted com.

2 (11m 55s):
So yeah, just a heads up on the heat map. When we cover it, I’ll bring it in next segment, but call them once a week. Not a lot of news. And it doesn’t feel like that if you listen to the popular battles in the political domain, but we do have column two column four and especially column three economic news. Oh, that’s going to be a big one. Looking forward to that. All right. Well, we are going to be going to break gold all time.

2 (12m 26s):
High gold, all time, high Bitcoin on fire, silver on fire, but a who’s going to win Fiat or real money that and more, but of course the news blitz. When we come back on Patriot power hour, July 28th, 20,

0 (12m 40s):

2 (12m 52s):
All the prep.

0 (12m 53s):
Let’s see network here at the prepper broadcasting network. Our mission has expanded and we have decided to use our influence to aid in disaster recovery PBN is offering up our airwaves to nonprofits and boots on the ground organizations that are affecting disaster recovery. The real people out there rebuilding lives from organizations that reestablish the supply chain to those who deliver aid and even organizations that rebuild shattered homes and lives.

0 (13m 24s):
The future of disaster response does not lay in the hands of some government organizations. No it’s up to us. Disaster coffee. It only makes sense that PBN would partner with disaster coffee, disaster coffee is selling outstanding coffee that is roasted to order and shipped right to your door. A portion of their profits will be directly donated to disaster recovery organizations like grindstone, ministries, healthcare ready, and citizens assisting citizens, disaster, coffee sources, top quality beans that are roasted to order you get coffee at its very best, but you also make a difference with every purchase disaster.

0 (14m 6s):
Coffee offers every customer, the ability to join the national disaster relief effort, get

0 (14m 19s):
understand why we do it and they won’t understand.

0 (14m 60s):
And then next achieved situational awareness of multiple threats indicators. In one view, be prepared, future danger.

2 (15m 40s):
This is your Patriot power hour news blitz July 28th, 2020, calm one gunshot to head Parkinson’s disease deaths reported in Palm beach incorrectly attributed to COVID-19 under new censorship. Also Twitter suspends, the president’s son for sharing hydrochloric rope queen video. I said that wrong, but that trumps Trump’s COVID drug continues to Royal the political masses, the feds accused ex filly congressmen left stuffing ballots.

2 (16m 21s):
Proof elections have been attempted to be stolen if not stolen, call them to Western Pacific. Us puts record number of military aircraft in the skies off Chinese coast in July in the middle East Hezbollah border infiltration with heavy shelling attributed by Israel of the Iranian proxy in Syria, Israel, sensory enforcements to the North bracing for another Hezbollah attack in the United States.

2 (16m 57s):
Mystery seats from China are landing in America’s mailboxes. Multiple States see unsolicited shipments, hoax, prank, internet scam, or act of agro terrorism. All suspected More customs and border patrol agents are arriving in Seattle. As the riots continue. Portland, Seattle, we talked about in the first segment, call them for coronavirus could travel 26 feet in cold stale air says one study us surpasses 4 million reported cases as hospitalizations near record 1000 fatalities for several straight days.

2 (17m 44s):
As virus spread accelerates in the South and West. Another study shows almost four out of five recovered coronavirus patients, everlasting heart damage. Tropical storm came through, missed us, got Mexico, 11 dead or missing as the tropical depression, Hannah barrels through Nepal record highest number of fatal land sides. In 15 years, Nigeria 11 killed in flash flooding.

2 (18m 20s):
Car size, asteroid flies by earth at 1.1 lunar distances. Third closest this year, 0.0 0.1. Yeah, nearly a 10th strong earthquakes out in the South sandwich islands, 6.1 aftershock hits the coast of Alaska and the national disaster medical system remains activated. Then the department of defense is scouting contractors to set up potential mobile coronavirus ospital as the Florida outbreak worsens Florida’s real hotspot at the, on this 106 episode of pitcher power.

2 (19m 6s):
Now for column three gold trades at all time, high amid economic uncertainty and Corona virus, $1,980 an ounce. And it’s after hours trading. Hi this week tonight, the nine mix gauge on the gold indicator on future danger showing 1957. This is simultaneous to bank slashing credit card limits, risky banking, dry bulk shipping rates slashed in half trade, severely declining national teachers’ union support strikes over reopening plans, massive strikes possibly kicking off, and the dollar is falling us dollar index.

