Cheap Hot Water Anyone?

Cheap Hot Water Anyone?

June 26, 2015 I Am Liberty Solar Water 0

Cheap Hot Water Anyone?
James Walton “I Am Liberty

I am liberty 400x300Its rare that I get into preparedness products. Self-reliance toys if you will. Now I am not talking about silly cheap China made knives that are also wrenches that are also flints that pose as shovels and when held in the just right light resemble a compass. No, I am talking about highly effective products that are out there that you may have never heard of.

You have heard me talk about big leverage and how we should all be focusing our time effort and money into big leverage purposes. This is how we effect big change in our life. When we talk about self-reliance you can have a garden in the summer or you can invest money in permaculture and a greenhouse to grow all year and provide your family with healthy safe food grown to your expectations. This is an example of big leverage.

Though solar power is slowly evolving into a game changer its Hot Water f2effe69a09e713c24172e10251290fdimportant that we understand its effectiveness in providing us with resources other than electric power. You hear about the Sun Oven all the time. Many of you own them. Lets not forget out about the comfort of hot water the sun can handle that too. I have a great guest tonight as well who will join us to talk about a new product called the Rocket Dome. The most simple, efficient and effective solar hot water system you are going to come across. Sean is a very passionate man with a great background in solar products. I am very excited to be the first to bring this product to the attention of the Prepper Broadcasting listeners.

We are gonna have some fun on this weeks show. Ya know I have never been big on cars but there are topics that I can have great masculine conversations about. I would also love to hear from the listeners about some of your favorite self reliance toys. Things that are just marvels of modern technology and make this quest for independence of ours some much more simple.

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