Harvesting Rainwater Reality Check

Harvesting Rainwater Reality Check

May 19, 2018 Water water collection and storage Water Purification 0

Harvesting Rainwater Reality Check
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Harvesting Rainwater Reality Check“Water, water, everywhere, And all the boards did shrink; Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop to drink.” -Samuel Taylor Coleridge. As preppers, we all know how vital water is to survival. We have the filters, the chemicals, the storage barrels, and most of us have a storage plan for drinking water. What happens when you run out? Have you planned on resupply your water reserves? This episode of Reality Check we talk about harvesting and using rainwater. We cover some of the problems you have to think about like pollen, roofing grit, bird poop, paint, mold, and general dirt that is on your roof. The best materials to use as catchment surfaces like tin, concrete, shingles, and plastic. With a polycarbonate sheet, you could easily create the perfect rainwater collector. We will also cover some ideas, besides barrels, to store rainwater like rain gardens and ponds. I’ll give you some pointers on building pre-filters and how to get potable rain water. Remember that water is a universal solvent and will pickup elements on its way to your storage.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Harvesting Rainwater” in this player!

We cover gutter sizing and installation, leaf guards, filter socks, flush diverters that can switch between you storage tanks and the yard. We’ll cover some of the different methods of storage like above ground and cisterns made of wood, metal, concrete, and plastic. We will cover filtering and how the best to get the rain water into potable water with the use of chlorine, ozone, UV, and reverse osmosis.

Cant forget about carrying that water in a Bugout situation. There is no more efficient method than a powerful hydration pack.

Finally we cover some rules and legal considerations on collecting and storing rain water. Have I spurred your interest? Join me this Friday night on Reality Check for harvesting rainwater.

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