2 (20m 0s):
The DXY extends weekly declines to a 22 month low. The value of the greenback collapses to less than well it’s the inverse bend 1940th of an ounce of gold. The greenbacks never been worth less compared to gold tonight. The DX Y dollar index is that 93.46. The number of permanent business shutdowns continues to rise. The last initial job was claims we have on data was still 1.4 million in the red.

2 (20m 34s):
That’s your news blitz on this July 28th, 2020 summer of uncertainty. What do you make of that? Some are uncertainty. Well, I’m certain that gold at an all time

1 (20m 48s):
High. We watched this March up each and every week. I just think it’s funny. The headline that the value of the greenback collapses to less than one 19,000 or 1940th of an ounce, it’s totally awkward. No one ever looks at it in that way. But back in the day, when gold was $30 an ounce, you can say, well, a dollar is equal to about a gram of gold. It was about 28 grams in an ounce. That’s a little more realistic.

1 (21m 19s):
Okay, well now it’s been inflated away so much from $30 to $1,940 in counting peak that nearly 2000, I think we’re going to cross 2000 pretty soon. We’ll find out, but anyway, that’s big time. That’s all time high, silver isn’t at the all time high, but is quickly approaching a Bitcoin’s up nicely. A lot of this has to do with the U S dollar down. What did you say? Like 20? Like how many months was it? 22 months.

1 (21m 49s):
22 month. Low that’s big time, but you know, two years ago, let’s think about it. Summer of 2018, gold was at 1100, 1200, 1300 back then near the low.

2 (22m 3s):
And we’re not getting the benefit of the lower dollar. Exactly. It’s supposed to benefit our exports, but we have the news simultaneously that shipping rates are collapsing. Shipping rates are collapsing because ships aren’t going anywhere. Nothing’s coming out of the United States of Sydney, significant quantity, that benefits from the collapse in the greenback. So all the negative affects of the collapsing of current currency. And the one true positive is, is, is we are benefiting from right now,

1 (22m 35s):
Is that all the stagflation stagnating slash really constricting we’ll find out what the true damage is, but I expect double digit percentages contraction in the economy by the end of the year, for sure. Right?

2 (22m 51s):
When’s the GDP or figure.

1 (22m 53s):
Good question for Q2. I would expect that sometime in August, she looked that up at the break, maybe coming soon. I haven’t seen one in a while. You know, they already fudge that and come up with revisions a month later. So, but they, how much can they fudge? Not that much. So it will be interesting to see, like to see what they plug in there, but we’ve been talking about it for months. You wanted to talk a little bit about the delay in this. Okay. So we saw these trillions of dollars spent by the treasury and printed by the federal reserve and other central banks,

2 (23m 25s):
The massive four months to get to, but the record stock market drop. Awesome.

1 (23m 30s):
Yeah. Well, I mean, as soon as, but as soon as the printing happened, stock, Mario went right back up, but gold had this lag. It’s like Florida

2 (23m 37s):
Months and now it’s black on red. All those other things were leading indicators. And we had a gap of four and a half months. This I got

1 (23m 46s):
One for you. Remember, we need to find this, the old submarine in the submarine. Now, now the Marine metaphor submarine metaphor. Now it’s the freight train. Once it takes a while to build up that momentum on gold, but once it gets started, man, he can’t stop it.

2 (24m 1s):
Well, well, not tonight, you can’t something, something has always seemed to stop this. You reaching out to 2000, 3000, 4,000. What do you think the real value of gold would be in a non centrally banked non-fat system?

1 (24m 16s):
It’s so hard to tell. Cause just the range. I mean, it’s relative to how much does bread cost in this cause bread costs $100 and then gold will be yeah. $50,000. But you know,

2 (24m 30s):
Today, price of bread.

1 (24m 32s):
What is like the fair value then of gold? Do you think it’s 27 trillion in federal debt and you know, 7 trillion plus dollar central bank balance sheet, federal reserve, and a lot more everywhere else. That’s, you know, more than 5,000,

2 (24m 48s):
You said you think it’s suppressed that much over yeah. 60% of the value.

