Saw Bones and A.I.

Saw Bones and A.I.

August 1, 2015 Collapse Experiment Medical Medicine 0

Saw Bones and A.I.
Mat Gilman “The Collapse Experiment

Saw Bones and A.I.This week on The Collapse Experiment Gilman will be talking to “Saw Bones” Dr. Alton about his book The Ebola Survival Handbook.

Joe Alton, M.D. is a medical doctor and Amy Alton, A.R.N.P. is an advanced registered nurse practitioner and a certified nurse midwife. They are America’s top medical preparedness writers and the authors of the #1 Amazon Bestseller in Survival Skills, Disaster Relief, and Safety/First aid, “The Survival Medicine Handbook”and the NY Times bestseller in Health “The Ebola Survival Handbook”. Their top ten survival website* at has over 700 posts, videos, and podcasts on disaster medical readiness.

We will discuss the threat of Ebola and viruses like this and how you can protect yourself against them. Get your note pad out and stock up on some essential medical supplies.

Saw Bones and A.I.Plus there will be an update on some of the news articles I talked about last week dealing with AI (artificial intelligence) weapons. Less than a week after discussing gun turrets with artificial intelligence the topic of AI weapons has reached the United Nations. The debate has started about these weapons and it is interesting to see who is coming out to talk about this topic.
As a special treat learn more uses for tin foil besides hats to keep the government’s mind control rays out. The simple and inexpensive material could be one of the best items to use in protecting your credit. All of this Saturday night.

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