Protecting your preps!

Protecting your preps!

December 24, 2015 Preparedness Security Surviving Dystopia 0

What to think about when protecting your preps.
D.J. Cooper “Surviving Dystopia

Protecting your prepsYou’ve spent time and energy figuring out what to store and how.  You’ve learned proper storage techniques and spent a significant amount on those cans of tuna and other items you have stored away.  The next thing you know you return from your vacation and it’s all gone…All of it!!  Scratching your head you wonder how this could have happened.  All that time and money…GONE!

12-23-2015 head-scratchingWe all seem to know that we need to prepare, but how do we secure all our treasures?  I talked about OPSEC a few weeks back and provided a look into some of the ways we can use OPSEC to protect our preps but there is also COMSEC.  This is COMMunications SECurity.  We need to realize that even communicating our preparedness plans and storage items can compromise us.  Remember Education and Planning are the Key and something to learn about is SDRs.  Oh great, another acronym to remember… SDRs are Surveillance Detection Routes.  If you listened to OPSEC show you know others can find out what you have and when you aren’t there to protect it by watching you….. By doing surveillance.  You can thwart their efforts with SDRs and use some other tactics to protect your preps.

12-23-2015 surveillance1First though, what are you wanting to protect your preps from?  Thieves? Fire? Flood? Eminent Domain?  An important factor in protection is knowing what you are protecting it from.  Most people think the first thing to consider is the proper firearm for the job and while they are nice to protect from invaders looking to pilfer your precious preparedness procurements and this is a great place to start it doesn’t help when you’re not there and now just becomes one more lost item.

Listen and come up with some other great ways to protect your precious preps.  We will discuss thoughts on diversification, what our trash says about us and nifty tricks to just “Hide it!”
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