Ebola, The Virus!

Ebola, The Virus!

August 5, 2014 Herbs Medicine The Human Path Treatment 0

Ebola,  The  Virus
Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path

self_06I have had so many emails asking me about herbal possibilities in dealing with Ebola virus, that I am going to come out of what was meant to be a month-long hiatus (taken due to being so busy) and talk about Ebola. This is obviously uncharted territory. Is it possible to work with plant medicine to help someone beat the 60% or 90% mortality rate that different strains of this virus carry with them? That’s a very high mortality rate and means that at least 1 out of every 2 people contacting this virus will probably die.

8-5-14 Ebola virusWhat can be done using orthodox medicine? Very little. What can be done using plant medicine? Probably a lot more. This is conjecture based to some extent on field research and folk medicine, as well as conjecture based on how we know the Ebola virus works as a pathogen in our bodies, and what herbs we have that absolutely do have a countering effect to some of those pathophysiological processes.

8-5-14 Ebola-Virus-PicturesIn this podcast, I will discuss the virus strains, how infection is passed, signs and symptoms and how we would deal with this as an epidemic in the USA if it happened.

I will then talk about the pathophysiology of this virus. What does it actually do in our body? How does it replicate? How does it damage our organs and kill us?

Finally and most importantly, I will talk about the most promising plant medicine we can use, in my opinion (and remember, this is all opinion – nobody has any clinical data on any of this), to stabilize and get a person through an Ebola infection alive and hopefully undamaged.
Sam Coffman Website: http://thehumanpath.com/

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