Scrumptious Bugs with Tiny Farms & More!
Scrumptious Bugs with Tiny Farms & More!
Host: Todd and Nick “We Grow Ours”
What is it about the thought of eating bugs or insects that cures the hunger pains of most of us? Millions of people across the globe dine on delectable insects as a routine. This has been and still is a prime source of sustenance for many and there are many insects considered a delicacy. Join us tonight for first the airing on Prepper Broadcasting of “We Grow Ours”. This first show should be an eye opener that may squelch your appetite but will surly give you food for thought.
From the hosts:
We have a fun show this week, we have a new intro. It is a bit over the top and we love it! Let us know what you think. We talk about edible insects of all types, and introduce our listeners to tiny-farms Daniel. They are doing great work and have new open-source, farms for growing your own coming out. Nick and Don also talk a little politics. We speak a bit about our political divide. Right and left is far apart today, but don’t forget we are all in this together. Toss aside politics and come together on key issues like defeating Monsanto!
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delecacy delectable insects Scrumptious Bugs sustenance Tiny Farms