1 (24m 53s):
I don’t suppress though. I think a lot of it’s ignorance too.

2 (24m 56s):
Well, that’s, that’s the market. If people choose not to use it, it’s not convenient for them. They’re not use fails to drive up demand. That’s sort of the free market work. And, but we’ve talked at length on this show and you have for years about, you know, the, the non-free market aspect of the L here’s the price of gold it’s

1 (25m 20s):
I think the answer would be then if it wasn’t suppressed, it would crack up to 2,500, 3000 and then people would panic and buy it up to 5,000. Really? How about that? So what they had to do is suppress it, stop it from my Cadillac catalyst chain reaction. Well, if you look at, but now they’re losing control on that and maybe it is going to jump from two K to three K you know, and a year we’ll see, they still got some tricks up their sleeves, but it looks like a runaway train right now. Choo choo,

2 (25m 48s):
Well, you know, the, the gold indicator hitting black on red is most dangerous. If you own gold. And you’re only talking about goals and you’re thinking about, you know, the fact that you’re benefiting from having gold, it’s not dangerous. It’s good news. And it’s the only black on red we got tonight, but it certainly isn’t normal. And it’s just part of a piece to the puzzle. This is, this puzzle is multidimensional and it’s got the temporal dimension. The black on red for gold is four and a half months.

2 (26m 20s):
Now later, what are the next ones that are going to heat up again?

1 (26m 25s):
I think I’m an insurance. So I always look at this from an insurance point of view. I think with this way, it’s SHTF level news that your house is on fire, but there’s great news. Your policy kicked in and you’re going to get paid. So, I mean, you made some money off of it in the end, you’re going to lose money because the economy collapsed. But at least you have some goal. You have some assurance. That’s how it is. You’re not going to make a lot of money. This is what like Warren Buffett in the rest of the day, all their pet rocks, they have no dividends. They don’t actually grow or produce anything. Yeah, that’s true.

1 (26m 55s):
But they also don’t get totally overinflated and turn into a bubble and lose 95% of their value. So it’s a balance. That’s the whole point of golden silver.

0 (27m 5s):
Yeah. It’s a stabilizing force. It’s always been a currency and every civilization are the prepper broadcasting network.

1 (27m 23s):
The six principles for disaster preparedness, use them to build a base of preparedness that will keep your family safe in the face of the next disaster. Find them and

0 (27m 41s):
It was right after the revolution, right after peace had been concluded. And Ethan Allen went to London to help our new country conduct his business with the King, the English sneered at how roughly are rude and simple minded. Unlike that everywhere he went to one day, he was invited to the townhouse of a great English. Lord dinner was served. Beverages imbibed. The time passed has happened.

0 (28m 13s):
And mr. Allen found he needed the privy. He was grateful to be directed. Then relieved. You might say mr. Allen discovered on entering the water closet, that the only decoration there in was a portrait of George Washington, Ethan Allen done what he came to do and returned to the drawing room and his host and the others were disappointed when he didn’t mention Washington’s portrait and violently as Lordship couldn’t resist and asked mr.

0 (28m 54s):
Allen had he noticed it, the picture of Washington he had, what did he think of its placement? Did it seem appropriately located to mr. Allen drown and said it did toast was astounded appropriate. George Washington lived like this in a water closet. Yes, sir. Mr. Allen, where it’ll do good service. The whole world knows nothing to make an Englishman shit quicker than the sight of George Washington achieved situational awareness of multiple threat indicators.

0 (29m 37s):

2 (29m 54s):
Yeah. The seeds coming into the United States from China, then that has a scenario around it that is going to raise a lot of headlines. And we’re going to look back on this if it was a nothing burger, but if what we’ve reported about COVID-19 that is potentially a genetically edited disease. And now seeds are coming in from China. What would stop some entity or some organization from that country putting genetically modified seeds into our environment or agriculture.

2 (30m 36s):
And, and could they have an adverse reaction? I mean, the department of Homeland security, USDA, I mean all the state, agricultural, you know, organizations where these, these unsolicited packages are showing up, they’re concerned. What do you think?

