You Need More Discipline Part 1 – Smell

You Need More Discipline Part 1 – Smell

August 11, 2018 Planning Survival Survival Tips 0

You Need More Discipline Part 1 – Smell
Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below!

You Need More Discipline Part 1 – SmellWell, it has finally happened. The thing we have all been preparing for has finally occurred and we all got to say a collective ‘I told you so.’ The grid has gone down, Sugar has hit the fan, and society as we know it as has begun to unravel. As a prepper, you are relatively unaffected though because you took the time to stockpile and store up supplies, you planted a garden, your solar panels are providing power and light to your home, and you don’t mind the smell of cooking outside on the grill or with a campfire as the kids are thinking of this as an adventure. Outside your home, however, things are not good.

Listen to this broadcast or download “You Need More Discipline Part 1 – Smell” in this player!

People have begun to notice how well you are getting by. During the first couple of days, everything was fine as everyone was grilling out and still on equal terms. People used lanterns and flashlights, things in the freezer were cooked, and everyone was fat and happy. Now, however, it’s been a few weeks and people are getting desperate.

It is now time for you to begin practicing greater OPSEC and exercising more discipline. So, for the next few weeks I am going to talk about exercising more discipline. We will be covering Light, Sight, and Appearance Discipline, Sound Discipline, and Smell Discipline. Basically all the things that can give away the fact that you are better off than everyone else. This Friday we will begin on smell and ways that your position and capabilities can be exposed. In this show we are going to cover fire for heat and cooking and ways to reduce the amount of smoke that is given off. We are going to talk about coking smells and ways to keep the whole neighborhood from smelling your cooking. We will also cover human odors like waste, garbage, and personal B.O.

Curious to learn more? Join me this Friday as we discuss smell discipline.

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