Fake News on The APN Report

Fake News on The APN Report

March 3, 2017 APN Report Fiction Media News Opinion 0

Fake News
Bob Hawkins “The APN Report” Audio in player below!

Fake NewsFrom the very beginning, there has been controversy concerning the press & it’s apparent bias over how it reports the news. But of late, a new controversy has appeared that throws fuel on the fire. The rise of “Fake News.”

Up until the last couple of decades, news reporting has been a profession wholly owned by those working for newspapers, radio & TV. It had well established guidelines, defined parameters, & set rules in reporting the who, what, when, where, & why information, that makes up a news story. These guidelines, taught in Journalism schools, served as defining tenants of a profession as a whole.

All that changed with the advent of desktop publishing & the internet, where anyone with the intellect to compose a blog or produce a youtube video could write a news story or present a news video. This seriously changed things when professional journalism took on those who’s prior journalism education amounted to nothing more than a personal blog & a myspace page.

At first, it was of little consequence, a minor fringe element easily dismissed, since most got their news directly from the major news outlets of mass media. But once social networking took hold, once the public had unfettered access to information on their home computers or laptops, tablets or smartphones, there became a flood of a different kind of news story. News stories being passed off as whole truth, when only a shred of truth exits within the story. Half-truths have become gospel, & myths become carved in stone. Professional Journalism has assumed a new role, no longer simply informing the public & reporting the news, but instead to totally shape opinion, & convey an agenda.
No longer real news, instead, editorial comporting under the guise of news.

On this show we discuss “Fake News”, what it is, how it came to be, & how you can often determine for yourself, if what you read or see in a news article has any foundation in truth, or if it’s just a fiction, dreamed up by an active imagination with an agenda. I think you’ll be surprised how even our desire for a Prepping & Survivalist lifestyle has been driven in part by “Fake News”.
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