1 (30m 58s):
What I think of is how surprised people were in retrospect, looking at world war one and world war two. And even going back before that, compared to previous Wars, right? Everyone’s fighting the previous war, bio warfare and agro warfare and all their types, cyber war, et cetera, is definitely on the table. Go forward. Just like chemical warfare was kind of the first time they had gas. Right. So does that mean that this is China trying to infect America with fake seeds? No, but that would be a interesting attack vector.

1 (31m 30s):
And there’s been science fiction about this. So it’s not like it’s the first time it’s been thought of, but it is viable. It’s creepy at the least. It seems like it would be effective to like ha how many people would just play at them. I don’t know. I don’t know. Kind of weird though. Like I said, it could be nothing burger. These are the little things we do try to track though. And it could be an attack vector. I don’t know. I don’t think it is, but it’s crazy. It is kind of crazy kind of creepy too.

2 (31m 59s):
Well, I think it totally has to be treated as one.

1 (32m 1s):
It has to be treated as one. Definitely.

2 (32m 4s):
I mean, you can’t bring plants across borders already for obvious reasons. You know, the hybridization will, will damage native crops and, and you know, the, the, I don’t even think they’re saying in the article yet, what kind of seeds they are. But if they’re, you know, for some kind of crop that people commonly plant and it gets mixed in with the supply and maybe, you know, there’s going to be the cynics that say Monsanto already destructed everything.

2 (32m 34s):
But you know, probably the, the chances are that corporation and others edited, you know, the seeds so that they grew better in most part, right? Whether they have a soft kill deep population angle to it, I’m not going to get into

1 (32m 51s):
No motor reason wasn’t to destroy. At least maybe, maybe there’s hopefully

2 (32m 55s):
The things in the seeds from Mark corporations that are hazardous to our, you know, to us in the long run. And that’s why non GMO seeds have such a following. But in this day and age, coming from a country that just put onto the planet, somehow one of the worst pandemics that we’ve lived through, well, for people alive today, it’s the reaction at least has been the worst ever putting seeds into our food supply and causing at least the same panic is not unthinkable.

1 (33m 27s):
No, no, it’s not. And so hopefully this is what we pay taxes for that we have intelligence and government organizations that could at least identify this threat and get ahead of it, right? Like, come on, we’ll pay them billions upon billions. So I’m not particularly worried about it, but it is crazy and it could be effective. And who knows. I mean, even if they catch 70% of them that can do tons of damage. If, if some of it actually is planted,

2 (33m 58s):
I’m sure we could talk to people, get guests have callers that say, you know what, it’s already way past that these, these genetic modifications that have obliterated, you know, the natural order of so many of our food supply stocks, especially our livestock as well,

1 (34m 15s):
But bees, right. And the insects.

2 (34m 18s):
But what if these are like built to attract disease? Is that

1 (34m 21s):
Exactly? Yeah. There’s all types of ways that could turn into it’s. Exactly. It’s not just a destroyer food crops by any means. Now there’s lots of ways. So a little bit of scifi, but we’re also in the year 2020, if you forgot so crazy stuff, it looks like it’s all over the place. I’m seeing it, Virginia, Maryland, a few other areas out on the West coast too. So that’s a

2 (34m 45s):
Very interesting piece of news. There’s going to be other hosts on this network who get into what the agricultural impact would be. If, if you know, I’d love to hear their opinion on it, actually,

1 (34m 57s):
For sure, for sure. It’s going to do a little bit of coronavirus. Looks like football’s going to try to start and it’s not, it looks like most sports are going to attempt to start and fail. Looks like a lot of schools won’t even start, but in certain areas of the country, they’re going full force. Do you think they’ll back off, we’re getting close till we’re getting to school season and kind of, Hey, is the country going to open back up?

1 (35m 29s):
We kind of beat it over the head each and every week, but we just saw, I mean, since our last episode that we talked about this, we’ve had four straight of 1000 plus fatalities. Now we’ve seen some of these fatalities mislabeled or either incorrectly or maliciously, but it looks like the fatalities are growing. The number 4 million hospitalized or excuse me, 4 million cases and hospitalizations are going back near the record again, on one hand, it is kind of a, I do believe it is a psychological warfare experiment on the American people in the world in general, but it is a real disease we saw.

