Food Prices and The Factors That Effect Them!

Food Prices and The Factors That Effect Them!

February 21, 2014 Drought I Am Liberty Planning storage 0

Food Prices and The Factors That Effect Them!
Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty”

food-pricesIt takes a bit of forecasting in order to be effective and prepared. I could tell you how to keep warm this week as many parts of the nation are experiencing colder than normal temperatures. The fact is the average person needs some lead time to make money, save money and spend money on effective preparedness.

On I Am Liberty we are going to talk about food prices and how these most recent weather events are going to affect them. Not just the weather but other factors will also play a huge role in the what your grocery receipt will look like come this summer or maybe sooner. This is a huge topic I am not hearing much about.

Food PricesMichael Snyder penned another great article titled’ 15 reasons why your food bill is going to start soaring.’ Just another great article in a list of great ones that he has produced. In that article it stated
Celeste Cantu, the general manager for the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority, says that this drought could have a “cataclysmic” impact on food prices…

Given that California is one of the largest agricultural regions in the world, the effects of any drought, never mind one that could last for centuries, are huge. About 80 percent of California’s freshwater supply is used for agriculture. The cost of fruits and vegetables could soar, says Cantu. “There will be cataclysmic impacts.”

Use this show and the time thereafter to first look at the evidence and make a decision. If you do find it relevant use the opportunity to get yourself prepared. Good solid food storage from a reputable supplier is, in my opinion, the investment to make. Aside from growing as much of your own food as possible this is your next best option.
Don’t miss this show as there will be plenty to touch.
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