The Lost Art of Being Prepared.

The Lost Art of Being Prepared.

July 23, 2012 Aj's Prep Talk Newbies Prepper Mentality Preppers 0

This week on the Aj Prepper show, we will be talking to a guest that is really starting to get some recognition in the prepping community. This man is known to you tube as Mahalyc33. He has been spreading the importance of prepping not only with his channel, but by doing blog interactive chats as well as being the author of a new series entitled The Lost Art of Being Prepared. In the first book of his new series Mahalyc speaks to us on how to be mentally prepared for upcoming disasters. He is now working on the second book in the series. He is making his preparation to not only be prepared, but to help prepare those around him. Make plans to join us in the chat room for conversation and feel free to call in to ask Aj and Mahalyc your questions. Monday 7/23/2012 8:00 pm/Ct. Go To home page for live show.

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