1 (36m 9s):
Again, I don’t talk about sports on this show, but the Miami Marlins baseball team, 17 of them now have it going into quarantine. So really it’s just one person in your close group kids. And it really does transmit, you know, with just a few days to like everybody that is wicked and it’s not going away anytime soon, what’s this fall winter going to look like based on some of these headlines and trends we’ve seen in the last week or two,

2 (36m 35s):
Well, there’s what the disease is doing and not doing it. It’s going to happen, right. It slowly, if we remain quarantined more quickly, if we don’t and obviously that’s happening, the question is what the cultural and policy reaction to it will be. And the only thing I know for certain is between now and the election. There’s a big slice of the American population. That’s absolutely gonna demand, you know, the strictest quarantine measures that can be had in 2020.

2 (37m 14s):
And I don’t know if they know it overtly or just subconsciously, or maybe they’re just ignorant to it, but those GDP numbers we’re going to see are directly because of that. And it’s strangling the economy and who’s going to pay the price. Politically is totally up in the air.

1 (37m 34s):
And I think when people are kind of, I know some people have their heads screwed on straight, but this rise in gold and all of this other optimism is highly predicated on everything. Essentially going back to normal, like post labor day, we’re pretty damn near, you know, Dow at 26,000 is predicated upon business, be going pretty damn close back to normal in Q three Q four, that looks like it’s not going to happen. And if what you just said, they’re actively trying to quarantine it and kind of bring that choke hold back on.

1 (38m 9s):
Right. They really put it on for a couple of months, release a little bit, putting it back on. It might be, it might be too much the easy, the easy quarantine, the easy days are far beyond now. So if they, if they reapply that it could be, could be real bad.

2 (38m 27s):
Yeah. I mean, the goal is to prevent people in vulnerable groups from catching the disease. So they don’t easily die from it, which this disease seems to me to be doing. If you’re in the camp that says that none of the numbers are real and it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s all fraud. I can’t help you. I’m going to go with the scenario that it is a lethal disease that came out of China. And we’ve talked about the source of that many times, but natural manmade, manmade accident on purpose, on purpose, who did it, that, that kind of, you know, branching of the, of the scenarios, this thing is going to kill people.

2 (39m 8s):
And whether we drag it out to try and protect as many as possible, or treat it like many diseases in the past where it would sweep through it was what it was. It was considered an act of God and then countries endured it. We’re doing something totally different this time. But with that fee out money system and central banking, I don’t know if we get away with it. We, we might,

1 (39m 33s):
Well, I feel like myself personally, back in January, February, March, when it was really building up, people didn’t know the lethality. It could have been between one 10th of 1% to 5% for everybody. We didn’t know. It was just going to pretty much be old or in firmer, you know, comorbidities, et cetera. So that was a big part of that. That question. Mark has been pretty much answered. It’s not lethal. It does have a lot of bad side effects. I think that’s almost under reported some of the side effects and symptoms, but we know that that’s been answered for all intensive purposes, not a question Mark.

1 (40m 6s):
And the other reason we were supposed to all quarantine and shut in for months, they said weeks. And now months and beyond what they’re gonna try again is will the hospitals be over overflown? Do people will be, people have masks, will they have medical supplies? Will the hospitals have them? Well, now people are getting used to the mass, used to social distancing to some degree, got the rebels. Of course it is America, but I think society is a lot better able to mitigate it and go on use some of these intelligent mitigation effects.

1 (40m 36s):
A lot of people won’t do it. And guess what? They’re going to get freaking COBIT. And she’s going to be people that die, especially the elderly. It’s going to be bad, but I’m with you. We can’t just totally shut down again. This risk has been analyzed and it’s not as severe as we thought it was four months ago. So we can’t be fricking shut it down. Like it’s a BOLO or, you know, from a contagion movie or something. Right. Well, it’s easy to say when you’re your age,

2 (40m 58s):
If you’re like 70 and know this is out there, it’s not going away and you may catch it. And eventually when you do catch it, yeah. Your chances of surviving it are low.

1 (41m 9s):
It is much lower. Yeah.

2 (41m 11s):
Any other disease out there in the air right now, there there’s a Jew age group. That’s going to live this way. The rest of their lives, probably from this disease. That’s a horrible fate.

