Dismantle the Family!

Dismantle the Family!

October 24, 2018 Indoctrination Politics Rights 0

The News Pt 3 Dismantle the Family
Allen Getz “Behind The Headlines” Audio player below!

Dismantle the FamilyThis broadcast of Behind the Lines focuses the ‘tactical execution and practical application’ of collectivization upon specific constructs within society. These institutions represent a guiding force and a stabilizing unit that must be neutralized before this collectivization becomes possible. By various mechanisms (deliberately designed to ridicule and insult) these institutions become devalued and deemed unnecessary. This behavior, when recognized, must be addressed, exposed, and refuted.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Dismantle the Family” in this player!

This episode examines the Institute for Social Research’s plan for the destabilization of society centering upon the destruction of the family. This examination centers upon the Institute’ goal of ‘breaking down’ and dismantling the family by any and all means necessary. With various means at the disposal of the pro-collectivization supporters, we review the principles of devaluation and acrimony regarding as applied against familial societal structure. Also, specific methods shaping negative opinions regarding traditional views undergo analysis.

The revelation of these mechanisms (as highlighted in the ‘points’ of the Institute for Social Research) point toward disturbing trends within the current culture. Commentary and extended analysis of these events assist in preparing a defense against these intrusions. Proper recognition of these influences provide the means necessary for a successful refutation of these anti-family strategies. Success in dismantling these strategies provide a defense for ourselves and act as an ‘insulator’ against any future schemes concocted by pro-collectivization forces.

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