Dealing with the elderly and the disabled

Dealing with the elderly and the disabled

September 30, 2017 Family Handicaps Reality Check 0

Dealing with the elderly and the disabled
Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below!

Dealing with the elderly and the disabled

In this show EK is back to discuss the elderly and the disabled members of your group and why they are a vital component.

Many preppers out there have the mindset that the weak, old, or infirmed are going to have to be cut loose or left behind in a grid down scenario.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Dealing with the elderly and the disabled” in this player!

Many preppers have already decided that these people will cause major issues during bug out. They cannot do patrols, hunt, or participate in a firefight much less protect themselves. A lot of the prepper population has the mindset that the elderly and disabled will just be a drain on resources.

Really? Are you really thinking this way?

Listen in to find out why the elderly and the disabled will be some of the greatest resources to have in a grid-down, SHTF, or communal living scenario. It is high time we talk about the people in the rear with the gear so to speak. Have you heard the saying “Many hands make idle work?”

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