1 (41m 22s):
Oh, that’s good. Feel bad about that. Yeah, no, that’s a good point. Like if I was hell, if I was like above 60, I’d probably wouldn’t even begin. I don’t even go to the house too much. I don’t have to now, but you’re absolutely right. That is my parents really rarely leave. And like I said, especially the older people Williams, you live in a freaking nursing home. Noah come visit you and stuff. So this is horrible. I don’t know, man, freaking blame China. I don’t know. I don’t wanna make it. Is it a phobia?

1 (41m 52s):
But I got a feeling. They came out of there a maliciously, but regardless while weapon is in fear, blaming other countries for what happens there is, is realism for what I’ve seen from what I’ve seen, whether it’s accident or on purpose, another deal, but definitely a bioweapon for everything I’ve seen. Anyway, guess what? We gotta go to break and we’ll be back for the four segment. We’ll talk all about, a lot more on Patriot penalties,

0 (42m 28s):
Broadcasting network,

1 (42m 30s):
The six principles for disaster preparedness. Use them to build a base of preparedness that will keep your family safe in the face of the next disaster. Find them and

0 (42m 48s):
These things you say we will have. We already have. That’s true. I ain’t promising next month. I’m just giving you life. And you’re giving me life. And I’m saying that men can live together without butcher. In one, another sad that governments are cheaped by the double tongues. And there is iron in your words of death, for all commands you to see, and solar is Arne and your words of life, no sign paper, and hold the iron.

0 (43m 24s):
It must come from men. The words of 10 bearers carry the same iron of life and death. It is good that warriors such as we meet in the struggle of life or death, Shelby life situational awareness of multiple threat indicators in one view, be prepared. Future

1 (44m 8s):
We’re back Patriot power hour, four segment final episode of July, 2020 Ben the breaker banksters follow me on Twitter at Bankston breaker, send me an email dethrone. The I know that’s a mouthful, so I’ll just hit me up on Twitter. It’s a lot easier at bankster break. You’re working. They find future

2 (44m 32s):
Dan at future danger six on Twitter works well, easy money go to the website, plenty of ways to contact us.

1 (44m 41s):
I’ve already said it really is the best way to go to Fiji find the different contexts and the entire archive of all 105 episodes right now, 106 by tomorrow. When I put this archive up there

2 (44m 54s):
And almost 11,000 separate news links collected over five years, that’s a hell of a

1 (44m 59s):
Damn 11,000.

2 (45m 2s):
Yeah, shit. All off that all could be exported per indicator for your research needs to for free. Okay.

1 (45m 13s):
Alright. It’s nice. If someone was like trying to get their right, their thesis on data science or some political science with data, that would be a frickin legitimate dataset.

2 (45m 24s):
Just want to look at, you know, what kind of riding has that broken out in the United States in the last five years and put it in context, how bad it was recently you could do that.

1 (45m 34s):
You know, what would be interesting someday? And maybe you probably started doing this now, even to some degree, can you test which I do. You have to click on each link to see if it actually still works. You know, maybe some of these links are going dead or some of these stories are being removed scrubbed. Have you ever thought of looking into that might be kind of a neat, neat thing to look and you’ve got an archive, permanent, permanent headline and source document, but those links privately going dead sometimes. Right. And maybe getting scrubbed out.

2 (46m 3s):
Yeah. It could be. Have you noticed it?

1 (46m 5s):
Have you ever no.

2 (46m 7s):
Most of them work in the most reputable news sources. Don’t do that. I mean,

1 (46m 13s):
I mean, can do Washington post. They’re not reputable.

2 (46m 15s):
Yeah. But they won’t change their link. They’ll still have the news stories standing, you know, several years later. Okay. Yeah. There might be some sketchy memory hole on it yet. They might be sketchy sites that do

1 (46m 27s):
I star memory holding a lot more. That might be an indicator. We’ll see. Right.

2 (46m 31s):
Right. Well, I’d be new to censorship. And I want to talk about new censorship a little bit right here, where we’ve always talked about these things and you know, the president’s son being temporarily banned from Twitter is sort of minor league, minor league censorship. But nevertheless, outrageous compared to our historical past in this country. But the indicator goes black on red really when the government start censoring. Okay. And then say any danger of that the most like the most outrageous, outrageous mainstream media type collusion to not report type censorship, can’t usually get above a red.

