Apocalypse Nana On The Road…

Apocalypse Nana On The Road…

April 30, 2015 Apocalypse Nana Disaster Interview 0

On the Road…
Host: Jackie “Apocalypse Nana

On the Road FullSizeRenderBunker babes and boys … it’s time to take the Apocalypse Nana show on the road.

In 1957 Jack Kerouac published his second novel, On the Road by Viking Press, one of America’s favorite reads. A gazillion years later, Jackie “Kerouac” Druga, the APOCALYPSE NANA herself, is taking her bizarre bunker show On the Road for everyone’s enjoyment. Join the queen of the flu outside the fallout shelter with her traveling bunkermates, the unpredictable R. W. Clinger and “Hi, this is Dom” Bianco, for a fun road trip in the wilds of southwestern Pennsylvania.

On the Road patchJoin our troupe of zombies this Thursday evening at 9:00 P.M. (EST) as we carry the studio around a Pittsburgh Starbucks and ask post-apocalyptical questions about survival. Find out if the majority of coffee drinkers and tart-eating time bomb survivors are leaders or followers. What average JoAnne and Joe in the real world will overcome the adversities at the end-time of the world?

On the Road nuclear-explosion-chicago-illinoisEnjoy an hour of interviews with the future Armageddon population as important questions are asked about the survival of the fittest. Be shocked with their answers, and judge at your own risk whether our vulnerable interviewed victims are capable of endurance or post-apocalyptical destruction/death outside and inside the bunker. Listen to our prey as we pick at their juicy brains, devouring their germ-infested or genuine comments.

On the Road fallout3-giant-nukeAlso, become buzzed on our coffee spell as the Flash Fame Game is played with the staff of Starbucks. Go behind the coffee shoppe counter as we interview the employees about the Earth’s ultimate destruction and devastation that could easily happen the day after tomorrow. Fear the unthinkable comments they will share with you. Be afraid … be very afraid as we go ON THE ROAD, beyond the bunker, defenseless in the wilds, and doomed!

Special bunker note: Pack an extra pair of apocalypse panties … you may just need them because of all the fun!!!
Visit Jacqueline website HERE!

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