Wisdom and know how!

Wisdom and know how!

February 18, 2016 Books Books Gardening Homesteading Medical Survival Surviving Dystopia Sustainability 0

The Wisdom and know how series
JD Cooper “Surviving Dystopia

Wisdom and know howThere is another set of books that preppers should know about and these are just full of useful information.  The Natural healing wisdom& know how has been read to tatters around this house.

I personally own Country, Survival, and Natural Healing Wisdom& Know How, but discovered that here is also three others Craft, Woodworking and Garden Wisdom & Know How that I simply must have now.

2-17-16 20160213_204644One can find these books almost anywhere, one of mine I found at Home Depot.  There are places to find books on such topics that are outside of the normal venues you might look for homesteading and preparedness topics.  I found that Lowes also had a pretty nice smattering of these that sidetracked one of my shopping trips for quite a little spell. Another place I like to check out for interesting reads is Tractor Supply.  These places unlike big box stores keeps their selection relevant to the other products you find there, making it easy to check out a few choice titles without having to search an entire book store.

Country Wisdom & Know How is published by Storey Publishing, a well-respected publisher in the categories of country living, crafts and animals.  This one book at nearly 500 pages of illustrated know how is a must have.  I found it funny that a poor review on Amazon made it sound right up my alley.

“…The book is basically the knowledge you would get from your grey haired granpa if you didn’t shut him up in a nursing home.  It is great info that most people don’t want to know anymore because they buy their junk from China, get their food prepackaged from Kroger love their cell phones and hate touching dirt.” –By Constantshopper

Join me to hear about more of this series and some of my favorite projects outlined in these books.  Being a huge advocate of knowledge and educating yourself rather than just stocking up a few cans of tuna under that bed, I am always looking for ways to learn more about sustainable and off grid living.
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