2 (47m 11s):
But when we find that, you know, government forces are preventing information from being put out, you know, Snowden, Nesta,

1 (47m 20s):
Constitutional bill of rights, crisis type of stuff.

2 (47m 23s):
Yeah. And we haven’t had one of those lately, but it could happen any day. Of course.

1 (47m 28s):
Well then, I mean, they have occurred and the damage is lasting. So that’s something that everyone just needs to realize a new cycle is so short. Just don’t forget what happened a month ago, a year ago. I mean, that’s, what’s good about the archive on future danger too, but even just in general, like think of all the crazy stuff that came out of Snowden just that alone and that stuff’s kind of just kind of getting slowly but surely lost in time. I guess part of the fabric, a lot of people have woken up though from that. So I guess over time, it diffuses in that way as well.

2 (48m 2s):
Yeah. So there’s a little as theoretic going on on future danger tonight that won’t be here in an hour or actually these pictures that are up, we’ll be here probably for another few days, at least. But this, this is like describing something visual on radio. I’m not sure how well it would work, but if you’re following along, you can check out the pictures. We got a flake of gold pictured in the gold sores all the time. I yeah, not river gold.

2 (48m 33s):
It’s not nugget. It’s like I have a vein inside of a mountain as a flake of gold as a person holding it. There’s on the risky banking side, the bank slashing credit card limits. We used a picture of a stack of credit cards, a little close up of them. And then for the dollar going to a 20 month, 22 month low in the DX and just to stop and explain DXY is a basket of currency. So it’s relative to, you know, the Euro, the yen and several other currencies, the pound and it’s it’s low compared to them.

2 (49m 9s):
So that’s why the DX squat wides low. That’s why the indicator dollar falling, it’s starting to light up, but we got pictures of the greenback. So we’ve got a flake, a gold credit cards, picture of the greenback. And these are all mechanisms to transact the productive value of our labor and our property, right? It’s it’s currency. And it’s interesting if you don’t take that raw or in mint and kind of press into it, something that bonafide is a government, it’s just, it doesn’t seem to transact historically.

2 (49m 49s):
Like it will, if the government kind of prints on it, that this is our currency, credit cards have this, you know, very metallic, sleek, you know, attractive look to them and it’s part of our consumer customer or culture. And then the dollar, which hasn’t been, you know, seriously, you know, the artwork on the dollar hasn’t been changed in decades to any serious degree. We’ve still got Washington, a $1 bill, right? It has all kind of ornament and it’s just two colors, green and white or tones of them, at least.

2 (50m 23s):
So these forms that we use to measure and transact our, our, our, our value, our economic value, it always ends up having to be fishy or feel official or enough of our society doesn’t, you know, choose to trust it. Gold has that kind of stigma. And unless it’s coming out of a mint, which we haven’t done since when, you know, sixties with silver and before that we didn’t, you know, currency for everyday use gold coins were taken out of circulation.

2 (50m 59s):
So when that was removed, you know what, what’s your perspective go back to the gold standard and how do you do it?

1 (51m 8s):
I mean, I think a big part of what you’re getting at is the legal tender issue. And if the government accepts a form of currency, whether it’s gold or silver as taxes, or just us dollars only, well that gives it a lot of pervy, right? Their tax payment. Yeah. They take it as tax payment, that’s it, that’s a big boost, huge amount because then businesses can account in that, you know, and then they can accept that as payment as well. So that’s a big part. That’s not all of it. But what I want to show is even though the U S dollar is not the U S dollar is not backed by gold anymore, the government still produces it.

1 (51m 50s):
The U S mint government affiliated still produces one ounce gold coins. Right now you could buy one of them for 2060 $5. So while we said that the higher actually the current price is about $1,960,

2 (52m 11s):
$100 premium to get it minted today.

