They Were Preppers on a Magic Journey!

They Were Preppers on a Magic Journey!

October 2, 2013 Articles Family They Were Preppers Travel 0

They Were Preppers on A Magic Journey!

MagicHave you ever wondered how your world might change if all the trappings of our modern existence were suddenly stripped from our grasp? Traveling without our four wheeled cocoons, no more to enjoy the coolness of air conditioning gently coming from the vents. What if your world were suddenly stripped away, and you were forced to live the life of our ancestors? E.L. Jacobs in his story from 1967 tells of a journey he took with his parents as a small boy. It was a time before highways, and byways crossed our landscape. Taking place in Oklahoma before the convenience of automobiles existed on the dry dusty roads, and when travel by wagon was still common-place. Come Magicalong for the ride, and experience just what we miss in our hustle bustle world. Traveling at only about three miles an hour, the world opens up in an entirely new light. The sounds, and smells, the enjoyment of a campfire meal, or the wonder of a hen suddenly awakened in the night announcing her surprise.

We miss a lot in our modern world. Maybe, just maybe, an existence without the trappings of our “Civilized Technocracy” wouldn’t be so bad after all, in fact maybe magic. Without the distraction of our Cell Phones, buttons to push, and the incessant cackle of the television set in the background Magicof our lives, we might discover the magic that we’re missing. As “Preppers”, we spend so much of our time storing away gadgets, freeze dried rice cakes, and struggling with our might to maintain the lifestyle that we’ve become accustomed to… That we might be overlooking the “Magic” that our uncertain future might just bring within our grasp. As Mr Jacobs puts it in this fantastic story, “There are no heroics in my saga. Yet I have never, I think, taken a more romantic or exciting trip. As I look back on the long ride in a vehicle now vanished, but then to be seen in fair numbers, I remember many things that have stayed with me “

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