Hurricane Joaquin, before and after!

Hurricane Joaquin, before and after!

October 2, 2015 Disaster I Am Liberty Preparedness Survival 0

Hurricane, before and after!
James Walton “I Am Liberty”

Hurricane ivan091304-2015zAs millions brace for the possible effects of Hurricane Joaquin I thought a reasonable time to talk about hurricane preparedness. Like preparing for other natural disasters Hurricane preparedness is part of an overarching plan that doesn’t just take place during the hurricane season. A hurricane is actually what got me into this crazy world of prepping so I am always happy to discuss that as well. We were very unprepared and for most of us that’s what it takes before we turn the corner.

Hurricane thI want to talk about your preparedness plan and how it should be monthly not simply based on the threats. I will tell you about how we manage things like food and power in the Walton house hold. I am not seasoned vet on these topics but believe me there are very real procedures that we all adhere to and because of them we are always in a good place.

I am liberty 400x300Whether you believe the world is warming or cooling one thing is for certain there will be natural disasters. Most importantly you should be prepared for whatever comes your way. Lets put Russia on the back burner and talk about something as mundane as preparing for a hurricane. How do you make preparedness an all year process and if we happen to fall into world events we will talk about that too.
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