Fathers Survival Wisdom!

Fathers Survival Wisdom!

June 14, 2018 Family Kids 0

Fathers Survival Wisdom!
James Walton “I Am Liberty ” Audio player below!

Fathers Survival WisdomAs we sit on the threshold of another Father’s Day it calls into question the idea of what fathers teach their sons and what skills you might have learned from your father as you grew up. That is most often the measure of your relationship with your father. It is hard to have a great relationship with a father who never taught you anything. Still, it’s a conversation worth having.

More to the point and more for Prepper Broadcasting I want to talk about what fathers teach their sons in regard to survival.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Fathers Survival Wisdom” in this player!

I want to talk about the things my father taught me directly and indirectly about survival in the woods. Some things were learned from being around Dad and others were learned from watching him. That is the strange paradox of having children, they are always watching but never listening.

I would love to hear from the Fathers out there for this special show. What things are you planning on teaching your children and I will talk about some of the more off color things that I have taught my boys. Its not all about shooting .22 rifles. Though that is a nice skill to have!

We are going to have a show that is full of the things that make Fathers great. I am sure we will discuss memories and stories of fathers past and hopefully we keep off the third rail of spineless walk away Dads that do the deed but don’t nurture the seed. They are out there to. So lets tilt our caps for the Dads who have done it right and the people they have affected.

Don’t miss this episode of the I AM Liberty Show and don’t forget to jump onto the website www.iamlibertyshow.com so you can keep up with the show and all the writings of your faithful host.

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