World News and It’s Hunting Season!

World News and It’s Hunting Season!

October 17, 2015 Collapse Experiment Economy News Politics 0

World News and It’s Hunting Season!
Mathew Gilman “The Collapse Experiment

On this episode of the Collapse Experiment… Around the world the hunt is on. Here in Michigan bow season for deer is in. Turkey season is in full swing with me unable to get a license in time, sigh.

World News putinIn Syria, Putin is also enjoying the hunt going after ISIS with air strikes that has started to drive the group into Turkey. The US and Russia have gone back and forth about Syrian airspace and coordinating attacks against the radical militant group. Like I said before, you know you’re a special kind of jerk when Russia and the US will work together to get rid of you. The Syrian army has joined the fight with an offensive following a series of Russian air strikes against ISIS targets.

World News US_10th_Mountain_Division_soldiers_in_AfghanistanTo the north, Obama has decided to leave 5,500 troops in Afghanistan for another year delaying our leave of the country. This comes after attacks from the Taliban and a coalition helicopter crash in Kabul on October 10th killing two American soldiers. The move is to ensure the security of the country after the US is completely gone.

Iraq has finally put on their big boy pants and is preparing an assault against the ISIS held Ramadi. This is after the Iraqi army an with their tail between their legs a few years ago when ISIS took over the area in a Blitzkrieg style offensive into the country.

In political collapse news everybody agrees with Bernie. The first democratic political debate had everyone repeating the comments of the oldest man on stage. Bernie Sanders had no problem telling people how it is and everyone would reply with “I agree with Bernie…” The debate was a stale version of the republican debate with no Trump for everyone to attack. Even Hillary was non existent on stage.

World News south_china_sea3China is warning the US about their presence in the south china sea. The US is concerned about the Chinese building military facilities on a series of islands that are in dispute. China warns the US to stay away from the region after the US made comments about patrolling the area.

A Scottish nurse that contracted Ebola over a year ago in Sierra Leone is in critical condition after the virus came back. The doctor are convinced that the virus is not contagious and that a weakened version of the virus has returned after not being fully eradicated.

To finish up, silver is on the cheap side these days and some hunting safety tips for those who are hitting the woods this time of year. All of this and more on the Collapse Experiment Podcast.

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