1 (52m 13s):
Yep. And that’s been heard by the U S government, but I want to show you something, let’s go to a one ounce non-government coin non-government same price, actually didn’t know it was gonna be the exact same price. I thought it’s going to be slightly less because the government premium, which there usually is, but you can buy a one ounce American gold Buffalo from an independent mint, one ounce of gold. It’s the most famous and well known of gold non-government gold coins. Certainly which one? This one ounce. Buffalo. Okay.

1 (52m 44s):
But it’s, I think it’s, I forgot what your minute is. We can take a look, but point is it’s not government and Oh, it is offered by the man. Oh, okay. Maybe it is offered by the met. It’s not, it’s not legal tender cause these one ounce or we’re $50 face value, but not this one out. So that’s interesting. There are independent gold mints though. They, I would expect to have a little bit of a different value, but what I’m looking at right here, it’s not the most exciting radio and we’re running low, but in the silver market, in particular, you can get an American silver Eagle.

1 (53m 22s):
And let’s say it’d be $25 for one. And then you would get a one ounce round from an independent, be $22. So we’re talking, there is a premium on government, but in a free market, people will still just buy the stuff

2 (53m 34s):
Just cause it’s silver. I’m coming to grips with the mystery of money every day for the rest of my life is hard. So let’s turn it to Bitcoin. What’s that doing to that? Absolutely. What’s that price

1 (53m 45s):
Bitcoin right now 1000 or excuse me, 1000, $10,900. It’s more than 10% since this time, last week. So it’s moving up with gold this week. Absolutely. And it peaked out at about 11,400. So let’s go back to about this time last week, huge bump ups. So just about 9,000 up to nearly $11,000 in just, just a couple of weeks. Definitely.

1 (54m 15s):
Yes. It’s about the 20th. So

2 (54m 16s):
Enough to be worried. I mean, if golden Bitcoin are havens for wealth and it starts to flee into places, you know, that are a lot harder for the government to track that you have it right? That that surely is a sign that something’s not stable at least. Or is there some completely innocuous reason why both of them are moving up right now when we, you know, we, and the dollar is moving down, but we don’t have any hard news of terrible economic events.

1 (54m 46s):
I think, I mean, there’s always so much going on, but it’s not a coincidence there’s correlation. And if anyone who knows statistics, statistics, or math, a correlation of 0.5 out of one is like extremely high. So that’s still not it. You know, the causation would be 1.0 without going down a statistical rabbit hole. Let me tell ya the weakening of the dollar and trillions and trillions of dollars in debt spending and stimulus is helping Bitcoin.

1 (55m 18s):
Who knows

2 (55m 18s):
What tonight on July 28th, 2020, who’s putting massive amounts of money into Bitcoin and gold. What are they fleeing from ahead of the rest of us?

1 (55m 30s):
I mean, ask them I’m one of them. I’ll tell you what I’m playing, but GDP numbers coming. I don’t know if it’s that good

2 (55m 38s):
Depression like economic results.

1 (55m 41s):
I think it’s possible that

2 (55m 43s):
Bankruptcies and rent evictions.

1 (55m 46s):
What if there, well, that’s a big part of it as well, right there actually, because the statement in particular, the $600 unemployment’s running out,

2 (55m 54s):
I think we’re looking at what August might be all about.

1 (55m 56s):
Yeah, no people get a reality check. I think that’s a big part of it right here, I think. And I think as we talked a little bit before, maybe they’re not able to push gold down as much as they used to with manipulation. Could it be the same with big corn saying maybe they’re starting to lose a little control or have to let a little pressure?

2 (56m 12s):
Well, thank you for listening tonight all the way to the end. I think that’s a preview for August, but thank you to all listeners on this network and Patriot power hour. This is not the end. This is just one more weekly installment. We’re just building

0 (56m 24s):
Forts week by week of Patriot power on the airwaves to fortify a legacy that we’ve been talking about what is not right and what we want are the other Patriots and citizens to, to know about. And I really love doing this show with you. So I’ll be back next week. Absolutely man, great stuff. Where would to put it new month? Patriot power hour will always be back Tuesdays 8:00 PM.

0 (56m 54s):
Eastern let’s make way right now for the next generation show we’re out of here featured Dan, another good episode in the bank touching next week. See you next week, buddy.

0 (57m 31s):
I wonder if the Mexicans guy drinks a margarita smash, listen to the Maya .


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