Kicking ISIS Ass

Kicking ISIS Ass

September 12, 2015 Collapse Experiment freedom Politics 0

Kicking ISIS Ass – an interview with Hanna Bohman of the YPJ
Matthew Gilman “The Collapse Experiment

9-12-15 5885795_1441324176.0139_funddescriptionSaturday’s episode of the Collapse Experiment pod cast will feature an Interview with Hanna Bohman.  A former model turned soldier Hanna has spent time documenting the Kurdish fight against ISIS in Kurdistan.  In recent weeks she has been an outspoken voice about the refugee crisis facing the middle east and Europe.  I was able to get this interview before Hanna went back to Kurdistan.  She was very honest about the current situation concerning Turkey’s new involvement in the war.  The latest involvement from Turkey has been in favor of ISIS.  We also discuss the recent move from Russia into the region and what that might mean for the conflict.

9-12-15 indexFollowing the interview I will discuss the latest news concerning the collapse.  This will include the latest in Syrian refugee news.  A cease fire between Turkey and the PKK leaves dozens dead across southern turkey and northern Iraq.  Turkish forces also cross the border into northern Iraq attacking civilians and using artillery with no resistance from the Iraqi government.  Russia continues to build air strips and military bases in Syria. The latest in Financial news and the recent murders of police officers in the country will also be covered.  All of this and more on the Collapse Experiment podcast.

9-12-15 iraq-isis-video_2939106bIf you are interested in learning more about Hanna after the interview you can follow her on Facebook. CADUS is an organization that provides medical treatment and training in Kurdistan for the refugees fleeing the war zone.  Hanna also has her own gofundme page to purchase new photography equipment before she goes back to Kurdistan.  This will enable her to share what is happening on the front lines and report the story of the fight against ISIS.

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