De-Population …

De-Population …

April 9, 2015 Apocalypse Nana Indoctrination Politics 0

De-Population …
Host: Jackie “Apocalypse Nana

De-PopulationAPOCALYPSE NANA wants you to round up your loved ones, including your pudgy-faced kiddies, because it’s time for some population control in the United States, worldwide, and in your bunker. Let’s face it, there’s too many people in your party, bunker, and regime of smelly survivors. It’s time to cut the fat and get rid of them, one by one. It’s time to be Sophie in Sophie’s Choice and make a decision: keep the son and get rid of the daughter, or vice versa. There’s no time for some pussy-footing around about this serious topic because all of us know how important it is: human de-population needs to be accomplished, and you’re just the villain (or hero) to get the job done!

De-PopulationAgenda 21, social engineering, and global political control! Oh my!!! What’s happening around us and we don’t even realize it? Will the United States act out the “one-child policy” in the near future like China has? Are humans already becoming physically changed due to sterilization so we are unable to reproduce? Probably. Probably not. You get to decide.

De-PopulationHuman extermination is proven to offer political, economic, and military strength. By reducing those unwanted individuals in your bunker, can you obtain all three as a leader? Are you one of the many, or few, that will be exterminated, and if so, why? Will our futures in the bunker turn into the short story “The Lottery” by horror writer, Shirley Jackson?–a classic scare and realization in population control that could easily occur tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow.

De-PopulationThese are the cutting topics of discussion this Thursday evening at 9:00P.M. EST in Apocalypse Nana’s bunker. Join the leader of the zombie pack, Jackie “Nana” Druga and her sterilized co-hosts, R. W. Clinger and Dominic Bianco, for a game of who will be axed from the bunker and who will stay. It’s time for that moment of stay or leave, whatever your bunker-mates desire. It’s time for some de-population, people!!!
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