The Road Not Taken

The Road Not Taken

June 5, 2014 Mind Set Prepper Mentality Preppers The Homestead Honey Hour 0

The Road Not Taken
Host: Noreen “The Homestead Honey Hour”

roadSome of you may know the popular poem of the same name, penned by American Icon Robert Frost. It is a beautiful piece of prose that always makes me think. It really is a fine prescription for how to live your life.

This week on the Homestead Honey Hour join me, Noreen for an hour of introspection. A metaphoric journey on the road less traveled and how it relates to the lives that we choose to live. In this chosen lifestyle, no matter what you like to call it, prepping, homesteading, preparedness, survivalism, we are all choosing the road less traveled and sometimes we wonder, should we have taken the other road?

Road Which-roadIn times of doubt we may wish we had made different choices, but when we step back we realize that the road we are on is the right one indeed. Sometimes when faced with a fork in the road, we must make a choice. Sometimes the road is smooth and even. Sometimes the road is harsh and rocky. We all have the choice to make, regardless of what those around us may think about our choice, the choice is still ours to make and to live with. We are certain to face more than one fork in this road of life. We are certain to make the choice over and over again. In the end we must never regret what we have done and know that we have made the best choice for ourselves.

Join me on Thursday evening for a thought provoking edition of the Homestead Honey Hour. I’m sure Robert Frost will be there in spirit!
Noreen’s YouTube channel HERE!

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