Are any of us prepared? prepper checklist
Are any of us prepared? prepper checklist
Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps”
This episode I will talk about how prepared we think we are, or aren’t. I will make a generalized checklist of what we should have and maybe a few things you might not have thought of. Many of us get a general Bob (bug out bag) and think we have everything we need, but most of us will probably be surprised that we forgot a few odds and ends.
This show will be all about what you may have forgotten and some decent ways to keep track of what all you do have, not only in a bob but also in your everyday preps. I myself like redundancy, the ability to have a backup to a backup. I also like multi use items in my bob and preps, if you can use something for more than one use then you can conserve space and be more efficient. I will give some advice on what I personally have and what you as a prepper should think about. I will also show a few apps for your phone and possible ways to record and track your preps and recommend a few websites to find the beast deals on your preps.
The need to keep track of our preps is essential, sometimes we can build up so much stuff that we really do not know what we have. If you cannot keep a record of it then you might end up with out of date food, or missing a few items you wish you had prepped. So many times I have seen preppers say during conversation that they didn’t think of this or that when the conversation of what preps we have come up.
It is so easy to get behind on what we need when we get this sort of tunnel vision in one area of preps and do not think of the whole. So tonight we will discuss what all we should be thinking of and how to track it with your checklist, so enjoy the show and questions are always welcome!
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Are any of us prepared? prepper checklist check list prepared prepper prepper checklist