Meteor/Astroid Strike and Technology

Meteor/Astroid Strike and Technology

August 31, 2015 Disaster Self Defense Survival Tech Preps 1

What Technology could save us From a Meteor/Astroid Strike?

meteor -shower-picturesLet’s define what these terms are, some people may be confused:
In space, a large rocky body in orbit about the Sun is referred to as an asteroid or minor planet whereas much smaller particles in orbit about the Sun are referred to as meteoroids. Once a meteoroid enters the Earth’s atmosphere and vaporizes, it becomes a meteor.

 meteorIf any of you are a big fan of movies like I am, you have probably seen various end of the world scenarios in a lot of movies, like Armageddon, or Deep Impact. These movies honestly scared me a bit, the thought of a big rock that could end the world and we might not even know about it till close to the end. The biggest issue with this is that less than 5% of space around earth is actively being monitored, some meteors being found are just a fluke.

MeteorIf we happen to find a meteor that is within bounds of hitting earth then we have to gather our thoughts together to try to defend earth against an ELE (extinction level event). There have been tons of ideas that have been thought of to stop a potential threat, we will talk about a few in tonight’s show. If anyone remembers the movie Armageddon, the world was brought together with this event, petty differences no longer matter, fighting among our self was no longer an issue. The thing to gather from this movie is that we always think of what is wrong here on earth and what might end us is ourselves, when we fail to look into the skies for other threats.

TechPreps 350x350The Biggest comfort is that our own bickering and wars have afforded us some of the technologies that may save our lives. All of our wars have gotten us missiles, laser technology, nuclear technology etc. If an event like this were to happen most people think we just launch a few nukes into space and it is done. However there are a lot more things to look at, if we just launched a big nuke at an meteor then we can cause 2 major problems. One problem faced is when you break up a huge rock in space you create many more pieces of this rock that may then be accelerated toward earth causing a lot more damage. The other is the possibility of nuclear fallout from the radiation. This is why there are a lot of controversy over carrying nuclear payloads to space stations over the years. Hopefully this episode we will be able to enlighten you as to what we should be thinking of and maybe give our future scientists ideas that may just save our butts.

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One Response

  1. Carefix says:

    I am a micro-prepper. I prepare for two events. The first is the oncoming financial and economics collapse and the second is an asteroid impact. While something of an eclectic combination the latter is based on real life observations of an asteroid I first saw travelling through the Earth’s atmosphere in November 1985. Yes I did say that. Yes it was a big one, and yes the danger is far more real than almost everybody realises.

    Unusually for asteroid impact visionaries who live in awe of Nibiru or in fear of their own interpretation of the Bible I happen to have no particular belief in either of these two possible sources of space born doom. Instead I am cursed with two direct sightings and one indirect sighting of this mega asteroid making a passage through the Earth’s upper atmosphere over the past 31 years. I am also cursed by having a PhD in Physics and a first degree in astrophysics. The latter means that I have had to try and do something about the inevitable impact and in the process learn that as nutty as the Nibiru types and bible bashers are they are in fact far more rational than the typical NEO/space sciences gimboids.

    OK so what does a giant space rock travelling through the Earth’s atmosphere look like? This may seem strange to some but it looks like a giant space rock travelling through Earth’s atmosphere. Quite simple really. It looks like what it is. What it doesn’t look like are cinematographic representations of super large incandescent meteors glowing white hot. It doesn’t glow too much apart from the front end from which emmanates a ruddy plasma as it makes some contact with the atmosphere. The reason for this is that a super large space rock is shovelling so much air out of its way the air speed at the surface is relatively slow and so it glows at the front edge and from crater rims along its sides. In the main the majority of the space rock body is dark, close to black. Another artists misconception of an incoming mega asteroid is to show airflow around the space rock being fully streamlined. It is not. The airflow is extremely turbulent and this results in the landscape below being illuminated with a flickering ruddy orange glow as the plasma formed by air contact is whipped around in the airflow.

    Now obviously I have spent quite some time trying to work out what is going on here and I shall not burden anybody with the details unless I really do get asked or begged. I am sick of dealing with complete assholes so this is all you will get apart from a prediction which follows on from my seemingly successfull 2014 appearance prediction:

    The asteroid which has a long diameter of about 3.5 +/- 30% miles will pass within 100 miles (30-50 miles closest approach) of the Earth’s surface in a SSE to NNW direction at about 9-10pm local time (i.e. wherever it appears which I do not know). It will probably sport a tail (trail) which will be dark closest to the head but will become incandecent white about 30 degrees of azimuth behind the head. If the background sky is dark, ruddy orange flames will be seen to the leading edges. My best time estimate is it will appear in the second half of 2016 but it might just run into 2017.

    This will be the sixth appearance of this potential future extinction level event. The asteroid will not impact this time around unless it suffers a lunar perturbation to its orbit which may have been the case during it’s 2002 visit. As I have no detailed orbital information (it is not in a 2 body orbit) I cannot give a definite all clear on an impact possibility, just guess the chances of an impact this year are about 2%.

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