Migraines and Severe Headaches

Migraines and Severe Headaches

October 5, 2015 Herbal Prepper Herbs Medicine Remedies Treatment 0

Migraines and Severe Headaches When There Is No Doctor
Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live

Migraines and Severe Headaches Corydalis_ambigua arudhioIf you have ever had a migraine, you know it’s not your normal headache. It is pure debilitation. This isn’t a regular headache. This is severe sensitivity to light, sound, and smells, and come with bouts of nausea. Medication only helps some migraine sufferers, with others finding no relief at all. Sometimes, there is be no relief outside of sleeping in a dark, quiet room. To make matters worse, a single migraine can last for days- days without being about to tolerate the sun or noise.

Migraines and Severe Headaches Corydalis_ambigua arudhio PDThere is never a good time for a migraines, or any other severe headache for that matter. But, what do you do when the worst has happened, and there is no doctor or no local pharmacy? During or after disaster is the absolute worst time to be struck down by things like lights and noise.

In this episode, we will cover some of the causes of migraines and other debilitating headaches. If you are prone to headaches, and can avoid triggering one in the first place, you are ahead of the game. We will also discuss herbs that help bring relief to migraines and other painful headaches, as well as how to prepare them.

10-4-2015 Cayenne chiliSome of the natural remedies we will cover include coffee- a staple preppers should stock up on for both asthma as well as migraines, feverfew- one of the most well known herbs for migranes, skullcap, cayenne, peppermint, white willow bark, valerian root, and corydalis. We will also talk about the effects of dehydration and food allergies as triggers for severe headaches.

5-31-15 140x140Headaches leave a person impatient and ready to snap at anyone. This short temper, plus the nausea, pain, and sensitivity to light and sound will only make surviving a disaster more challenging. No one needs that. So, be sure to listen to this episode of Herbal Prepper Live to learn how to treat your headaches naturally.

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