The most hated man in America!

The most hated man in America!

September 26, 2015 Economy Medicine News Politics 0

The most hated man in America
Mathew Gilman “The Collapse Experiment

most hated manThe most hated man in America this week is a 32 year old former hedge fund manager. Martin Shkreli is the CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals. The company raised the price of a immune boosting drug for AIDs patients from $13.50 a pill to $750. Martin has a history of fraud and improper management that goes back almost a decade. A fan of rap music one should not be surprised that Martin’s moral compass is pointing south while he runs a company people depend on to live.

most hated man turing-pharmaceuticals-lowers-price-of-daraprimMartin’s history goes back to 2006 when he started Elea Capital Management. This hedge fund was closed a year later after a law suit from Lehman brothers. The payout of $2.3 million never happened because the hedge fund was closed before the ruling of the lawsuit. In 2011 Martin founded Biotech company Retrophin. He was ousted less than three years later when the board accused him of improperly handling legal settlements for paying back his former hedge fund partners. The board filed a $65 million dollar lawsuit against Martin. Now Martin is the CEO of a company AIDs patients depend on to live.

most hated man US_Pope_Francis_Congress-042e3-4112Pope Francis addressed Congress this week. His talks included immigration, poverty, and climate change. Backlash has come from the Republican party regarding Climate Change. Marsha Blackburn, a representative from Tennessee, argued against the Pope’s comments with made up science statistics and fabricated statements about the earth cooling the last 13 years.

In Hungary, a refugee who was tripped and kicked by a news reporter turned out to be a terrorist associated with ISIS. The man in question is personally responsible for the deaths of over 60 Kurds during the war with ISIS. This information was released by the Kurdish Representative Government and handed over to the Hungarian government for future prosecution.

9-26-15 SyriaRefugeeCampTentsIn the meantime the EU offers over 1 billion Euros to aid Syrian refugees who were effected by climate change. In
a sense the Pope’s discussions with congress completely centers around the crisis in Syria.
In China, officials arrest over 19,000 people in connection to Triad corruption.
All of this and more on the Collapse Experiment podcast.

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