Public Lands, a survivalist playground!

Public Lands, a survivalist playground!

May 23, 2015 I Am Liberty Mind Set Preppers 0

Public Lands, a survivalist playground!
James Walton “I Am Liberty

I am liberty 400x300There is so much to expound on. If I had to keep to one topic tonight it would be torture. The thin blue line is up against it like never before. The latest has the government funding community organizers to coach the police. That sounds frightening. Our President is on a tirade of race and inequality like nothing we have seen in this country. All this has myself and many others I know out side of this podcast reevaluating things. I would highly recommend a reevaluation of your current situation and what it would look like if one of this riots rolled into your neighborhood.

Public Lands Canada banff-national-park_9141_200x150I want to talk briefly about Immunity and the crazy protocol I follow when I am not feeling well. Best is the main take away from to rights show should be that of utilIzing your public lands. Every state has set aside thousands of acres public lands to be used for hunting, fishing, hiking and whatever else you can think of. I have some great ideas about utilizing these public lands, especially for those broke urban peppers. I will give you one hint: most of these Wildlife Management Areas allow primitive camping up to 14 days.

There has been a bit of a lull in my preparedness. The events of the last couple weeks have absolutely frightened me. Even more the people around me feel the same way. That is sign to me. Please stay tuned to this and the other great shows available at I have never been so sure that you will need the knowledge
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