Pandemic Checklist: Is Yours Complete?

Pandemic Checklist: Is Yours Complete?

October 12, 2014 biological Herbal Prepper Herbs Plague Remedies 0

Pandemic Checklist: Is Yours Complete?
Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live

Pandemic USMC protective clothingIn this episode of Herbal Prepper Live, we’re going to go over what belongs on a “pandemic checklist”, and how Herbal Medicine can help fill in the gaps on that checklist.

The massive Ebola outbreak in West Africa has caused a surge of interest in pandemic preparedness. While it’s good to be aware of the risks that Ebola presents, pandemic preparedness is about more than just Ebola or any one disease.

What belongs in a Pandemic Checklist

A checklist is a useful tool that supports your plan. A checklist makes it easy to see what you need, if anything, at a glance. A solid pandemic preparedness plan will include:

  • Pandemic ChecklistA plan to isolate yourself, your family, or your mutual support group from contracting the illness.
  • A plan to quarantine and isolate yourself, a family member, or a group member if there is a risk of exposure.
  • Supplies for a sick room, such as disinfectants, bed linens, commode, disposable barriers for touching surfaces, etc.
  • Supplies to maintain your lockdown for a minimum of six months.

Pandemic hospital_bedsPandemic Cholera, public domain, NIH library imageIt’s that minimum of six months that people underestimate the most. You will need food, water, soap and hygiene supplies, back-up power, back-up heating, some way to stay occupied and keep spirits up. If you have any pets, they needs supplies as well. However, you will also need to prepare for the likelihood that hospitals will not have the means to treat you in the event you become ill or injured.

Beyond the Specific Disease

10-12-14 GarlicIf you are at the point where you have voluntarily isolated yourself to avoid becoming sick, hospitals are most likely to have reached surge capacity. Surge capacity is the point at which our system can no longer handle the sudden influx of patients. Hospitals and medical facilities will run out of beds, supplies, and staff, bringing care to a halt. This halt, however, is for everyone, not just those patients that have specific pandemic disease. No one gets care.

In light of this, I would add a few more items to that pandemic checklist, a supply of medicines routinely taken, a solid first aid kit or trauma kit, advanced first aid skills. You will need to be prepared for any health emergency that may come up.
Our discussion will cover how Herbal Medicine and advanced first aid  can help to prepare you for being cut off from our orthodox medical system. It’s not fool proof, but it is another layer of protection in an emergency.
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