Fight Respiratory Infections with Herbs

Fight Respiratory Infections with Herbs

February 14, 2015 Herbal Prepper Herbs Remedies 0

Fight Respiratory Infections with Herbs
Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live”

Respiratory Infections ElderberryBottled500In this episode, learn to fight serious respiratory infections with herbs. Herbs can be used successfully for everything from the common cold to influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, and more. We will discuss simple, every day herbs, plus a few which may be new to you. You will want to jot down these herbs to grow in your garden this year, so have your notebooks handy!

In this episode, l talk about how to recognize a cold from a flu. While the common cold is more of a nuisance than a deadly disease, Influenza can be. Still, there are many ways to get relief from the common cold by using herbal remedies.

Respiratory Infections white pine public domainWe will also cover how to identify when that viral infection has allowed a secondary, bacterial infection, such as bronchitis or pneumonia. We will talk about fevers, the role they play, when it is beneficial to leave a fever alone, and when a fever needs to be addressed.

Following that, we will cover specific herbs and how they help the body when faced with respiratory illness. The herbs to be covered have many different actions, including analgesic, antiviral, antibiotic, demulcent (moistening),  expectorant, sudorific (causing sweat), refrigerant, and immunostimulant.

Respiratory Infections mulleinWe will wrap up with a discussion of two herbs which have become associated with the common cold, echinacea and goldenseal. These two herbs have unfortunately become pigeonholed as cold remedies. While echinacea is an immunostimulant, and goldenseal can make it easier to breath by drying out your sinuses, neither of these herbs are great remedies for respiratory infections. I will go into detail why not, as well as discuss better herbal choices.

2-15-15 bee_on_barberry_flower public domainWhile a cough or a sniffle is probably nothing to worry about, it can still be uncomfortable. Sometimes, however, that cough can be a sign of something far much more serious. The information in this show will help you through those uncomfortable minor infections, as well as prepare you to handle serious respiratory infections when you are cut off from medical care.
Herbal Prepper Website:

Listen to this broadcast on Fight Respiratory Infections with Herbs below!

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