Prepper Alert & Omega Survival!

Prepper Alert & Omega Survival!

September 26, 2018 Communication 0

Prepper Alert & Omega Survival!
David A. Vine “All Hazards Communications Preparedness” Audio player below

Prepper Alert & Omega SurvivalRusty Shackleford of Omega Outdoor & Emergency Supply Co. in Dayton, Ohio is our guest on this episode of All Hazards Communications Preparedness show.

Omega Survival Supply is a prepper store selling military surplus, camping, hiking and preparedness supplies. Rusty will discuss a variety of communications topics with your host, David A. Vine.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Prepper Alert & Omega Survival” in this player!

I first learned about Omega through their Prepper Alert System. We’ll discuss the Alert System and how he does it as well as some of the recent bulletins he has sent out. Rusty’s mobile Alerts are free and not too frequent. That’s a good thing because all of us are inundated with too much information. My interest in having him as a guest on All Hazards Communications Preparedness is to explore what, why and how the mobile alerts work and what types of alerts are useful to his audience. In addition to the mobile alerts our guest writes articles on topics of interest in his news blog.

A former net control operator, Rusty operated the weekly Southwestern Ohio Preparedness Net for 3 years so we’ll discuss what it means to be a radio net control operator of a regional ham radio network.

He is not only conversant with radio and equipment topics, he also has hands-on experience managing the flow of information. His unique perspective why an event might be important enough to send out as an alert is informed by his retail store’s

Omega Survival Supply holds an annual Field Day which includes a Survival Flea Market and several experts who demonstrate various skills, including navigation, a favorite subject of the host, David Vine. Rusty teaches various survival and preparedness subjects in classes he holds at the Dayton, Ohio store. He and his instructors teach classes from Edible Ohio Plants to Primitive Fire Making.

Omega Survival’s Field Day also includes an opportunity to program Baofeng VHF/UHF radios which are widely used by preppers. He and I will talk about how he programs these radios and what frequencies are used.

He says, At Omega we have a different way for you to do just about anything. Through the blog and alerts I try to provide up to the minute information on local, domestic, and international news. At the store they stock hard-to-find items. Rusty says, “We use this stuff ourselves, we know it, we trust it.”

Rusty Shackleford is a skillful all-around communicator. He operates his Omega Survival Supply YouTube channel and has 100+ videos on a variety of interesting and useful topics.

Rusty organized a regional Prepared and Spared Expo and if we have enough time we’ll talk about that subject too.

We’ll discuss communications topics and more live from 9pm to 10pm Eastern on the All Hazards Communications Preparedness podcast, Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2018 right here on the Prepper Broadcasting Network.

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