Automated Greenhouses!
Automated Greenhouses!
Brett Bauma “Makers On Acres”
On this broadcast of Makers On Acres Technology, Build, and Grow Show we discuss automated greenhouses and how we can take a simple idea of sheltering plants, and turn it into a year around food producing machine.
Bringing in small technologies like the Arduino micro controllers and other sensors, we can advance our control over the plants and greenhouse environment, therefore increasing our production and freeing up time in our schedules.
Basic technologies like the Arduino micro controller and other systems of similar designs are an affordable solution that allows anyone the ability to develop their own systems and create a solution tailored to their unique situation. Many of these systems are open source and there are vast communities and forums available to help the new users on how to program and design their systems.
One very important factor in the design and build of our automated greenhouse is planning and purposing space correctly so that we can maximize every square inch of the greenhouse. Currently aquaponics is on the rise, and rightfully so as it is a wonderful system, but we must also plan in other systems as well. The old saying “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” is a great one for greenhouse design on a homestead or farm. If you are building a system to provide food for you and your family, you must “Hedge your bets” and diversify your growing systems. Relying solely on one system can be disastrous if that system fails. Creating multiple systems can not only provide different results, but also provide opportunity for different crops and a more vast selection of food for you and your family.
We will dive into different systems, technologies, plants, building techniques and more. We hope you will tune in and join our discussion as we dive into the world of greenhouse food production.
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Arduino Automated Automated Greenhouses build environment greenhouses plants