Severe Burn Care When There’s No Doctor!

Severe Burn Care When There’s No Doctor!

May 30, 2015 Herbal Prepper Medical Treatment 0

Severe Burn Care When There’s No Doctor!
Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live”

Burn Care Hot coalsLast week, we talked about first degree burns, specifically sunburns, which are common this time of year, and some simple natural remedies to address them. But, what happens if you accidentally spill a pot of boiling water on yourself or fall into a fire pit on your practice bug out or camping trip? What if you had a second or third degree burn post-SHTF and there were no doctor or hospital to help you?

Burn Care Major-2nd-degree-burn boiling water PDBurns are serious injuries. They are an open wound and cannot wait for long before you must get treatment. If you are in a remote location, or if there is no chance for emergency personnel to help you, then you must help yourself.

If you are preparing to serve as your group’s emergency medical provider, then burns are something you are going to see frequently post-SHTF. You will need to know how to assess the burn, cool the burn down before the heat can penetrate the tissue further, how to debride broken blisters and eschar, how to keep the burn victim hydrated, and how to fight infection.

Burn Care rescue-helicopter PDSevere burns are one of those areas that clearly demonstrates the need to have plenty of supplies on hand. You will need several times more than you think you do, because burns are common injuries and severe burns require a plan for long term care. We’re not talking about a month of resting a sprained ankle (sprains also being a common injury post-disaster) by elevating it on a pillow. We’re talking about extra antibiotics, extra calorie-dense food, extra water, extra sterile fluids, the potential for multiple people needing care, and this care lasting for months.

Serious, severe burns are painful, scary, and potentially life-threatening injuries. This episode will cover what to do and what not to do when they happen.
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