Life Changes! Be Ready!

Life Changes! Be Ready!

September 19, 2013 Community Involvment Family Prepper Mentality Preppers Survival Tips The Other Side...A Preppers Path 0

ChangesLife changes! We all know the only thing that is constant is change. Are you ready for the changes that could come your way? Flood, fire, drought, hurricane, tornado, extreme cold, terrorist event, economic issues and more occur constantly, a fact proven over and over. Now is the time to prepare for the unexpected events of life not later. Preparing for the unexpected is something that should be sooner than later. According to articles dating back to Feb of 2012 some 3 million residents of the good ole USA are considered preppers, so the news is out. Together with this number and the unknown numbers of people quietly preparing their lives the need for clear, honest information is a necessity. Where can you find the information you need to be prepared, to protect your loved ones, to learn what is needed to lead a life of preparedness that creates both peace and power. Lynna has some special guests with the answers.

ChangesIt is time to Change the way you Live! It isn’t an easy road as preparation requires a commitment. The commitment is to a lifestyle uncommon in today’s hustle and bustle where the common thought of “got to have it now” pervades our entire culture. Obtaining this lifestyle includes such things as learning new “old” skills, those basic living skills that were commonplace to our ancestors. Basics like, food storage, gardening, canning, food preservation, cooking, sewing, hunting and more, skills that today many have forgotten or perhaps have never known. An easy road, no but what many fail to realize is that learning to be prepared has perks that far out-weigh the work or study required. Perks, benefiting you, your family and community. Learning to live prepared fosters a sharing and loving relationship wherein each member finds exciting reward in the accomplishment of each skill set, personal interaction increases creating a strong network.

ChangesCome listen as Lynna of “A Preppers Path” speaks with Cindy Thompson of Fortress Management Corp presenters of Life Changes Be Ready! Preparedness & Gun Expo coming this November in Florida. Joining in on Sunday will be a few of the exhibitors at the Expo, get the early scoop on all the goings on, talk with real life preppers such as Trish Deer of Tower Gardens and expert Deana Bess talking about essential oils. Our very own Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy are medical keynote speakers along with authorities such as Dave Kobler southernprepper1, James Wesley Rawles, and Dillard CJ Johnson along with a bevy or top people in the fields of preparedness. Don’t miss this show, Life Changes Be Ready!

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