DIY Herbal Cleaning Supplies!

DIY Herbal Cleaning Supplies!

November 15, 2015 Herbal Prepper Herbs Sanitation Soap supplies 0

DIY Herbal Cleaning Supplies
Cat Ellis “The Herbal Prepper Live

Herbal CleaningLearn to make your own non-toxic herbal household cleaners in this episode of Herbal Prepper Live. The ability to stay clean increases your chance of staying healthy. Many of these contain toxic ingredients, some suspected of being carcinogens. Plus, many people take for granted that there will always be a store to pick up some extra soap or counter top disinfectant spray.

Herbal CleaningDid you know that most soap sold in stores isn’t really soap? Or that artificial fragrances are some of the most carcinogenic (cancer causing) substances? Why use artificial cinnamon scent when you could just use real cinnamon? Have a clean, fresh homestead using pleasantly aromatic herbs and other materials you can either grow or store long term.

Herbal CleaningBeyond stocking up on soaps, shampoos, soft scrubs, and air fresheners, these things are expensive and often are loaded with questionable, potentially carcinogenic ingredients. By making your own herbal cleaning products, you can make your own for less money and without possibly increasing your risk of cancer later on. Plus, you can save the money from buying the commercially made stuff, and put those savings towards your other preps or debt reduction.

Herbal Cleaning Homemade-Dish-SoapThis episode will discuss the basics of how to make soap, shampoo, natural hand sanitizer, a degreasing spray for the stove top, soft scrubs for the tub and sinks, a disinfectant spray, homemade laundry soap, and dish soap. This will allow you to keep your body, clothing, bed linens, and surfaces clean. This alone will reduce the amount of germs in your home, and help prevent illness.

Thankfully, cleaning products made from non-toxic, natural, herbal cleaning ingredients do not contribute to the ever growing threat of drug-resistant bacteria. Even the hand sanitizer will not contribute to antibiotic resistance, unlike the common hand sanitizers we find in hospitals and on pharmacy shelves.

Learn what supplies you need to have on hand to be independent of the toxin-steeped cleaners, and how to use them to keep you and your household clean and healthy.
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