The Single Mom Survival Series Part 2: Fortification

The Single Mom Survival Series Part 2: Fortification

June 8, 2018 Preparedness Security 0

The Single Mom Survival Series Part 2: Fortification
Dane… “The Gunmetal Armory” Audio player provided!

The Single Mom Survival Series Part 2On this outing of the Gunmetal Armory… we dive back into Single Mom Survival and prepping. Something many moms think about is how to protect their children… in every day life, and in a worst case scenario. Any sort of SHTF situation would present problems very few single mothers have prepared for or even come close to handling… but we are gonna help you with that. This program, we are talking about Fortifications. How does a single mom or any mom work to fortify her home? What items are around her house that she can use to make that house a nightmare to come in to? Can you safely prepare the outside so you and your children are protected in the inside?

Listen to this broadcast or download “The Single Mom Survival Series Part 2” in player below!

There are many scenarios you could encounter and we are going to talk about things you can do to handle them, items that you have there that can slow or stop an attack, and many other options.

If you think for a moment that your best friend down the street won’t try to take the food right out of your child’s mouth after their kids haven’t eaten for a week, you got another thing coming. Desperation makes monsters of people, but we are going to help you understand how to keep those monsters at bay, and hopefully keep your family safe. All this and MUCH more, and we go deeper in to… The Gunmetal Armory.

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