Beginnings of the End!

Beginnings of the End!

April 16, 2015 Apocalypse Nana Disaster Movies 0

Beginnings of the End
Host: Jackie “Apocalypse Nana

 beginnigs logThe end can happen … It’s true … Something’s out there called The Silent Victor, and it’s as real as rain …

“In one instance and a single act of terrorism … it’s all over. You can’t see it nor can you smell it. You aren’t even aware that you have taken it in.

In a crowded New York subway a deadly airborne virus has been released. There is no cure. No stopping it. Within twenty-four hours, it will be too late.

Beginnings of the End! virusThe struggle to survive is witnessed through the eyes of a small group of people as they battle an unseen and invincible foe. You will watch as they do, their world and everyone they  love, crumble in the devastation of the virus.

Hope, faith and humanity are tested as the silent victor runs its course.” … the words of Jacqueline Druga, Book 1 of Beginnings, The Silent Victor.

Welcome to the not-so-imaginary world of Beginnings, life after the death of Earth’s population. When the apocalyptical flu epidemic changes life on Earth … a new beginning must occur.

4-16-15 dean4-16-15 staceyMeet our guests Stacey Roselek and Chris Bondi. The actors who play Ellen Hayes and Dean Hayes in the series. The Hayes’ duo are doctors. Stacey and Chris have extensively been researching their roles. And we bring them to the table to ask: Now, imagine Beginnings and The Silent Victor being real. Can it happen? Will a Silent Victor such as the flu murder most of us? How real is fiction?

Beginnings of the End!Join Apocalypse “Jackie” Nana and her two gun-toting residents of Beginnings, R. W. Clinger and Dom Bianco, as the world of Jacqueline Druga is exposed and a doorway to Beginnings bursts open. Things aren’t always pretty in Beginnings, as well as it won’t be when an apocalypse occurs in our reality. Hell will be unleashed. People will come together. Many will die. And The Silent Victor will be acted out without even trying. Join us in our bunker as we discuss reality versus fiction and a new time and place on this planet called Beginnings.

WARNING: Gas masks required for this show. Listen at your own discretion. A flu called The Silent Victor will be exposed.
Visit Jacqueline website HERE!

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