Relaxation in prepping!

Relaxation in prepping!

June 5, 2015 I Am Liberty Mind Set Prepper Mentality Preppers 0

Relaxation in prepping!
James Walton “I Am Liberty

Relaxation Smilebox_6850635My last few shows have been heavy topics and I think it’s time to discuss our debriefing methods. Tonight on I AM Liberty I would like to talk about Survival, Prepper, Self-Reliance, activities or techniques that you use to deal with the crazy news of today and the situations that we are all be seated in. Like never before have the American people had been under such a watchful eye of their government. We have never had so many threats within our borders. It’s a changing world and if you Subscribe to my brand of survival than you believe it is about adaptation.

Relaxation B08rABsCAAEpRE_Adaptation, however, takes work and stress and so on. You can push to be better every minute of every day. Sometimes you just have to sit down with kids and play a few rounds of guess who. Or take it to the mountains to blow off some steam. It’s very important. I want to talk about what I do to really cut loose after of rough week. Not the video games and the Smirnoff. I want to discuss those leisurely tasks like fishing, gardening, fixing, and building. Many of us find solace in things that also improve our skills and tonight I would like to put some of those relaxation techniques out there for others to take advantage of.

I have been talking about pushing the pace on your preparedness as I see rough waters in the near future. This advice should be taken. At the same time though it’s not about burning out your bank account and your passion for what you believe in. It’s really simple, especially with the amount of marketing out there for this type of stuff. I want to talk to the folks in chat about their techniques and any callers feel free to join in and call us.
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