Obama a Felonious Miscreant!

Obama a Felonious Miscreant!

March 9, 2015 Charlie In The Box freedom Government Politics Rights 1

Obama a Felonious Miscreant!
Host: Charlie “Charlie in the Box

Obama amnesty-destruction-by-ObamaThere has been an issue that has plagued America for many years. It’s been in the forefront of the 44th president of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama and his agenda since his election to office in 2008. There are many campaign promises that are still on his list to get done. Other presidents before him Bill Clinton, and George Bush, never took on a task as large as he has to bring in as many illegal aliens as possible to give them legalized citizenship “amnesty” free education, free health care, driver license, food stamps, and the list goes on. But who is going to pay for this, it’s not a question that crosses this president’s mind because he don’t care.

12-27It seems like Obama and his agenda is to spend as much money as possible in order to collapse the system. There are even some Americans that are protesting all across this country in order to get this passed. You’ve seen them on T.V. maybe even seen them protesting in a city near you, it just might be your next door neighbor or even a loved one. But they don’t know better. America, you can not get something for nothing.

As you can tell, every executive order or law that this president has pushed through never seems to make things better but to bring more bureaucracy into our lives. Our health care has went up and we have less coverage today. Our dollar is loosing value everyday and you can tell in the products that we are buying we are getting less for the more amount that we pay. Net neutrality is another one of his many accomplishments that this president seems to have on his mind. Why is that America?

charlieinthebox400x300I feel that there is still a lot of people in our country that still don’t seem able to put these pieces together to understand the actions of there president and how in the long run this will effect our country. Socialism and Communism in other words government granted rights will never work out for the common man. There is always something taken in return and those are the American people’s liberty’s and God given rights. If we don’t know how to recognize it we will continue to fall for everything.

This show will be about what this presidents agenda is and the reason why I’m coming to this conclusion in what hes doing. I ran the streets of Fresno California and I can tell when someone is trying to pull one over, or bull shit me. From one miscreant judging another I think I know what he is doing. Tune in to the return of the charlieinthebox radio show on prepper broadcasting network.

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One Response

  1. Sam says:

    couldn’t agree more

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