Shelters and Whats best for you!

Shelters and Whats best for you!

July 20, 2012 In Time of Disaster Shelters Survival Survival Items 0

This Friday on In Time of Disaster we continued our discussion on shelters and attempt to discover what type of shelter would be the best for you and your family. Do you have plans for a long term for shelter in the event of a major disaster?

Having the ability to build a shelter is only 1/2 of the battle as there are many other aspects to sheltering other than having a well-built shelter and things such as wood for a fire, food, clean water and much more. After all, what good is a great shelter if you have nothing to eat or drink?

This Friday your host Karen and her special guest Katzcradule will had a personal, one on one discussion with you about what would be your best options depending upon where you live and what type of disaster might strike your state, country or the planet. Listen to show in player below.

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