Responsibility as parents with guns!

Responsibility as parents with guns!

July 30, 2018 gun safety guns Kids 1

Responsibility as parents with guns
Ryan Buford “The Next Generation” Audio player below!

Responsibility as parents with gunsGrowing up my dad used to say to me that “gun control is a steady hand” whenever an argument percolated in the media about restrictions on firearms. As a youngster, it was not a slogan or a gimmick. It was not an argument for or against. It was a simple statement that holds a paramount truth of gun ownership, stewardship and responsibility.

A touchy subject now, especially when it comes to kids. We are often exposed to atrocities of misuse of firearms by minors, irresponsible parents, or a combination of the two. Media slant covers the dark side of the gun debate en masse. But what about the hordes of responsible parents and minors that are able to control themselves and shoulder the responsibilityof owning, using and training with a firearm? What about those who are able to understand the levels of respect required to handle this kind of weaponry?

Listen to this broadcast or download “Responsibility as parents with guns” in player below!

This week we explore the levels of responsibility as parents with guns, the importance of introducing children to aspects of firearm safety, and methods of restraint when keeping kids safe with guns in the home, or carried in public. We’ll also share some helpful resources along the way.

Join us along with special guest, Dane Deeds of the Gunmetal Armory – the Thursday evening show on Prepper Radio Network – as we peel back some of these layers and expose the ways you as a parent can adequately shoulder your responsibility as a gun owner, and the ways you can teach your youngsters life-long lessons on how to be safe, respectful and honorable gun owners in the future.

Also, don’t miss out on the Pint Sized Prepper Project of the Week where we show you a simple, yet effective way to erect an effective field target using paracord and a simple set of tripods that you can take on your next field outing or build on site!

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One Response

  1. Ryan Buford says:

    Special thanks on this episode to Dane D. of the Gunmetal Armory! He has a wealth of knowledge that really pushed this episode to the next level.

    Links presented during the show are listed here – Thanks for listening!

    Eddie Eagle NRA Booklet for Kids Resource:

    Pint Sized Prepper Project of the Week:

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