Movies & Shows for the Prepper!
Movies & Shows for the Prepper!
Highlander “Survival and Tech Preps”
This show I will talk about the best Prepper style movies, and television shows. There are many that have popped up within the past 20 years and a lot of them make you think, are you really prepared? We may see a lot of these as fiction, but some actually do a lot of research and are somewhat accurate, and we may just learn a few things from them.
The need to be prepared is never ending and I try to get my sources of ideas from anywhere I can. Movies and tv shows give a somewhat different prospective than some websites, and blogs that you may see. I am a big fan of a lot of movies and tv shows that portray the cleverness of humans in situations that are dire. I also like to see the problems that are solved with having very little, the base of prepping as we know it, doing a lot with a little.
There are some very good low budget films out there that I will mention and some that everyone has probably heard of. Some of which you may think are not prepper oriented but I will break them down and what we could learn from them. I do not want to give away the ones I have chosen but I will say, a few have some not so good endings, and those that have good ones. Lives are lost, lives are saved, and the prepared sometimes end up both wining and loosing.
This should be a fun show that we can maybe get some inspiration from and ideas that may further our prepping knowledge. I know many still think we cannot learn anything from movies or television shows, however a lot of scenarios I have seen in them can and have happened. The thing I learned years ago about science fiction, a lot of times it ends up becoming science fact, and we have and learned a lot from scifi creations. So enjoy the show and ask questions and make suggestions!
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inspiration movies Movies & Shows for the Prepper prepper scifi Shows television