November 7, 2014 I Am Liberty Politics Preppers 0

Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty

STATE OF THE UNION I am liberty 400x300With the big election behind us I think its important to touch base with our nation. The good, bad and ugly is what we will talk about tonight. We have a small glimmer of hope politically with the freight train of Obama having its breaks clamped. Let’s not forget, though, our president our Congress are just a small piece of America. The decisions we make will mold this nations future with far greater influence than those on the hill.

The last couple years of Bush were pretty ugly. I can say with confidence the next couple with O will be worse. I belie e in this coming period he will do more to divide our nation than any president in the history of the Union.

Far from out of the woods we must take the time and money to prepare for the worst. I don’t say it to scare you but there are just so many shadowy figures in the periphal of this nation. Who will emerge from the darkness next? Or will we take this opportunity to right the ship and push toward an America that the drives the world again. Its the I AM Liberty STATE OF THE UNION.
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