WALT BROWNING: Post-Apocalyptic Author

WALT BROWNING: Post-Apocalyptic Author

July 8, 2016 Apocolypse Books E.M.P. Fiction Prepping for Tomorrow 0

WALT BROWNING: Post-Apocalyptic Author
Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow

1-14-16 AKART-slide-show-IMAGE1On this  episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program with Author Bobby Akart, critically acclaimed post-apocalyptic author, Walt Browning, will be his special guest. As preppers, we hunger for knowledge and often seek out post-apocalyptic fiction as a source. We try to imagine ourselves in a world that involves global catastrophic risk.

In June, the Prepping for Tomorrow program focused on imaginative, fantasy collapse events like the zombie apocalypse. As summer heats up, we thought it would be appropriate to discuss the risks associated with natural occurring EMPs, like solar flares. But to start the discussion, we’ll look at man-made electromagnetic pulse catastrophes and the consequences of a nuclear EMP with author Walt Browning.

WALT BROWNING: Post-Apocalyptic AuthorWalt co-authored Charlie’s Requiem with our mutual friend and bestselling author Chris Weatherman who writes under the pen name—A. American. The Going Home series has been the best-selling post-apocalyptic fiction series since its release by Chris in 2013. Chris and Walt got together last year and added to this critically acclaimed series with a novella telling the story of a hard charging young woman who found herself thrust into the darkness as a result of an EMP attack on the United States.

A nuclear delivered electromagnetic pulse is one of the biggest threats facing our nation and is on the mind of a lot of preppers. Charlie’s Requiem is the story of a young woman’s fight for survival using her instincts and will, not a stockpile of food and weapons. They must find their way out of a city which has descended into anarchy, or die trying.

7-7-16 book-of-frankThis was Walt’s second foray into the published world. His first book is titled, The Book of Frank: ISIS and the Archangel Platoon. The Book of Frank is an interesting story of an ex-Marine who has just finished his first year as a Jesuit novitiate. Frank Martel’s bloodline traced back thirteen centuries. His ancestors had successfully defeated the Islamic Caliphate once, and now Frank must face the evil. He reunites with a lost love and creates the Archangel Platoon, who is hired to rescue innocent Catholic children and their caregiving nuns from the torture of ISIS vermin.
Visit Bobby Akart website HERE! 
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