Halloween Special “Demonic Possession”

Halloween Special “Demonic Possession”

October 30, 2014 Apocalypse Nana Fiction 0

Halloween Special “Demonic Possession”
Host: Jacqueline Druga “Apocalypse Nana

Halloween Special "Demonic Possession" Last Exorcism, TheYes, we know this is an Apocalypse show and honestly the topic isn’t end of the world. But it can be for some people.

Save your kiddies, listeners, because this is some serious business. Demons are among us, straight out of the black depths of hell; naughty, fierce, biting, blood-curdling, and long-fanged and –fingernailed helpers of Lazarus or Baul. Beware of the Lilith-like beauties with their big bosoms and raunchy sex appeal, because you just might be possessed by them. And never trust that handsome blond with his chiseled and rugged face, because he just might take your soul from you this Halloween season. Demonic Possession haunts us every day of our human lives around the world. I’m not talking about the entertainment industry that gives us Paranormal Activity, The Exorcist, Rob Zombie, or Marilyn Manson.

Halloween Special "Demonic Possession" Kerry Alan Denney aka The Reality Bender_jpegWe’re going to chat it up about xenoglossia (foreign languages) being whispered by unsaintly beings into babes’ innocent ears. And let’s not forget about Sumerians and sorcerers of the dark, willed to take over your physical body (manifestation of superhuman strength) and turn you into wall-crawling crabs or sexual deviants. Who doesn’t enjoy a good head-spinning and algae-green vomit, right? So join us for strange sounds, footprints, and eerie shadows, which are not the myths some people believe they are. Moving furniture, horizontal and vertical levitation, and pacts with Satan are just a few of many ritualistic actions of demonic possession, all of which will be negotiated by fan and hosts as pure fiction or reality. Satanic and demonic possession is the aversion to holy beliefs, the acts of blasphemy, and two persons acting as one, all of which we be conferred from both good and evil points of views.

Demonic infestation is ritual abuse of the body, mind, and spirit. Such behavior will be explained with, and to, our or dark but angelic audience. Specific cases of altering personalities, signs of disassociate identity disorder, mental and behavioral breakdowns regarding demonic association will also be shared. Callers and message boarders are highly recommended to discuss true-life events and grisly tales concerning the topic. Our haunting and prized guests this week include:

10-30-14 Soulsnatcher by Kerry Alan Denney cover with JR blurbAuthor Kerry Alan Denney

Colleagues and readers alike have dubbed Kerry Alan Denney The Reality Bender. The multiple award-winning author of SOULSNATCHER (Lazy Day Publishing, April 29, 2014 – ISBN 978-1499251777) and JAGANNATH (Permuted Press, coming February 3, 2015 – ISBN 9-781-61868-4-127), Kerry has written eight novels and published several short stories of fantastic fiction incorporating genre-blending elements of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and the supernatural and paranormal – speculative fiction at its wildest and craziest. With joy, malicious glee, and a touch of madness, he writes reality-bending thrillers, even when the voices don’t compel him to. His protagonists are his children, and he loves them as dearly as he despises his antagonists… even when he has to kill them.

Kerry was awarded Honorable Mention in L. Ron Hubbard’s Writers of the Future contest in 2013 for his short story Something in the Air, and is the First Place Winner of the Atlanta Writers Club Fall 2013 short story contest for In the Night She Comes. Several of his stories and poems have been published online and in various anthologies. He has appeared at book signings and spoken as a guest writer on author panels, hosted an author’s booth at the famous 2014 Decatur Book Festival, and will be a guest author on The Doug Dahlgren Show on Monday, November 10, 2014. His novel Soulsnatcher received a rave testimonial from New York Times bestselling author James Rollins, which can be seen here.

Kerry lives near Stone Mountain, Georgia with his Golden retriever Holly Jolly, a professional Therapy Dog, where he is currently shopping for literary agent representation for his eighth novel, and writing his next supernatural novel and trying to decide who to kill in it. For more information, please visit his author’s website at www.kerrydenney.com and write him at kerrydenney@gmail.com.

Halloween Special "Demonic Possession" The Vatican Prepares For The Election Of The Next PopeAlso, scheduled to join us is Father ‘A’, A for Annonymous. A Catholic priest with decades of service, who works with the church on Demonic posession.

Until the show, check to see if you or your loved ones have any of these symptoms.

1 Look for changes in personality. This is usually seen when the person is affable and suddenly becomes extremely quiet.

2 Someone who is normally very active suddenly becomes isolative.

3 Look for changes in sleep patterns.

4 Look for sudden weight loss or gain.

5 Look for changes in attitude and behavior, usually becoming hostile.

6 Someone who begins cursing a lot when that is out of character for them.

7 Notice if they suddenly have an aversion to religious objects. They may be a person who normally goes to Church but suddenly despises the thought.

8 Look for evidence of self- mutilation.

9 Look for changes in the way the person dresses.

10 Observe their personal hygiene and look for changes.

11 Look for evidence of occult materials in the room.

12 Look for destructiveness on the part of a person, especially if that destruction is of religious objects.

13 They may become abusive and threatening for no reason.

14 They may become violent. They often attempt to hurt animals.

15 The person may experience severe nightmares or night terrors.

16 They may perform acts of humiliation, such as urinating on themselves, etc.

17 They may be sexually pre-occupied. Excessive masturbation or doing it in front of others.

18 Take note of what appears to be a different personality or multiple personalities.

19 Look for unusual changes in diet. Foods that were once favorites may now be repulsive to the person. They may eat foods that they once detested.

20 Take note if they seem to have blackouts in their memory.
Visit Jacqueline website HERE!

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