Terror, Americans & Unification

Terror, Americans & Unification

March 5, 2016 freedom I Am Liberty Liberty News 0

Terror, Americans & Unification
James Walton “I Am Liberty

Terror, Americans & Unification KhanDelivery driver Junead Khan, 25, is said to have planned a terror attack on US soldiers outside military bases in Britain.

The prosecution said that, after his arrest last July, detectives discovered he had shared a number of images associated with Islamic State on WhatsApp.

One was of an article with the headline “Exclusive: West can’t defeat IS”, which featured an interview with Abu Rahin Aziz, also known as Abu Abdullah al-Britani.

Cross-examining at Kingston Crown Court, prosecutor Max Hill told Khan that Aziz was “a hero” to him.


Islamic terror is not going away anytime soon. One would argue it’s a cultural institution almost like gang culture in America. I wonder about whether that is a decision all Middle Eastern Muslim boys make in their formative years. Whether to follow in the footsteps of jihadists or continue down the path of incredible poverty.

3-3-16 41S9jYawgMLEither way as Americans we get touchy when these types of attacks happen at home or to our people. In my new book Tom Locke: Surviving America the lead character also uncovers a brutal terror plot but really by terrible luck. What ensues is his best effort to thwart that plan. It’s a ride filled with suspense and a mountaintop chase and attack against a 24 hour time window to prevent the most heinous terrorist attack ever attempted.

I am liberty 400x300The book is about action and suspense but the underlying theme is the importance for good people to live together on American soil. Tom’s only ally in this whole adventure is a Muslim man named Najair. Their arguments about religion and faith open up thoughts about us getting along as Americans.

This episode we are going to talk terror, Americans and Unification on the I AM Liberty show.
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