The Hoss U.S.M.C. Joins Prepper Broadcasting!

The Hoss U.S.M.C. Joins Prepper Broadcasting!

February 13, 2012 Uncategorized 0

We are proud to announce the newest addition to our network. Joining us tonight Monday 2/13/2012 8:00 pm/Central for his first airing live will be The Hoss U.S.M.C. Many of you know The Hoss U.S.M.C. through his Youtubes. He is a true patriot and Prepper/Survivalist with a lot of knowledge and energy to share with those that want to learn self reliance.

Join us Tonight and give The Hoss your support. His topic for tonight’s show water, with a general overview of water and sanitation in an emergency situation. Maybe you think you’ve heard it all? Tune in and see what you have missed.

Listen to internet radio with PrepperBroadcastingNetwork on Blog Talk Radio

Check out The Hoss show page for up-coming shows, archives, and learn a little more about this man at

Be sure to also check out his You tube channel and subscribe at .


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